League of LegendsSwarm

LoL Swarm Best Team Composition Guide

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Best Team Comps for Swarm in Season 14

Swarm is now out, and it’s time to play as much as possible while it’s around. Swarm is a part of Riot Games’ Summer event and is only around for a limited period of time, so make sure you play it as much as you can while it’s around!

In this Mobalytics article, we will give you some team compositions that work well in Swarm. They’re a great starting point for people who have just grouped up with friends, or are trying to complete the campaign for the first time with their friends.

This guide is subjective, and you may not like some of our comps, but that is totally okay as this gamemode is a for-fun gamemode and you should ultimately play champions and team compositions that you enjoy playing.

For more articles for Swarm, head to the Mobalytics Blog!

Yuumi Skin Splash Crop

Before we get into it, try not to think too much about your team comp. You can only pick champions you want to play when you’re playing as a squad. When playing with random people, you cannot build a comp as you’re randomly assigned teammates. Also, the game is just for fun, so don’t overthink it!

I will now break down some good team compositions I have found and played with.

Jinx Carry

Team comp: Jinx, Seraphine, Seraphine, Illaoi

In this team composition, you will rely on Jinx early to destroy the mini-bosses. She will do most of the damage as the other champions lack damage in the early game. Leave the bosses for her. This is an easy-to-build, early team composition, and you can quickly unlock Illaoi, Jinx, and Seraphine, which are starting champs.

Learn how to play Jinx here.

Prestige Battle Cat Jinx Splash Crop

Xayah Carry

Team comp: Xayah, Seraphine, Seraphine, Yasuo

This team composition is a variation of the Jinx Carry comp, except this comp is more in-tune for players with more game mode experience and unlocked all the champions. Xayah will be the main carry in the early game, and then she will use the shielding strength from both Seraphines to keep them alive.

Learn how to easily unlock Xayah here.

Battle Cat Xayah Splash Crop


Team comp: Illaoi, Illaoi, Seraphine, Aurora

This team composition relies on Illaoi carries maximizing their tentacles to deal tons of AOE damage. You will also pick Seraphine and Aurora who also have AOE abilities. If both the secondary carries get weapons, extra projectiles, etc etc, you’ll quickly lose your champion with the amount of ability and weapon spam on your screen.

Learn how to play and unlock Illaoi here.

Battle Bear Illaoi Splash Crop

Slam Dunk

Team Comp: Illaoi, Illaoi, Seraphine, Riven.

This team composition relies on Illaoi carries maximizing their tentacles to deal tons of AOE damage. In this team comp, you’ll have the Seraphine to protect you early, while also dealing a lot of damage with her attacks when she has upgraded her weapon and got a ton of projectiles flying out. Instead of having Aurora, you pick Riven instead.

Learn how to play and unlock Riven here.

Battle Bunny Riven Splash Crop

Shield and Shields

Team Composition: Seraphine, Seraphine, Seraphine, Riven

In Swarm, you can play teams with the same champions. For this “for fun” team comp, you will pick 3 Seraphines and a Riven. The Riven is going to be the carry, and the Seraphines will be just throwing out shields. It is really simple to play, but make sure the best player is playing as the Riven!

Learn how to play Seraphine here.

Battle Dove Seraphine Splash Crop


Team Composition: Leona, Briar, Illaoi, Riven

The main carry of this team composition is Riven. She will be picked with 3 tank champions who have a lot of AOE damage. Riven is going to be the carry, with the assistance of Illaoi. Then Briar and Leona will be the main tanks/utility champions who will soak up the damage.

Learn how to play Briar here.

Primordian Briar Splash Art Crop

Triple Utility

Team Composition: Aurora, Xayah, Seraphine, Leona

This is the only team comp we are providing that has Aurora in it. As you can tell, Aurora isn’t that good, but I guess it is one way of trying her without having to buy her or play around the dodges in LoL. This comp relies on 1 carry (Xayah) with 3 utility/tank champions.

Learn how to play Aurora here.

Battle Bunny Aurora Splash Crop

Double Carry

Team Composition: Yasuo, Illaoi, Seraphine, Xayah

This team comp relies on having Yasuo as the main carry along side Xayah. This is a team comp that you will not unlock until the late stages of the grind, due to it needing Xayah. There are 2 main carries for this comp, while Illaoi and Seraphine will be the tanks that soak up damage.

Learn how to play Yasuo here.

Battle Wolf Yasuo Splash Crop

Leo Tank

Team Composition: Leona, Xayah, Seraphine, Riven

This team composition relies on Leona and Riven to be the tanks, while Seraphine provides utility and shields to her allies. Xayah will be the main carry of this comp, but you could replace Xayah with Jinx if you haven’t unlocked Xayah yet.

Learn how to play Leona here.

Battle Lion Leona Splash Crop

In Conclusion

As a reminder, this game mode is for fun, and it will not be around for long! Go ahead and try out different teams and different champions with your friends. In the comments section below, let us know what team compositions and champions you have been playing and what your favorite weapons are on them too.

Thanks for reading! Head to the Mobalytics Blog for more articles to help you with Swarm!