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Monster Hunter Wilds Guide

Everything in Free Title Update 1 (April 4th)

Updated on Mar 26, 2025
Mar 26, 2025


The March 25th Showcase video revealed everything coming in the first Free Title Update for Monster Hunter Wilds.

Title Update 1 officially arrives April 4th 2025.

This includes new monsters, Arena Quests, a new Hub, and much more, so stick around while we cover each new reveal.

There's a lot to look forward to, so let's dive in!

New Monster: Mizutsune

The first new monster being added to Monster Hunter Wilds is Mizutsune, a leviathan that first appeared in Monster Hunter Rise.

It has unique mechanics like creating and firing bubbles of various effects, spraying a water beam, and launching into the air.

So far we've seen it appear in the Scarlet Forest with a possible turf war with Uth Duna.

The Mizutsune hunt will be available at HR 21 by speaking to Kanya, the NPC that grants the fishing quests.

New Fights: Arch-tempered Rey Dau and HR Zoh Shia

One of the main complaints of the base Monster Hunter Wilds game is that it's easier compared to past titles.

Some new challenges are on the way for hunters at HR rank 50+: Archtempered Rey Dau and High Rank Zoh Shia.

Arch-tempered Rey Dau

Rey Dau is the apex monster of the Windward Plains. It offers one of the most epic fights due to its signature lightning rail blasts.

Here's a look at its new Equipment set, at the Gamma level.

HR Zoh Shia

Zoh Shia was the final boss of the low rank campaign and it was surprising to learn that you could only face it once.

Not only that, but Zoh Shia didn't have any Equipment made from its parts.

Thankfully, High Rank Zoh Shia will offer the opportunity to fight it again during the Wyvern's Wakening of Ruins of Wyveria.

It will also be getting its own high rank Equipment set as shown below:

The Grand Hub

Many players were expecting a central hub to be part of the Monster Hunter Wilds launch version, and it's finally arriving with the Title Update 1.

This will be located at Suja, providing the usual hunter services like the Blacksmith but will also bring the return of the Canteen.

The Showcase also revealed interactions like arm wrestling, the new Diva Event, and Barrel Bowling, a mini-game that allows you to earn Pendants and other rewards.

We're still not sure what The Diva does exactly, but we can probably assume that she'll provide some limited-time buffs.

To unlock the Grand Hub, hunters will need to be HR 16+ and talk to Tetsuzuan, the big-headed guy that didn't really have a purpose before.

Lastly, the Grand Hub is also where you'll find Arena Quests, which we'll describe in the next section.

Arena Quests, Challenge Quests, and Free Challenge Quests

Arena Quests were part of other titles like Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise so it was only a matter of time before they arrived in Wilds.

These quests allow hardcore players from around the world to compete for fast completion times.

Arena Quests have pre-determined equipment (so everyone is on an even playing field) and can be taken on by up to two players.

The Expedition Record Board within the Grand Hub will display limited bounties, global rankings, and more.

Challenge Quests and Free Challenge Quests are also being added alongside Arena Quests with Title Update 1.

These quests allow you to earn Pendants and other rewards for participating and reaching personal records or rankings.

Challenge Quests have pre-determined equipment and allow for up to two players to team up.

Free Challenge Quests have no equipment limits and let you team up with a squad of four total hunters.

For all of these quests, you can bring in Support Hunters to fill in additional party space.

Seasonal Events

On April 23rd, the first Seasonal Event, the Festival of Accord: Blossomdance will occur.

This Festival is a celebration of Spring, that will transform the Grand Hub and offer limited time meals, equipment, gestures, pop-up camp decorations and more.

These festivals will be happening in the Grand Hub every season, so keep an eye out for future updates.

Roadmap Revealed

The last bit of major news to cover is the first look at the Monster Hunter Wilds roadmap:

This includes:

  • April 4th (Title Update 1)
    • Mizutsune
    • HIgh Rank Zoh Shia
    • Grand Hub
    • Arena Quests
  • April 23 to May 7th (Seasonal Event)
    • Festival of Accord: Blossomdance
  • April 30 to May 21
    • Arch-tempered Rey Dau
  • End of May Update
    • Capcom Collaboration
    • Other Additional Features
  • Summer (Title Update 2)
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