- Report to Kanya
- Catch a whopper
A whopper is just any big fish that starts the fishing minigame.

Whoppers can be consistently found no matter time of day or season in the middle part of Area 17 in the Scarlet Forest.

The picture above usually shows a common point for whoppers to show up. However, 2 other fishing points can be found in the same Area 17. One in the far right and then another in the far left. Both are still in the water filled area so that means blue part in the map.
Depending on the time of day and season, various whoppers like the Goliath Squid, Gastronome Tuna, Gajau, etc. are spotted here.
Equip the Tough Joint Bait and use the slow reel and jiggle tactic to hook the whopper.
Play the whopper fishing minigame to catch the fish.
- The whopper fishing minigame can be quite tricky. Once a whopper is hooked, it will speed around from side to side. Controller users will know by vibration if you are going against its direction. Your job is to follow its movement. If it is racing to the right, then you are holding right. But if it's going left then hold left. Follow its movement.
- Sometimes obstacles can get in the way, a pop up message will show that an obstacle is in the way. When that happens, pull the fish in the opposite direction to get it away from the obstacle. So it is racing towards the right but the obstacle pop up message shows, then hold left to get it out of the obstacle quickly. Don’t hold too much or the line will snap.
- Another thing that occurs is a jump. When a jump happens, immediately press the Reel button (R2) to wrestle it down and try to match how it jumped. Either left or right. The whopper when wrestled down will drop to the left or right, follow how it drops if unable to tell how it jumped.
- After following movement, pulling away from obstacles, and wrestling it down a jump, it will TIRE OUT AND STAY STILL for a brief moment. Quickly reel it in by pressing up and down really fast. If not caught by then, the minigame will continue on.
- Continue to tire it out and reel it in.
Goliath Squid which are normally found at night in any season do not jump so they are easier to catch.
- Rewards
- Duster Rig
- Tuff Joint Bait,
- Miscellaneous Fish Rewards.