What’s New in Teamfight Tactics Set 2?
The newest TFT set is finally arriving and with it comes brand new champions, origins, classes, and even brand new board mechanics.
Overall, its theme focuses on being able to adapt your play to the different elements Set 2 presents.
In this article, we’ll be focusing on the new board mechanics and synergies. Check out our separate guide that covers all the champions and be sure to check out our item tier list, champion tier lists, and best TFT team comps to help you keep up with the new meta!
Elemental Hexes
TFT’s second set is titled, Rise of the Elements. This refers to the four elements: Inferno, Mountain, Ocean, and Wind (very similar to the elemental Dragons from Summoner’s Rift). At the beginning of each match, everyone in the game will have to play around one of these four elements (decided at random).
Based on the element that is chosen, elemental hexes will appear on the board that grant buffs to the units that are positioned on them. Here is a quick TLDR of their effects:
- Inferno Hex + 30% Attack Speed
- Mountain Hex + 30 HP per round permanently for rest of game
- Ocean Hex + 30 Starting Mana
- Wind Hex + 30% Dodge Chance
In the in-depth infographic below, we’ll cover how all four of the elemental hexes work and the champions we recommend to place on them.
Bigger Board
The TFT board is now 4 rows of seven instead of the usual 3. In combination with the new elemental hexes and the removal of Hextech, this makes positioning even more complex and nuanced. Having more space makes AoE slightly harder to pull off and makes all melee comps more viable.
Early on in Set 2’s cycle be sure to experiment and get a new feel for how to position to get the most from your units. Be sure to revisit our guide on TFT positioning to sharpen your fundamentals.
New Origins
There are 14 origins in TFT’s Set 2 – they are:
- Cloud
- Crystal
- Desert
- Electric
- Glacial
- Inferno
- Light
- Ocean
- Mountain
- Poison
- Shadow
- Steel
- Woodland
- Variable
In the sections below, we’ll be covering what each origin does as well as the units that are included.
Cloud (2 Units)
- Cloud grants all allies gain dodge chance (RIP Yordles).
- Cloud units
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Blademaster + Cloud
- Janna (4-cost)
- Mystic + Cloud
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Cloud units
Crystal (3 Units)
- Crystal units have a damage cap they can receive from one hit.
- Crystal units
- Skarner (2-cost)
- Crystal + Predator
- Ashe (4-cost)
- Crystal + Ranger
- Taric (5-cost)
- Crystal + Warden
- Skarner (2-cost)
- Crystal units
Desert (4 Units)
- Desert reduces each enemy’s Armor.
- Desert units
- Renekton (1-cost)
- Desert + Berserker
- Azir (3-cost)
- Desert + Summoner
- Sivir (3-cost)
- Desert + Blademaster
- Kha’Zix (4-cost)
- Desert + Assassin
- Renekton (1-cost)
- Desert units
Electric (3 Units)
- Electric units shock nearby enemies when they deal or receive critical hits.
- Electric units
- Ornn (1-cost)
- Electric + Warden
- Volibear (2-cost)
- Berserker + Electric + Glacial
- Zed (5-cost)
- Assassin + Electric + Summoner
- Ornn (1-cost)
- Electric units
Glacial (5 units)
- Basic attacks from glacials have a chance to stun their target for 1.5 seconds.
- Glacial units
- Warwick (1-cost)
- Glacial + Predator
- Braum (2-cost)
- Glacial + Warden
- Volibear (2-cost)
- Berserker + Electric + Glacial
- Ezreal (3-cost)
- Glacial + Ranger
- Olaf (4-cost)
- Berserker + Glacial
- Warwick (1-cost)
- Glacial units
Inferno (6 units)
- Inferno units have spell damage that burns the ground beneath their target, dealing percentage magic damage over time.
- Inferno units
- Diana (1-cost)
- Assassin + Inferno
- Zyra (1-cost)
- Inferno + Summoner
- Varus (2-cost)
- Inferno + Ranger
- Kindred (3-cost)
- Inferno + Ranger + Shadow
- Annie (4-cost)
- Inferno + Summoner
- Brand (4-cost)
- Inferno + Mage
- Diana (1-cost)
- Inferno units
Light (6 units)
- When a champion of light dies, the rest gain attack speed and recover 25% of their max HP.
- Light units
- Nasus (1-cost)
- Light + Warden
- Vayne (1-cost)
- Light + Ranger
- Jax (2-cost)
- Berserker + Light
- Soraka (3-cost)
- Light + Mystic
- Aatrox (3-cost)
- Blademaster + Light
- Yorick (4-cost)
- Light + Summoner
- Nasus (1-cost)
- Light units
Mountain (2 units)
- At the start of combat, Mountain causes a random ally gains a stone shield with 1500 HP.
- Mountain units
- Taliyah (1-cost)
- Mage + Mountain
- Malphite (4-cost)
- Mountain + Warden
- Taliyah (1-cost)
- Mountain units
Ocean (5 nits)
- Ocean grants additional mana every 3 seconds to all allies.
- Ocean units
- Vladimir (1-cost)
- Mage + Ocean
- Syndra (2-cost)
- Mage + Ocean
- Thresh (2-cost)
- Ocean + Warden
- Nautilus (3-cost)
- Ocean + Warden
- Nami (5-cost)
- Mystic + Ocean
- Vladimir (1-cost)
- Ocean units
Poison (4 units) 
- Poison units add neurotoxins when they cause damage. This increases the mana cost of the target by 50%
- Poison units
- Kog’Maw (1-cost)
- Poison + Predator
- Dr. Mundo (3-cost)
- Berserker + Poison
- Twitch (4-cost)
- Poison + Ranger
- Singed (5-cost)
- Alchemist + Poison
- Kog’Maw (1-cost)
- Poison units
Shadow (5 units)
- Shadow units deal increased damage at the beginning of combat. This increased damage refreshed on a takedown.
- Shadow units
- Malzahar (2-cost)
- Shadow + Summoner
- Kindred (3-cost)
- Inferno + Ranger + Shadow
- Sion (3-cost)
- Berserker + Shadow
- Veigar (3-cost)
- Mage + Shadow
- Master Yi (5-cost)
- Blademaster + Mystic + Shadow
- Malzahar (2-cost)
- Shadow units
Steel (2 units)
- Steel units gain temporary invincibility when their HP falls below 50%.
- Steel units
- Rek’Sai (2-cost)
- Predator + Steel
- Nocturne (3-cost)
- Assassin + Steel
- Rek’Sai (2-cost)
- Steel units
Variable (2 units)
- Variable transforms an origin is dependent on conditions met in game.
- Variable units
- Qiyana (3-cost)
- Assassin + Variable
- Qiyana’s origin matches the elemental hex on the board. If the board is Inferno, her origin will be Inferno, and so on.
- Assassin + Variable
- Lux (7-cost)
- Avatar + Variable
- Ten copies of Lux will appear in each game: Glacial, Cloud, Electric, Woodland, Ocean, Crystal, Steel, Inferno, Shadow, or Light.
- When you buy a Lux, all other copies of Lux in your shop will match that particular element.
- Avatar + Variable
- Qiyana (3-cost)
- Variable units
Woodland (4 units)
- At the beginning of the round, a random Woodland champion clones themselves.
- Woodland units
- Ivern (1-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- Maokai (1-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- LeBlanc (2-cost)
- Assassin + Mage + Woodland
- Neeko (2-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- Ivern (1-cost)
- Woodland units
New Classes Summary
Alchemist (1 unit)
- Alchemists ignore unit collision and never stop running.
- Alchemist units
- Singed (5-cost)
- Alchemist + Poison
- Singed (5-cost)
Assassin (6 units)
- Assassins increase their crit damage and crit chance.
- Assassin units
- Diana (1-cost)
- Assassin + Inferno
- LeBlanc (2-cost)
- Assassin + Mage + Woodland
- Nocturne (3-cost)
- Assassin + Steel
- Qiyana (3-cost)
- Assassin + Variable
- Kha’Zix (4-cost)
- Assassin + Desert
- Zed (5-cost)
- Assassin + Electric + Summoner
- Diana (1-cost)
Avatar (1 unit)
- An Avatar’s origin element is counted twice for trait bonuses.
- Lux (7-cost)
- Avatar + Variable
- Ten copies of Lux will appear in each game: Glacial, Cloud, Electric, Woodland, Ocean, Crystal, Steel, Inferno, Shadow, or Light.
- When you buy a Lux, all other copies of Lux in your shop will match that particular element.
- Avatar + Variable
- Lux (7-cost)
Berserker (6 units)
- Beserkers have a passive that causes them to jump to the nearest enemy (sort of like the opposite of assassins). They have a chance to hit all units in a cone with their attacks.
- Berserker units
- Renekton (1-cost)
- Berserker + Desert
- Jax (2-cost)
- Berserker + Light
- Volibear (2-cost)
- Berserker + Electric + Glacial
- Dr. Mundo (3-cost)
- Berserker + Poison
- Sion (3-cost)
- Berserker + Shadow
- Olaf (4-cost)
- Berserker + Glacial
- Renekton (1-cost)
- Berserker units
Blademaster (4 units)
- Blademasters have a 40% chance to attack additional times.
- Blademaster units:
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Cloud + Blademaster
- Aatrox (3-cost)
- Blademaster + Light
- Sivir (3-cost)
- Blademaster + Desert
- Master Yi (5-cost)
- Blademaster + Mystic + Shadow
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Blademaster units:
Druid (3 units)
- Druids regenerate 40 health each second.
- Druid units:
- Ivern (1-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- Maokai (1-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- Neeko (2-cost)
- Druid + Woodland
- Ivern (1-cost)
- Druid units:
Mage (6 units)
- After casting a spell, Mages have a chance to double cast.
- Mage units:
- LeBlanc (1-cost)
- Assassin + Mage + Woodland
- Taliyah (1-cost)
- Mage + Ocean
- Vladimir (1-cost)
- Mage + Ocean
- Syndra (2-cost)
- Mage + Ocean
- Veigar (3-cost)
- Mage + Shadow
- Brand (4-cost)
- Inferno + Mage
- LeBlanc (1-cost)
- Mage units:
Mystic (4 units)
- Mystic gives all allies increased Magic Resist.
- Mystic units
- Soraka (3-cost)
- Light + Mystic
- Janna (4-cost)
- Cloud + Mystic
- Master Yi (5-cost)
- Blademaster + Mystic + Shadow
- Nami (5-cost)
- Mystic + Ocean
- Soraka (3-cost)
- Mystic units
Predator (4 units)
- Any damage a predator deals to an enemy below 20% HP will execute them.
- Predator units
- Kog’Maw (1-cost)
- Poison + Predator
- Warwick (1-cost)
- Glacial + Predator
- Rek’Sai (2-cost)
- Predator + Steel
- Skarner (2-cost)
- Crystal + Predator
- Kog’Maw (1-cost)
- Predator units
Ranger (6 units)
- Rangers have a chance to double their attack speed for the next 3 seconds.
- Ranger units
- Vayne (1-cost)
- Light + Ranger
- Varus (2-cost)
- Inferno + Ranger
- Ezreal (3-cost)
- Glacial + Ranger
- Kindred (3-cost)
- Inferno + Ranger + Shadow
- Ashe (4-cost)
- Crystal + Ranger
- Twitch (4-cost)
- Poison + Ranger
- Vayne (1-cost)
- Ranger units
Summoner (6 units)
- Summoners buff their summoned units with increased health and duration.
- Summoner units
- Zyra (1-cost)
- Inferno + Summoner
- Malzahar (2-cost)
- Shadow + Summoner
- Azir (3-cost)
- Desert + Summoner
- Annie (4-cost)
- Inferno + Summoner
- Yorick (4-cost)
- Light + Summoner
- Zed (5-cost)
- Assassin + Electric + Summoner
- Zyra (1-cost)
- Summoner units
Warden ( 7 units)
- Wardens increase their total armor.
- Warden units
- Nasus (1-cost)
- Light + Warden
- Ornn (1-cost)
- Electric + Warden
- Braum (2-cost)
- Glacial + Warden
- Thresh (2-cost)
- Ocean + Warden
- Nautilus (3-cost)
- Ocean + Warden
- Malphite (4-cost)
- Mountain + Warden
- Taric (5-cost)
- Crystal + Warden
- Nasus (1-cost)
- Warden units
Thanks for reading our TFT Set 2 mechanics guide! Be sure to check out site for recommended team comps, champ tier list, and item tier list to help you stay on top of the new meta.
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