Gore 4-pc
Once again, we find ourselves with another weapon that uses 4-pc Gore set with Raw damage as the main meta option.
If you've seen the meta sets for Great Sword, you'll notice these two sets are exactly the same, except the recommendation is swapped.
This build uses Black Eclipse II from Gore 2-pc to grant 10 Raw with full uptime and 5 Raw upon clearing Frenzy. This 15 Raw buff is easily worth multiple Decoration/Skills.
Maximum Might 3
Antivirus 3
Counterstrike 3
Agitator 2
Weakness Exploit 1
Burst 1
Adrenaline Rush 1
Evade Window 3
Constitution 3
Ambush 1 (Optional Level 2 Slot)
Self-Improvement 1 (Optional Level 1 Slot)
Flinch Free 1
Counterstrike is a strong skill on any weapon if you simply get knocked back by monsters. For casual play, you can have 100% uptime just playing normally and it will be your strongest damage skill.
However, with Switch Axe, you can use Counterstrike in optimal play as well. Full Release Slash gives you Hyper Armor, which you can use to "tank" through monster attacks. This will proc Counterstrike, you will still lose HP, but you will not be knocked back.
For building your Artian Weapon, you simply want Raw Attack. Since Status is free to tack on, throwing some Paralysis (recommended) or Blast will be great for extra utility/damage respectively.
Mundus Altus
Paralysis or
- Parts: 3x Attack
- Reinforcement: 4x Attack 1x Sharpness
For Decorations, you simply want Critical Boost and
Power Prolonger
Rapid Morph is currently not working as expected and shouldn't be used for now.
Variation / Options
The variation below is generally recommended, but you can also run a version without Agitator and instead 3 points of
Weakness Exploit
G. Fulgur Helm β +
Gore Mail β
Agitator 2
Weakness Exploit 1
Evade Window 3
Gore Helm β +
Arkvulcan Mail β + 1 more
Tenderizer Jewel
Weakness Exploit 3
Evade Window 2
Coalescence 1
The faster you are at hunting monsters, the more they will be enraged, thus the more valuable Agitator becomes. For a more casual approach, you can use WEX 3 instead.
With access to both setups you can choose any allocation of Agitator/WEX with 3 points. 3/0, 1/2, 2/1, 0/3.