League of Legends Tier List for High ELO. Meta Picks for Every Role in Patch 15.5
Current patch | 15.5 |
Last updated | 7 days ago |
Top Tier List
Riven is the ulimate high elo mechanical top lane pick to main in the top lane and right now she's having one of her best seasons to date.
She has an extremely expressive kit with various animnation cancels and mechanics to use to your advantage, to come out on top in all sorts of situations!


Jungle Tier List
Rengar's stats have improved drastically recently and now he's back up there with the other S tier junglers.
Rengar is a super scary snowballing beast that can easily one shot backliners whilst dashing around and causing havoc at the same time. His unique playstyle takes a bit of practice but feels amazing when you get it right.


Mid Tier List
Qiyana is definitely one to watch out for in high elo, as although you may not see her as often, when you do, you'll quickly realize just how hard she can carry!
She has insanely high one shot combos and crazy teamfight potential with her ultimate, so if you're looking for a new pick to master, she's extremely rewarding if you can perfect her.


Bot Tier List
Draven is an absolute monster marksmen in the right hands, and at higher ranks there's always the scariest players who can genuinely abuse him.
Draven is not the kind of pick you can play in every single draft, but when you get the right lanes and games for him, and if you know how to play him well enough, you can steamroll your way to some free LP.


Support Tier List
Thresh has had one too many buffs now, and at higher ranks, he's back to his best again!
He's a super versatile support, with fantastic skill expression that allows him to engage, peel, protect and just bring so much to the table to impact any game.



Our tier lists are curated by the following experts:
We recommend using the Low ELO list for as long as you can before switching the High ELO list. It usually works until around high Diamond. If a champion isn't on our tier list, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't climb with them.
For our methodology, check out our blog article.