League of Legends Tier List for High ELO. Meta Picks for Every Role in Patch 15.3
Current patch | 15.3 |
Last updated | 7 days ago |
Top Tier List
Tryndamere is a high elo one trick terror that can completely destroy lanes and lobbies with not too much effort.
He needs the right matchups to really pop off, but when he does he can feel impossible to beat, and with Attack speed cap increasing this patch, you'll probably be seeing a lot more of him!


Jungle Tier List
Kindred is not an easy champion to play, but when you get the hang of her and her passive and playstyle, she really can carry games insanely hard in solo queue.
She scales up incredibly well throughout games with those passive marks, and in the right hands can often 1v9 in the late game.


Mid Tier List
Syndra will always be one of those mid lane mages that is ever present in high elo, but when he's at her best she's insanely hard to beat. Syndra has tons of damage, picking power and scales like crazy throughout the game. She's got HUGE power spikes that allow her to carry games super hard, especially in solo queue!


Bot Tier List
Varus has always been a fantastic blind pick to play in high elo, and with the attack speed cap increasing he will likely become even more contested.
Varus is a very underrated pick for the majority of ranks, as his reliable lane phase makes him a solid consistent pick to play in the majority of games.


Support Tier List
Karma has always been a popular pick at higher ranks due to her ability to slot into any draft and just bring so much to offer in the lane phase with her 2v2 power.
Her versatile kit makes her the perfect support for all sorts of lanes, matchups and partnerships, so if you're looking for a new support to main, give her a go!



Our tier lists are curated by the following experts:
We recommend using the Low ELO list for as long as you can before switching the High ELO list. It usually works until around high Diamond. If a champion isn't on our tier list, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't climb with them.
For our methodology, check out our blog article.