
Poppy·Jungle Counters

Iron AmbassadorP
Hammer ShockQ
Steadfast PresenceW
Heroic ChargeE
Keeper's VerdictR
Win rate49.5%
Pick rate0.8%
Ban rate4.9%
Matches16 748-
Poppy Jungle has a 49.5% win rate and 0.8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 16 748 matches, the best counters for Poppy Jungle are Rammus, Brand, Karthus, Briar and Evelynn. On the other hand, Poppy Jungle counters Sylas, Elise, Kayn, Rengar and Lee Sin.
Poppy Top
Poppy Jungle
Poppy Mid
Poppy Bot
Poppy Support

Poppy matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 14.17

Poppy counter tips

General advice on how to play against Poppy
These champs are weak against Poppy at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Poppy.
Laning Against Poppy

Laning Against Poppy

If you meet Poppy when going through the river or if she invades your jungle, watch your positioning and avoid being close to a wall so she is unable to pin you against it with her Heroic ChargeE.

Do not do any objectives if Poppy is nearby as she can knock you away with her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR and potentially steal the objective.

Poppy has quite a healthy clear, so it might be difficult for you to invade her in the early game. Keep this in mind if you intend to invade or try to fight her early on.

Strategy VS Poppy

Strategy VS Poppy

Avoid fighting around objectives as Poppy may use her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR to knock away the Jungler and cost your team the Baron/ Dragon.

In team fights, disengage and avoid team fighting in the jungle as it will allow Poppy to get a good knockup with her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR or pick off a key target with her Heroic ChargeE.

Fighting around Poppy’s Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing. Try to dodge her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted.

Poppy Power Spikes

Poppy Power Spikes

The longer the game goes, the tankier Poppy will become. Try and reduce her gold income by stealing away her camps during the early game. This will also delay some of her other power spikes.

Depending on her build path, Poppy’s power spikes will change as her AD build and tank build have different power spikes.

Once Poppy hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR, she will have a lot more utility and be able able to disengage from a skirmish.
