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Poppy·Support Guide

Iron AmbassadorP
Hammer ShockQ
Steadfast PresenceW
Heroic ChargeE
Keeper's VerdictR
Win rate52.4%
Pick rate3.5%
Ban rate9.4%
Matches18 495-
Poppy Support has a 52.4% win rate and 3.5% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Poppy Support, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Poppy Support guide!
Poppy Top
Poppy Jungle
Poppy Mid
Poppy Bot
Poppy Support
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Poppy Strengths & Weaknesses

Very strong all-in potential with her Heroic ChargeE. This when combined with her Hammer ShockQ slow, can allow her to lock down an enemy for quite some time.

Her Steadfast PresenceW is the bane of any champion with dashes, especially all the carries who are reliant on their dashes.

Her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR can allow her to turn the tide of a fight almost immediately as it can turn a 5 v 5 into a 5 v 2 easily. It also acts as a great source of disengage for her.


Can easily be kited by ranged carries even without using their dashes. Her Hammer ShockQ can easily be sidestepped as it has a very short range.

Can be killed easily if she overextends with her Heroic ChargeE. She also acts as a frontline so the enemy can flank her teammates before going for her.

Misuse of her Ultimate Keeper's VerdictR can land both her and her team in huge trouble. This is especially true if the enemy team has some sort of heavy engage which can get on her team’s carry.

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