
Ornn·Top Counters

Living ForgeP
Volcanic RuptureQ
Bellows BreathW
Searing ChargeE
Call of the Forge GodR
Win rate51.6%
Pick rate3.5%
Ban rate0.4%
Matches7 215-
Ornn Top has a 51.6% win rate and 3.5% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 7 215 matches, the best counters for Ornn Top are Sylas, Irelia, Kled, Zac and Trundle. On the other hand, Ornn Top counters Vayne, Riven, Quinn, Kennen and Warwick.
Ornn Top
Ornn Jungle
Ornn Mid
Ornn Bot
Ornn Support

Ornn matchups

Top Top  Patch 14.18

Ornn counter tips

General advice on how to play against Ornn
These champs are strong against Ornn at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Ornn.
Laning Against Ornn

Laning Against Ornn

Constantly adapt your positioning in lane so Ornn is unable to knock you up with his Searing ChargeE. Stand away from walls and his Pillar Volcanic RuptureQ so he is unable to CC.

Refrain from using any major CC abilities on Ornn when his Bellows BreathW is off cooldown as he can use it to dodge or escape CC.

Once Ornn hits level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.

Strategy VS Ornn

Strategy VS Ornn

In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his Ultimate Call of the Forge GodR to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight.

Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Volcanic RuptureQ, terrain and walls. Avoid fighting inside the jungle as it will allow him to land an easy knockup.

Ornn will tend to stick in a side lane when no team fights are occurring and when there are no major objectives up. Use the numbers advantage to start a team fight while he is away from his team.

Ornn Power Spikes

Ornn Power Spikes

Once Ornn unlocks his Ultimate Call of the Forge GodR, he will have an easier time in lane. He will be able to look for kills and even set his Jungler up once he has it available to him. Expect him to play more aggressive post 6.

Every time Ornn gets an item upgrade, he will be much stronger as each unique upgrade offers him extra stats.

Ornn is good in team fights. Try to fight when he’s not there as it will make team fighting much easier. Also, setting him behind in the early game will make him less strong in team fights.
