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Sion·Top Counters

Glory in DeathP
Decimating SmashQ
Soul FurnaceW
Roar of the SlayerE
Unstoppable OnslaughtR
Win rate50.0%
Pick rate4.3%
Ban rate0.7%
Matches43 969-
Sion Top has a 50.0% win rate and 4.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 43 969 matches, the best counters for Sion Top are Poppy, Darius, Zac, Shen and Kennen. On the other hand, Sion Top counters Sylas, Teemo, Wukong, Heimerdinger and Malphite.
Sion Top
Sion Jungle
Sion Mid
Sion Bot
Sion Support

Sion matchups

Top Top  Patch 15.6

Sion counter tips

General advice on how to play against Sion
These champs are strong against Sion at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Sion.
Laning Against Sion

Laning Against Sion

Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase for a tank. So be careful of his Decimating SmashQ poke. Try dodging it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards.

Post 6, Sion has good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His kill pressure also increases, so be mindful of his level 6 power spike.

Extended trades do not work in Sion’s favour. If you can bait out an ability, you could look to trade and abuse his cooldowns to get him low.

Strategy VS Sion

Strategy VS Sion

Sion can surprise targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone by waiting in a bush and using his Decimating SmashQ to take them down. Avoid walking in areas where you know Sion has been so its harder for you to get caught out by him.

Kite and disengage is Sion’s biggest threat in a team fight. Try to keep him away from your team so he is unable to get a good Decimating SmashQ knockup.

Avoid grouping and fighting in the jungle as it will allow Sion to either get a really good knockup with his Decimating SmashQ or get a really good Ultimate Unstoppable OnslaughtR off. Group together, but do not stand on top of one another so he is unable to get a multi-person knockup.

Sion Power Spikes

Sion Power Spikes

One of Sion’s power spikes is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate Unstoppable OnslaughtR. It offers him extra kill pressure and survivability.

Sion’s item power spikes depend on which build he’s going. He has two distinct build paths (damage and tank) and each spike at different times.

Less lane dominant champions should give him some space at level 3 as Sion can do a surprising amount of damage in the right matchup.


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