Heimerdinger·Top Build

Win rate | 51.9% |
Pick rate | 1.1% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 11 800- |

Heimerdinger Build
Most Popular
Win Rate 54.1% based on 2 444 matches
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62.2%Top Players ALL
사이좋게 지내요#0828 OTP
70.6%dark souls OTP
52.6%Matchup Specific




Starter Items
Time Target

@ 12 sec
Early Items

@ 5 min
Core Items

@ 20 min
Full Build

ability order

situational items

Void Staff
The strongest magic penetration option in the game to build on AP champions when playing against team compositions who have built lots of magic resist.

Heimerdinger Matchups Overview
Heimerdinger General information
Heimerdinger tips and tricks
Set up your Turrets Q before the laning phase starts to save mana early and to get the first push.
Fight the enemy inside your Turret Q range. Do not fight outside them as you will miss out on extra damage.
Throw your bomb E just behind the enemy instead of their current position to increase the likelihood of you stunning them. Do this inside your Turret
Q range for extra damage.
Heimerdinger combos
Every combo you need to master the champion!
The Best Heimerdinger Builds, Runes and Items for Top in Emerald +
Most Popular
If you want to use the most popular Heimerdinger Top build, you should take Flash and Teleport as your Summoner Spells. For runes, you should pick Conqueror as your keystone, followed by Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste and Cut Down in the primary tree, as well as Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm in the secondary tree. For rune shards, you want Adaptive Force in offense, Adaptive Force in flex and Health Scaling in defense, though it depends on the matchup. Finally, for your items, you should build Blackfire Torch as your first item, followed by Sorcerer's Shoes and Liandry's Torment. For your last 3 items, you should build Zhonya's Hourglass, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and finish with Rabadon's Deathcap. For the skill order, you want to stick with Q - W - E. Right now, this build has 54.1% winrate over 2 444 matches played.
If you're looking for alternatives, you can use Flash and Teleport as your Summoner Spells, with runes being Conqueror as your keystone, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste and Cut Down in the primary tree, and Absolute Focus with Gathering Storm in the secondary tree, as well as Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force, and Health Scaling as your rune shards. The items that this build incorporates are Liandry's Torment as your first item, then Sorcerer's Shoes as a second item and Rylai's Crystal Scepter as a third item. You want to finish the build with Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff. As far as ability max order goes, you want to keep it Q - W - E. This build is currently sitting at a 51.1% win rate across 325 matches played.
If you want to try an Off-Meta Heimerdinger Top build in the current patch, try Flash and Ignite as your Summoner Spells, Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste and Cut Down as your primary rune tree, and Absolute Focus with Gathering Storm as your secondary tree. Use Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force and Health Scaling as your shards. For items in this build, you want to complete Rabadon's Deathcap as your first item, then finish Sorcerer's Shoes as your second item, and Shadowflame as third item. The last 3 options are Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass and Banshee's Veil. The ability order for this build is Q - W - E. As of the current patch, this build has a 62.2% win rate over 156 matches played.
Situational Heimerdinger Runes and Items
Depending on the context of your game, your matchup, and enemy champions, you might want to consider building some situational items or take specific runes. Carefully examine your team, enemy team, game state , and your matchup to plan your Heimerdinger build accordingly! For example, when it comes to rune shards, you might want to take either Armor or Magic Resist, depending on which champion you are about to lane against.
Furthermore, if you want a more detailed breakdown, you should also check out Heimerdinger runes page.

Check out the latest and best Heimerdinger Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.
New Champion: Mel
New champion is live! Check out the latest PBE Mel build now!

In-depth Build Stats
Dive into even more Heimerdinger builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics.
Heimerdinger Counters - Best and Worst Matchups for Top in Emerald +
Best Matchups
In Patch 15.6 the best possible matchups for Heimerdinger Top are:
- vs. Wukong - 67.3% win rate over 52 games.
- vs. Viktor - 63.1% win rate over 65 games.
- vs. Illaoi - 61.3% win rate over 80 games.
- vs. Rumble - 59.4% win rate over 133 games.
- vs. Aurora - 58.8% win rate over 85 games.
Consider picking Heimerdinger into these matches to increase your chance to win a game. These are the most popular Top matchups that currently are in favor of Heimerdinger.
Worst Matchups
We highly recommend avoiding picking Heimerdinger in the current patch into the following Top matchups:
- vs. Cassiopeia - 36.8% win rate over 68 games.
- vs. Ornn - 41.0% win rate over 205 games.
- vs. Yasuo - 44.7% win rate over 255 games.
- vs. Cho'Gath - 45.2% win rate over 239 games.
- vs. Olaf - 45.6% win rate over 114 games.
These champions are considered as Heimerdinger counters in the current patch, and playing such a matchup will decrease your chances of winning a game.
Additional Notes
If you want to find out more about best and worst matchups, as well as specific matchup statistics, we highly encourage you to check our Heimerdinger counters page. Keep in mind that while the champion may counter or be countered, it also comes down to your individual skill, the skill of your opponent, your team, and enemy team compositions.