Nautilus·Top Counters

Win rate | 46.4% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 13.0% |
Matches | 1 099- |

Nautilus matchups
Nautilus counter tips
Overall Average

Tahm Kench














Laning Against Nautilus
Nautilus can play aggressive early as he has a lot of CC. Keep this in mind in the very early game.
In the lane, always make sure there’s a minion between you and him at all times to make it really difficult for him to land his Q.
Keep in mind that Nautilus has the most CC in the game. Try and commit to trades when either his Q or
E is down to make it easier for you to kill him.
Strategy VS Nautilus
Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates (bundled together). As Nautilus’s R can knock players up who come into contact with it, if you’re close to the focused ally you might get hit too.
Nautilus will often be the frontliner for his team. Once he has gone in, try to focus him down if his teammates do not follow him in. Naut struggles getting out again once going in- so if he makes a mistake, abuse it
Nautilus will auto attack anybody who comes close to him in attempts to CC them with his Passive. Try and stay away and out of range during team fights if you’re squishy.
Nautilus Power Spikes
The more items he gets, the harder he will be to kill. Keep this in mind and try to deny him farm, XP, gold and resources to reduce his effectiveness in the later parts of the game.
At level 6, Nautilus will be extremely scary. He may get Jungler help in lane to kill you as his Ultimate R is a great gank setup tool.
He will be good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate R which is point and click CC. He also has tons of CC which will make him really effective in fights.