Jane Doe ZZZ Overview
Welcome to our Zenless Zone Zero Jane Doe guide. We’ll cover everything you need to know about her skills, builds, teams, and more.
![]() Jane Doe |
![]() CISRT |
![]() S Rank |
![]() Physical |
![]() Anomaly |
(Apologies if spoiler) Jane Doe is part of NEPS (New Eridu Public Security), and she is a Physical Anomaly Agent. With Jane, we now have a third Anomaly Agent, which will look to power up the current Anomaly roster.
Many players are expecting Jane to work well with Grace, pairing together for a powerful Disorder team. However, from the looks of things, Jane seems to be a powerful DPS that can be used in a variety of teams.
When it comes to Piper, Jane seems likely to be a replacement rather than a teammate. Seth is also an A-Rank Agent that synergizes with Anomaly, and he will be featured on Jane’s banner as well. Since he is Electric/Defense, he will be the link that activates Grace’s Additional Ability if you don’t have Rina.
ZZZ Jane Doe Release Date
Jane Doe will be releasing in the second half of Version 1.1, on September 4th, 2024. Here’s a look at her banner and accompanying W-Engine banner.
ZZZ Jane Doe Skills
Kit Overview
If you don’t want to read every little skill, here’s an overview of Jane’s skills and overall kit.
Core Passive/AA
Jane’s Core Passive allows Assault to Crit for the entire team. There are conditions to fulfill, but this allows any Agent like Piper or Nekomata to Crit on Assault with Jane on the team.
This Assault Crit is not like regular Crit. The Crit Rate and DMG scale with Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency, so you don’t need/want to build Crit stats on Jane.
Jane Doe’s AA gives her faster Anomaly Buildup, and requires either another NEPS Agent (Zhu Yuan, Qingyi, Seth) or ANY Anomaly Agent (Grace, Piper).
Two Dodges
Jane has a unique mechanic where she has two dodges. Some skills like her Dash Attack will be different depending on which Dodge triggers it, the first or second.
Special Meter – Passion Stream
As you attack with Jane, trigger Perfect Dodge, or Defensive Assist, she will accumulate Passion. Once filled, Jane enters the Passion state, increasing her ATK based on Anomaly Proficiency and increasing her Anomaly Buildup Rate.
Once you enter the Passion State, you will also gain one usage of her enhanced Basic Attack (Salchow Jump). You trigger this by holding down Basic Attack, which causes Jane to spin and deal consecutive attacks, similar to Piper’s EX Special.
Using Jane’s Chain Attack or Ultimate lets you directly enter Passion Stream with max Passion and gives you another charge of Salchow Jump.
From testing, you should be able to use Salchow Jump twice by using Chain Attack/Ultimate even if Jane is already in the Passion state. (Enter Passion, use Salchow Jump, use Ultimate, Salchow Jump again)
Team Role
Overall, Jane’s kit feels like a mixture of Nekomata and Piper. Her kit wants her to be on field, which is perfect for the “detonator” role in a Disorder team. In these teams, you trigger Shock with Grace, swap to Jane, and proc Disorder from Assault.
Jane can also be played as a more “traditional” DPS by pairing her with two Supports or Stun + Support. This is because her Assault damage is high enough to carry the team’s damage.
Core Skills
Core Passive: Insight (Lv 4/6)
When Jane’s attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 31% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.13%.
Additional Ability: Sore Spot
When another character in your squad is an Anomaly character or shares the same Faction:
Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 20%. When the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly, Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup towards the target is increased by an additional 15%.
Basic Attack 
Basic Attack: Dancing Blades
Press Basic Attack to activate: Unleashes up to 6 attacks in front, dealing Physical DMG.
When Jane triggers Perfect Dodge, Defensive Assist, or performs a move that deals DMG to the enemy, she accumulates Passion Stream. Upon reaching the maximum Passion Stream, Jane enters the Passion state.
While in the Passion state, Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 25%. Additionally, if Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency exceeds 120, each extra point raises her ATK by 2, up to a maximum of 600.
In the Passion state, Jane’s skills that deal damage consume Passion Stream. Activating a Perfect Dodge or Defensive Assist regenerates Passion Stream. Jane exits the Passion state when all of her Passion Stream is consumed.
Basic Attack: Salchow Jump
Entering the Passion state grants Jane one use of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump. When available, hold Basic Attack to activate:
Launch rapid consecutive attacks forward, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing Physical DMG. Hold the button during the consecutive attacks to extend the skill duration. Release Basic Attack to trigger the Finishing Move early.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the consecutive attacks, and Jane takes 40% reduced DMG. Jane is invulnerable during the Finishing Move. Using and damaging an enemy with Basic Attack: Salchow Jump while in the Passion state generates Passion Stream.
Dodge: Phantom
Press Dodge to activate. A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. Jane has an extra dodge. Before she enters the Passion state, she alternates between the two dodges. After entering the Passion state, Jane can pass through enemies in front when dodging.
Dash Attack: Edge Jump
Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: If after the first dodge, launch an upward slash in front, dealing Physical DMG. If after the second dodge, perform a consecutive slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust
While in the Passion state, press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: Launch three quick rushing slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow
Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: If the first dodge, unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. If after the second dodge, leap up and deliver three consecutive attacks to enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance
While in the Passion state, press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Quick Assist: Dark Thorn
When the on-field character is launched, press Assist to activate: Unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Quick Assist: Lutz Jump
While in the Passion state, when the on-field character is launched, press Assist to activate: Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Defensive Assist: Last Defense
When the on-field character is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate: Parries the enemy’s attack, dealing massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up: Gale Sweep
Press Basic Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate: Leap up and swiftly slash the enemy, then execute a wide sweeping slash across a large area in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Special Attack 
Special Attack: Aerial Sweep
Press Special Attack to activate: Leaps into the air to launch consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing Physical DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep – Clearout
With enough Energy, press EX Special Attack to activate: Leaps into the air to launch multiple consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Chain Attack 
Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Weaves between and slashes enemies in a large area in front, dealing massive Physical DMG.
Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Ultimate: Final Curtain
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate: Weaves between and slashes enemies with a powerful attack in a large area in front, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing massive Physical DMG.
Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Jane Doe ZZZ Mindscape Cinema
When it comes to Mindscapes, Jane is perfectly viable and strong without additional copies. However, her Mindscapes do provide some unique effects worth noting.
As with all characters, Mindscape 3 and 5 don’t have major impact, so I won’t cover those in this breakdown.
Mindscape 1 (High Value*)
This one gives Jane some extra DMG through Anomaly Buildup Rate and and DMG% buff. The unique part is that it also increases Jane’s Salchow Jump charges by 1. This means you can enter Passion State (gain 1 charge), stun the enemy, launch a Chain Attack (2 charges) and unload 2 Salchow Jumps on the enemy. This can be extra impactful if you’re running Jane with a Stun Agent, as you can make better use of your extra charge.
Mindscape 2 (Medium Value)
Mindscape 2 is purely a damage increase. Enemies become Gnawed when Jane hits them, and this allows Jane to ignore 15% of the enemy’s DEF. This will also allow other Physical units to ignore DEF on Assault, but Agents like Piper and Nekomata aren’t exactly the ideal teammates anyway. Even still, 15% DEF ignore for Jane is quite good. Furthermore, her Assault Crit DMG will go from 150% to 180%. This effectively translates to a 20% DMG increase on your Assault crits. Combined with the DEF ignore, this Mindscape provides a large DMG boost, but doesn’t provide much else.
Mindscape 4 (High Value*)
Similar to Mindscape 1, M4 will provide an extra bonus than just damage. This Mindscape gives the entire team an Anomaly DMG buff, and it triggers when any Agent procs Anomaly. This DMG buff is quite good, but the main thing is that it buffs the entire team and not just Jane. As such, this Mindscape will be the most valuable if you run Jane in a double Anomaly/Disorder team.
Mindscape 6 (High Value)
As expected, Mindscape 6 is very powerful, but comes at a very high cost. Mindscape 6 allows Jane to almost have perfect uptime on her Passion State, and she gains Crit Rate/Crit DMG while in this state. This Mindscape turns Jane into the ultimate DPS. Not only will you deal high damage with Assault, but you can also use Crit stats to buff up Jane’s attacks as well.
However, this Mindscape also requires very good Discs to be even stronger. The bonus Crit is nice, but you’ll want more substats to make it go ever higher. Then you have to also balance your ATK% and Anomaly Proficiency substats as well. It’s a heavy investment, but if you go all the way, Jane will likely erase and content you tackle with her.
M1 | Crime Counsel: The maximum uses of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency increases her damage by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 30%. |
M2 | Adapt to the Environment: When Jane’s attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy’s DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a CRIT, the CRIT DMG is increased by 30%. |
M3 | Anonymity: Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2 |
M4 | Adapt and Thrive: When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members’ Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s. |
M5 | Compulsive Hoarder: Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2 |
M6 | Shady Technique: While in the Passion state, Jane’s CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault deals a CRIT, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency. |
Jane Doe ZZZ Build Guide Overview
As with most Anomaly Agents, Jane simply wants Anomaly stats. Many parts of her kit scale with Anomaly Proficiency, so getting good Substats on your Drives will be important.
You want to hit 420 Anomaly Proficiency to max her ATK buff on AA, giving a 600 ATK buff in Passion state. This will also get you close to 100% Crit Rate on Assault through her Core Passive.
- Sharpened Stinger
- Weeping Gemini R5
- Rainforest Gourmet R5
Drive Disc
- Freedom Blues (4)
Fanged Metal (2) - Fanged Metal (4)
Freedom Blues (2)
Main Stat
- (4) Anomaly Proficiency
- (5) Physical DMG%
- (6) Anomaly Mastery
- Anomaly Proficiency
- ATK%
ZZZ Jane Doe Best W-Engines
Sharpened Stinger
ATK: 713 – Anomaly Proficiency: 90
Upon activating a Dash Attack, gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct. Each stack of Predatory Instinct increases the equipper’s Physical DMG by 12% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s and repeated triggers reset the duration. When entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge, gain 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. While Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper’s Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40%.
Without a doubt, Jane Doe’s best W-Engine will be her signature weapon. This will feature on the W-Engine Banner during her release. This Engine gives Jane a massive 36% Physical DMG buff and 40% Anomaly Buildup Rate. The buff is also very easy to maintain. You can Dash Attack quickly to get 3 stacks, or trigger a Perfect Dodge and get them as well.
The 90 Anomaly Proficiency is also a nice bonus as you can reach higher AP without worrying as much about your Discs. The F2P options for Anomaly are decent, but their buff uptime is difficult to calculate. With Sharpened Stinger, it’s fairly safe to assume that you’ll almost always have the max buff up if you’re playing well.
Weeping Gemini R5
ATK: 46/594 – ATK%: 10%/25%
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Rainforest Gourmet R5
ATK: 46/594 – Anomaly Proficiency: 30/75
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When it comes to Weeping Gemini vs Rainforest Gourmet, both provide very strong buffs and are solid options to use. Both are craftable, so you’ll eventually be able to max them out to R5.
For Disorder teams, people generally prefer Weeping Gemini as you can stack up the Anomaly Proficiency buff easily. (ie Grace)
If you’re using Jane with a Stunner like Qingyi, Rainforest Gourmet will be your go to. As you stun the enemy, you’ll lose the Weeping Gemini buff. Rainforest Gourmet also allows you to get a nice buff on demand for the Stun window by using your EX Special.
ZZZ Jane Doe Drive Disc
Freedom Blues
- (2) Increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30.
- (4)When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.
Fanged Metal
- (2) Increases Physical DMG by 10%.
- (4) Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% increased damage to the target for 12s.
When it comes to Drive Discs, you have two good options with Freedom Blues (4) and Fanged Metal (4). Freedom Blues will speed up how fast you trigger Assault, while Fanged Metal will give you a bigger damage boost. However, to make use of Fanged Metal, you will need to proc Assault at least every 12 seconds on an enemy.
Since Jane has really good Anomaly Buildup, this shouldn’t be difficult to do, but things may change if enemies start having higher Anomaly RES. You can’t really go wrong with either option, and you should just farm whichever is more efficient for your account.
ZZZ Jane Doe Drive Disc Stats
When it comes to stats, it’s mostly the same for Anomaly Agents. Partitions IV and VI are for Anomaly while Partition V will be the matching Attribute DMG.
Main Stats
- (4) Anomaly Proficiency
- (5) Physical DMG%
- (6) Anomaly Mastery
- Anomaly Proficiency
- ATK%
When it comes to substats, it’s fairly straightforward. Anomaly Proficiency is the priority. After that, you can look for damage stats like ATK%/PEN.
Jane Doe Skill Priority
Core Skills > Basic Attack > Dodge > Special Attack ≈ Chain Attack > Assist
Almost every Agent looks to level up their Core Skill first. This increases their base stats and upgrades their Core Passive.
Unlike the other Anomaly Agents, you actually want to increase all of Jane’s Skills. This is because she acts more like a traditional on-field DPS. The only difference being she scales her damage through Anomaly rather than Crit. Basic Attack is still the main priority, with Dodge next as Jane incentivizes Perfect Dodging and Dash Attacking.
Special Attack and Chain Attack are next for a nice damage boost. Lastly, we have Assist. You will be using Quick Assist fairly often with Seth, so don’t ignore this Skill completely.
ZZZ Jane Doe Teams
Jane Doe + Grace Disorder Team
[ZZZ Grace Guide] [ZZZ Seth Guide]
At first glance, Grace looks to be Jane’s best partner. Grace will apply a strong Shock on the enemy, and Jane can trigger Disorder by proccing Assault.
Jane’s Assault Crit will increase her damage, but it won’t increase the Disorder damage from trigger. We don’t know if Disorder damage scales with Jane’s Assault Crit if you order Assault -> Shock.
For a third Agent, we have Seth. Seth’s kit provides an Anomaly Proficiency buff and shield, making him a perfect “Support” for the team. (Seth is Defense)
Lastly, Seth is Electric, meaning he will activate Grace’s Additional Ability. Rina looks to also be a strong third Agent option, as she provides utility for Shock and PEN Ratio for the entire team.
The main issue with this team is that Grace’s Shock application is extremely dependent on Energy and her rotation is somewhat long compared to Supports. In prolonged fights, you won’t be triggering Disorder left and right, but here and there.
Even still, this team is still very good and can do wonders against Electric weak enemies/Machine enemies.
Jane Doe Hyper Carry (Double Support)
Another team that is very popular is Jane with double Support. Seth technically isn’t a Support Agent, but for all intents and purposes he is for Jane.
This team is strong because Jane has good damage uptime, similar to Ellen. This means you don’t need to run Jane with a Stun Agent and can rely on her consistent Assault damage.
This team is also easier to build, as Supports generally don’t need much to provide value to the team. If you run Jane with Grace, you’ll need to build Grace up to a strong level as well.
For this team, you can give Seth/Lucy a bunch of Attack for their buffs and you’ll be good to go.
Jane Doe + Qingyi Stun Team
Up next, we have a traditional Stun team for Jane with Qingyi. In this type of team, you use Jane more like a Burst DPS, similar to Zhu Yuan. This is because Jane’s Chain Attack puts her into the Passion state with max Passion.
Jane’s perfect Dodges will restore Passion, but this team doesn’t utilize that mechanic and instead relies on the Chain Attack/Ultimate to give you a strong burst window.
This team is definitely higher investment since you need two limited Agents, and for the most part, it doesn’t seem to perform substantially better than the above options.
However, if Shiyu Defense has a buff that favors Stun teams (like it does currently), this team can perform very well.
Overall, this team is a strong option, but it feels more worth it to have Qingyi power up your second team.
Nekomata/Piper Teams
Another team that can decently well with Jane is a Nekomata team. Nekomata’s EX Special deals more damage when anyone triggers Assault on the enemy, which Jane does extremely well as an Anomaly Agent. This turns Nekomata into more of a Burst DPS while Jane is your primary on-field DPS during the Stun window.
This team is slightly similar to the Mono Electric team we see with Anton/Grace/Rina. Unfortunately, we don’t have a Physical Support/Stun Agent, so, for the last slot, I used Qingyi instead.
The main issue with this team is that Qingyi will take up all of the field time when the enemy is not stunned. Then Jane will take up most of the field time when the enemy is stunned. As such, Nekomata is in a weird spot as she’s there, but not really necessary.
Jane Doe Piper Team
Lastly, let’s talk about pairing Jane with Piper. In terms of team dynamic, Jane and Piper both fulfill the same role, which is applying Anomaly and triggering Assault.
Because of this overlap, using both together may not be ideal compared to other teammates. However, if you really want to, this team can still work.
Jane will allow Piper’s Assault to Crit, and Piper will provide a small dmg buff to the team through her AA. Piper can simply swap in and unload her Energy with EX Special, then you can swap back to Jane as the primary on-fielder.
For the third Agent, you can run Lucy as a strong ATK buffer, or Seth for his Anomaly Proficiency buff. You will be able to trigger Disorder with Seth/Lucy, but it will be very infrequent compared to Grace’s fast Anomaly buildup, and the damage will be lacking as Seth isn’t building Anomaly stats.
In Conclusion
This concludes our Zenless Zone Zero Jane Doe Guide.
Jane Doe is an exciting release, as she will be the third Anomaly Agent in the game. Unfortunately she’s also Physical, so she likely will just be a better Piper in most cases.
In the current meta, Jane will be a great buff to Anomaly teams, but she is also strong enough to pair with other Support/Stun Agents.
As more Anomaly Agents release, Jane will only get better as Disorder teams become stronger. Burnice has already been teased for 1.2, and it’s very likely the two will work together greatly.
Thanks for Reading! For more resources, check out our other Zenless Zone Zero Guides such as our ZZZ Tier List or ZZZ Best Teams.