Best Champions to Duo With Tristana
Tristana is one of the best ADCs in the game, with a super aggressive and hyper-carry play style. A good Tristana can quickly take over the game and snowball hard. Tristana is a really good ADC as she has a lot of good duos, and she synergises well with many other Supports, which enables her to be a good solo queue pick.
While she can synergise well with many champions, picking the right Support will increase her chances of dominating and carrying her team to victory. If you’re a Tristana main, or just looking for other champions that work well with Tristana: or if you want to learn how to play Tristana, we’ve got a ton of additional advice on the Mobalytics Champion Page.
Please keep in mind that stats change a lot, and while these champions may not be statistically the best pairing in every patch, they have tools that benefit and empower her to carry the game.
1. Nami
The first champion we recommend is Nami who is one of the best utility champions to pair with a hyper carry. Nami’s aggressive playstyle works wonders with a lot of these champions as she can play aggressive, which is what they want.
Nami’s Q is great for starting fights and skirmishes. If she lands her Q, then the Tristana will either jump in or deal a lot of damage to them with her basic attacks and E. The same thing can be done post 6 with her Ultimate too. Give everything to the Tristana so her damage output is intense in skirmishes.
Nami is one of the squishier supports around, so make sure you do not take too much damage trying to harass and bully the enemy down or else Tristana will never have enough followup damage to trade with the enemy.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
2. Lulu
Lulu is not as strong as she once was, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t good when paired with Tristana. Lulu’s kit is the queen of peeling with everyone of her abilities increasing Tristana’s ability to get kills and take over the game.
Tristana is an auto-attack based champion who loves to go deep. This means that any additional resources funneled into her will make these trades more effective. Lulu has her W which increases her attack speed and speeds her up. Lulu’s E is a shield that also empowers her auto-attacks. These 2 things combined make her a formidable pairing with Tristana.
In team fights, just give everything to Tristana to empower her. However, if the enemy has a strong frontline that can take down the Trist, it might be better to W them instead of giving Tristana the extra stats.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
3. Amumu
We’re half way through this article, and we needed to discuss the deadly synergy that is Amumu and Tristana. If you want to play a kill lane- then this pairing is for you.
Amumu’s level 1 is incredibly strong if he can land it on one of the enemy laners. This paired with Tristana’s ability to out trade most champions at level 1 with her E make this incredibly strong. After level 2, Amumu just needs to fish for Qs and you’ll win every fight with the enemy duo.
If you want to succeed as Amumu, you need to be aggressive. To increase your chances of being aggressive, keep the wave closer to your side of the map and do not take too much poke so you can threat all-ins.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
4. Janna
Janna is consistenly a good pick with pretty much all ADCs in the game. She has a fantastic kit that allows her to empower her allies to deal more damage while also protecting them with healing and shielding.
For you to truly flourish in a Janna Tristana lane, you need to abuse your earlry skirmishing power and poke the enemy down with both your W and basic attacks. After you’ve got a health lead, your Tristana will find it easier to look for all-ins with her W.
In team fights, protecting Tristana can be difficult because of her W which she will use to jump in or to repsoiton with. Don’t walk too far forward and get your self killed as you do not have a jump or escape tool like she does.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
5. Nautilus
The final champion on our list is Nautilus. Nautilus is similar to Amumu in the sense that picking him will result in a kill lane.
When playing in a Naut + Tristana lane, the Nautilus will basically look for hook opportunities to get kills. Once he lands a hook, the Tristana will jump in and dish out a lot of damage. Post 6, the two of them will try to abuse his Ultimate to get kill after kill on any enemy who over-extends in the lane.
To make the most of this lane duo, it is important that you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on, or else the Nautilus will not be able to play aggressive, and you’ll be missing out on kill opportuniteis.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
In Conclusion
If you’ve found out you’ve got Tristana as your ADC, pick one of these champions who synergise well with her to win the lane. Don’t forget, she is a snowball-heavy champion so getting any lead to empower her will benefit you as a whole.
Need some tips and tricks to level up your Tristana gameplay? Head over to Tristana’s Champion Page.
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