League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best Supports For Season 14 Patch 14.5 of League of Legends

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This list is now outdated. Click here for the best Supports to climb with in Patch 14.6.

5 S-tier Supports in Patch 14.5

Somehow, we’re already on Patch 14.5- where has the time gone? It’s been quite sometime now, and the new items and map changes feel like they’ve been in the game forever! Who have you found success with so far this Season?

In this article by Mobalytics, we will discuss 5 of the best Supports you can play to help you get climb in Patch 14.5. If you want to learn more tips, such match-up advice and more, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page!

Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.5.

1. Rakan

The first champion on our recommended picks and best Supports to climb with in Season 14 patch 14.5 is Rakan. Rakan is an aggressive Support who can make plays from the very beginning of the laning phase. Just press W when the enemy over extends and all-in them over and over again.

If you truly want to master Rakan, you will need to limit test and try to paly aggressively often. This will ensure that you learn when you can and cant play aggressive. As a general rule of thumb, look to play aggressive when the enemy overextends. Post 6, look for plays whenever your Ultimate is up, and don’t be afraid to team up with your Jungler and roam around the map.

Rakan Mid-Patch Stats:

  • Rakan’s not getting any buffs or nerfs.
  • His win rate in patch 14.4 was 52%.
  • He had a 6.1% Pick Rate.
  • While Rakan is really annoying, he only had a 0.9% ban rate.
  • In Emerald+, Rakan was played 88,000 times.

2. Senna

Senna is a great champion in both the Support and ADC role. She has been a dominating lane opponent ever since Season 14 began, and even though she has received some minor changes in past patches, she is still a top tier champion.

Senna has a lot of poke during the laning phase with her Q and auto attacks. A good Senna will be constantly looking to bully the enemy to gain a health lead and to get souls for her Passive. In the late game, she should have a lot of souls, so she can deal a lot of damage to enemies with her damage and auto-attack range.

Senna Mid-Patch Stats:

  • Senna is getting changes this patch. She will be a little less dominant, but don’t let those nerfs fool you. She is going to be really strong!
  • Senna’s win rate in patch 14.4 was 50.9%.
  • In the Support role, Senna had a 11.5% Pick Rate.
  • Senna is really strong in the ADC and Support role. This is why she had a 14.4% ban rate.
  • In Emerald+, Senna was played 167,000 times in the Support role.

3. Maokai

Even though Maokai received some changes recently, they haven’t taken away his usefulness or the potent laning phase that he has. Maokai is one of the best engage Supports in League right now, and I highly recommend you learn how to play him.

Maokai can make plays from level 1, if he starts W. But more commonly, he can play aggressively at level 2 as it gives him extra trading power. Your goal is to really play around the enemies cooldowns and play aggressive when they waste an ability or over-extend. Unfortunately, you have to limit test on Maokai if you really want to master him.

Maokai Mid-Patch Stats:

  • He is getting some nerfs to his kit this patch. However, I feel like he is still going to be a solid champion to play.
  • His win rate in patch 14.4 was 55.1%.
  • Maokai had a 11.8% Pick Rate in the Support role this patch.
  • Maokai is an extremely dominant champion: no wonder he had a 24.7% ban rate.
  • In Emerald+ and in the Support role, Maokai was played 171,000 times.

4. Pyke

There are actually quite a few good hook champions this patch, but we’re only including Pyke so we don’t flood this article with the same type of champion. Pyke and champions like him can abuse weak or immobile squishy ADCs that are being played this patch.

Pyke can make plays from level 1 if he lands a good Q on the enemy laner. All you need to do to abuse Pyke is look for chances to all-in the enemy: when they walk outside of the minion wave or when they walk too far up. Don’t forget to roam too. After winning your lane, look to team up with your Jungler and gank other lanes.

Pyke Mid-Patch Stats:

  • By the looks of the pre-release patch notes, there isn’t going to be any nerfs or buffs to Pyke in this patch.
  • Pyke win rate in patch 14.4 was 51.4%.
  • He had a 7.8% Pick Rate.
  • Pyke is sitting at a 11.1% ban rate. This is quite high because people do not like laning against hook champions.
  • In Emerald+, Pyke was played 114,000 times.

5. Brand

The final champion on our list is the only real AP damage dealer. Every champion so far is either AD or is engage. Brand has been a very obnoxious champion in both the Jungle and Support roles this Season, and it looks like his reign will continue into Patch 14.5.

What makes Brand really strong is how dominant he can be during the laning phase. His poke in the lane can be really hard to deal with as he deals a lot of damage. Post 6, his all-in potential increases too as he can blow up squishy champions after poking them down with his W and E. All in all, Brand is a great poke Support this patch.

Brand Mid-Patch Stats:

  • Brand is getting some nerfs this patch. He is not going to be as strong, but he will still be really good and a worthy pick up if you want to play him.
  • His win rate in patch 14.4 was 51.6%.
  • In the Support role alone, he had a 3.2% Pick Rate.
  • Brand had a 10.4% ban rate. It is important to note that his ban rate is so high because he is a dominant Jungler.
  • In Emerald+, Brand was played 47,000 times in the Support role.

Final Thoughts

That about sums up our article on the best Supports you should be playing this patch. We hope that our list has inspired you to pick up and play some different Supports to make your climb easier in Season 14.

Want to see what other champions will dominate this patch? Head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.5.