This build is all about using Wyvernheart Ignition as often as possible. Your basic Piercing Shots for this are only there to get Ignition back up and running with minimal effort.Opening Shot
This is going to allow you to reload faster letting you get back into Ignition as quickly as possible. Opening shot is mandatory for this build to work correctly as the opportunity loss from slow reloads is too great.Ballistics
This increases the range and damage potential of both your Pierce Ammo and Wyvernheart Ignition. Getting this to maximum rank is one of the best things you can do to smooth this build out and ensure you're always dealing damage.Special Ammo Boost
This dramatically amplifies the damage of your Wyvernheart Ignition. Since Ignition further scales the longer you hold it on a monster this does an immense amount of work and has a huge value. The Wild Stinger is a fantastic Heavy Bowgun as a result of this.
This lets you get back into Wyvernheart Ignition faster and lets you keep pumping out damage as a result. Reducing this under maximum rank can cause weird clipping issues meaning you need more than two reloads in your burn phase. Definitely worth having maxed.Maximum Might
As you will only be using Stamina to engage in Perfect Blocks this should have 100% uptime throughout the fight. It's just a free 30% affinity on all of your shots which is actually absurd. It is important to note that you should not roll to switch into Wyvernheart Ignition. It will deactivate this bonus for the first ~30% of your clip if you do.Burst
This has 100% uptime as you're using Wyvernheart Ignition and also procs from your Pierce Ammo on every shot. It's always up and always working for you.Weakness Exploit
Since you can see weak points and reach them better than others this is another free damage bonus for you. Just look for yellow numbers when you're firing your Wyvernheart Ignition.Agitator
Really nice bonus damage whenever the monster is at its most dangerous. Since you're safely at range most of the time this works well as an extra.Corrupted Mantle
During the buff from this item you only need two full reloads of your Pierce Ammo in order to get Wyvernheart Ignition back. Your rotation is effectively six shots and then BIG DAKKA and then repeat. Insane opener and usually gets you around five full Wyvernheart Igntions.Ebony Odogaron's Power
The duration bonus on this is completely irrelevant but the +3 damage is a kind of nice addition. You have 100% uptime on Burst either way.
Arkveld's Hunger
This completely counteracts the damage dealt to you by Corrupted Mantle and keeps you insanely healthy throughout the fight. There is rarely if ever a reason to use a potion since you can Perfect Guard and heal yourself continuously by dealing damage.
Wild Stinger
The mods for this item are setup to improve the amount of damage Ignition Mode does while also letting you have more Pierce Ammo damage outside of DAKKA rotation.
Use these mods in the Customize Bowgun menu:
Pierce Ammo Powder
Ignition Mode Upgrade
Wyvernheart Ignition
Wyverncounter Ignition
Food Buffs
Your meal is going to be entirely DPS focused for basically any encounter. Go for Meat + Egg + Wild Herb for non-wet environments and Meat + Egg + Fish for wet environments. This ensures you have the maximum amount of damage output from your food. If you're fighting Uth Duna you will get Swimmer Meal the entire encounter so the Fish finisher is huge there.
This build is a lot of fun, pumps out damage, and is a relatively safe way to play with friends. Make sure to learn when to do your Perfect Blocks so you can get Power Clash running and not die when you get focused.
Monster Hunter Wilds Build
Heavy Bow Gun
Big Dakka

Build Overview and Variants
Primary Weapon
Wild StingerSecondary Weapon
G. Ebony Helm βChest
Arkvulcan Mail βArms
G. Ebony Braces αWaist
Arkvulcan Coil βLegs
Dahaad Shardgreaves βTalisman
Exploiter Charm IIMantle
EmptyStats and Skills

Weakness Exploit
Opening Shot
Maximum Might
Special Ammo Boost
Divine Blessing
Recovery Speed
Shock Absorber
Set Bonus Skills
Arkveld's Hunger
Hasten Recovery I
Ebony Odogaron's Power
Burst Boost I
Jin Dahaad's Revolt
Binding Counter I
Group Skills
Alluring Pelt
Lord's Fury
Guardian's Protection
Ward of Wyveria
Guardian's Pulse
Wylk Burst