Which Weapons to Use?
Build is catered towards Weapons that can utilize Burst easily/well. Any weapon that can attack quickly can use this build to great success.
This is especially true for fast weapons like Bow and Dual Blades. However, almost every Weapon can make use of Burst 1 as you only need to hit once to trigger a small Burst buff.
As such, Burst 5 should really only be used by Weapons you can keep up very good uptime.
For other weapons, I'd recommend the Max Might Setup or Gore/Arkveld Setup.
Skills / Decorations
Base Build is complete at Burst 5,
Weakness Exploit 5, and
Agitator 2. This requires the Armor below and 1
Chain Jewel.
From there, you have 3 Level 2 Slots and 2 Level 1 Slots. Constitution (Level 1 Slots) is highly recommended for Bow/Dual Blades.
Level 2 slots can be anything like Mighty Jewel,
Destroyer Jewel,
Earplugs Jewel,
Flawless Jewel,
Phoenix Jewel,
Potential Jewel, more
Physique Jewel, etc.
Weapon Decorations depends on the weapon you use/what you have available. Critical Boost,
Critical Eye,
Critical Element,
Attack Boost,
Fire Attack (if using Fire Weapon), etc.
You can use G. Arkveld Vambraces β over
G. Ebony Braces α. This will lose
Burst Boost I in exchange for 3 Level 1 Decoration slots. Those slots can max out
Constitution which is crucial for Dual Blades/Bow.
Burst Boost I is more thematic with the build as it's basically like giving Burst 6, but more quality of life often converts to better damage uptime.