Gore 4-pc (Generalist Raw Set)
Sword & Shield is a flexible weapon that can be played with a focus on Raw or Elemental damage depending on the monster you fight.
Arkveld does not have good Elemental Hitzone Values (EHZVs) at all. The other endgame monster, Gore Magala, has slightly better EHZVs, but is still nowhere near the threshold where building a set for Element is significantly better than just dealing Raw damage.
As such, we recommend building a Raw set as a generalist option that will work for just about any monster in the endgame.
Weakness Exploit 5
Maximum Might 3
Antivirus 3
Burst 1
Agitator 1 (Optional)
Ambush 1 (Optional)
Self-Improvement 1 (Optional)
Constitution 3
Flinch Free 1
Evade Window 2
Coalescence 1
The Optional skills are all Decorations that can be replaced at your discretion.
Artian Weapon
Since this build is meant to be generalist, we recommend building an Artian Weapon that is either Blast or
Paralysis. (most prefer
Verdoloto -
Paralysis or
- Parts: 3x Attack
- Reinforcements: 3-4x Attack, 1-2x Sharpness
Don't worry too much if you don't get a perfect weapon. The difference in performance is quite small between Attack/Affinity Reinforcements.
Note: If you want to build Elemental SnS, you definitely can. If a monster is weak to an Element enough, having a Dragon
Verdoloto (for example) will deal more damage than Paralysis/Blast. Up to you if you want to build this many Swords or just use one. The difference won't be too drastic unless the monster is extremely weak to an element.
The Weapon Decorations are pretty straightforward.
Critical Jewel III +
Guardian/Handicraft Jwl +
Mastery Jewel
If you struggle to Perfect Guard / utilize Offensive Guard, you can opt for
Critical Jewel III +
Critical Jewel II +
Mastery Jewel
Agitator vs Weakness Exploit
If you want to speedrun, you should replace Weakness Exploit with
Agitator. The shorter the hunt, the more the monster is enraged, which makes Agitator stronger.
Simply replace Arkvulcan Mail β with
Blango Mail β and the Jewels/Decorations with
Challenger Jewel and
Challenger Charm II
This also lets you run Corrupted Mantle without overcapping Affinity.
When using Sword & Shield, you ideally won't be getting hit by monsters and guard / perfect guard hits instead. However, for many players, getting hit is just a part of the game.
Counterstrike /
Counter Jewel /
Counter Charm III is a very powerful skill that can be added to the build at your discretion.
You are also able to activate this skill with a Large Barrel Bomb if that's something you're interested in doing.
If this interests you, simply replace Exploiter Charm II with
Counter Charm III and replace
Challenger Jewel with
Tenderizer Jewel. You lose 10% Affinity going from WEX 5 to 4, but gain 25 Raw. (uptime is dependent on you)