Yuumi·Support Counters

Win rate | 50.2% |
Pick rate | 7.6% |
Ban rate | 11.4% |
Matches | 82 149- |

Yuumi matchups
Yuumi counter tips
Overall Average















Laning Against Yuumi
Yuumi will look to poke you down with her Q. When she uses it, run inside the minion wave so she cannot easily land it. Alternatively, if it’s safe to do so, stand inside the minion wave at all times.
Invest in an early Executioner’s Calling or a similar Grevious Wounds item to reduce her healing and sustain in team fights.
Abuse her cooldowns and look to fight her after she uses her Q or E. She is vulnerable when both are down.
Strategy VS Yuumi
Yuumi’s R has quite a big area of effect. Do not look to team fight if her
R is up inside the jungle or around an objective as she will be able to slow many champions and heal her team. Try to fight her in open areas where your team is not grouped to closely.
Yuumi’s play style allows her to jump onto any member of her team if they’re nearby. If the enemy looks to be engaging, back off as soon as they play aggressively especially if Yuumi is attached to the frontline as she will empower them.
If Yuumi is in a bad position, try to kill her. She has no mobility without her allies nearby and therefore can be punished very quickly.
Yuumi Power Spikes
Yuumi is strong once she has completed her first item. At this team, her healing and damage output will increase.
Once Yuumi is level 6 and when she unlocks her Ultimate R, her kill pressure increases, but so does her survivability in lane.
Team fights are good for Yuumi as she can empower her carries. You’ll need to invest in an Executioner’s Calling at this time to reduce her healing.