Milio·Support Counters
Win rate | 50.5% |
Pick rate | 5.8% |
Ban rate | 2.6% |
Matches | 67 002- |
Milio matchups
Milio counter tips
Overall Average
Tahm Kench
Laning Against Milio
Beware of his range if you’re a melee champion as he will look to constantly bully you down with his superior range.
At level 6, he gains more utility so it can be hard to get kills on the enemy ADC, but his Ultimate is on a long cooldown so you can abuse this to get kills.
If he uses his Q aggressively and misses it, try to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown as its his main way poking you down.
Strategy VS Milio
Lock him down in team fights. Make sure you hit him with your CC tools so he is unable to use his Ultimate to save his allies.
Don’t fight in the jungle vs Milio because teams will be grouped together and if he is positioned well, he can easily counter your hard engage. It’s better to fight in the open and away from objectives and in tight parts of the map.
Good times to fight him is when he is alone going to ward in the mid and late game. Catching him out means the enemy will be 4v5 and his team will lack peel and utility.
Milio Power Spikes
His first major power spike is at level 6. This can be a blessing for a lot of matchups if he’s up against hard engage champions because he can stop his ADC from getting killed.
The next major spike is when he has completed his first item as it increases his peel, damage and overall makes him stronger.
When he maxs his Q at level 9, he will be much stronger and his poke will be more potent.