Tahm Kench·Top Counters

Win rate | 57.5% |
Pick rate | 0.7% |
Ban rate | 0.2% |
Matches | 40- |

Tahm Kench matchups
Tahm Kench counter tips
Overall Average








Laning Against Tahm Kench
Ensure you’re always behind a minion so it is harder for him to land his Q. If he is able to land his
Q, he may look for a fight.
As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health E, disengage from the fight as it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him through the bonus health.
Tahm Kench is quite immobile. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to overextend for farm, which can allow you to chase him down, or set up your Jungler to kill him.
Strategy VS Tahm Kench
Try and burst Tahm Kench down, or CC chain him so he is unable to activate his E in the team fight.
In team fights, look out for his Ultimate R. He can either use it to protect an ally, or catch someone out of position. Keep this in mind when fighting.
Tahm can use his W to flank in a fight. When skirmishing with the enemy, ward your flanks as he may jump in and start a fight.
Tahm Kench Power Spikes
Tahm Kench’s level 6 R is one of his major power spikes. It offers him extra kill pressure. Keep this in mind when skirmishing post 6.
Tahm’s early game is rather weak. Try and abuse this to get an early led.
The longer the game goes, the stronger and tankier Tahm Kench will become. Put him behind in the early game to reduce his potentness in the late game.