Tahm Kench·ARAM Builds

Win rate | 50.9% |
Pick rate | 0.9% |
Ban rate | -- |
Matches | 207 812- |

Tahm Kench ARAM Build
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Win Rate 52.8% based on 80 173 matches
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48.7%ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Tahm Kench.
ARAM runes

ARAM spells


ARAM items
Starter Items

Core Items

Full Build

ARAM ability order

ARAM situational items

Warmog's Armor
It’s a good item when you need sustain and survivability in the late game. It’s effective against teams and champions who do not have burst damage and deal damage over time, like Cassiopeia, Singed or Swain.
ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Tahm Kench.

Tahm Kench ARAM combos

Start with Three AAs, then Q then finish up with W

Start with Q, then W, three AAs, then R, then three more AAs, then finish with Q

Start with W, then three AAs, then Q, then AA