Braum·Support Counters

Win rate | 51.8% |
Pick rate | 7.4% |
Ban rate | 5.1% |
Matches | 56 128- |

Braum matchups
Braum counter tips
Overall Average











Renata Glasc

Laning Against Braum
During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using Stand Behind Me W and Unbreakable
E to nullify your damage. Try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it’s on cooldown.
Ensure there is always 1 minion between you and Braum at all times. This will make it impossible for him to land his Q and potentially stun you.
Whenever you’re looking to poke or harass Braum, make sure you’re not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you and turn the exchange around.
Strategy VS Braum
Braum doesn’t have the best of sustain in the early game. Try to harass and poke him down whenever he tries to last hit minions. If you can keep him low, he’ll never be able to engage.
In team fights, avoid standing too close together as it will allow him to knock multiple champions up with his Ultimate R. Group but do not stand super close together.
The longer the game goes the tankier Braum gets and the stronger his ADC gets too. Try and set him behind in the early game to make it harder for him to peel for his ADC as the game goes along.
Braum Power Spikes
Once Braum hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill threat increases dramatically. Keep this in mind and be cautious when trying to harass him.
Whenever Braum’s E is up, trading with him will be much harder. Try and commit to trades while it’s down. If he uses it in a trade, wait for it to end before continuing to fight.
Braum is very good in team fights thanks to his peel and utility. Try and avoid straight 5v5s and instead look for catches or fights where you outnumber the enemy.