Shaco·Support Counters
Win rate | 49.3% |
Pick rate | 1.4% |
Ban rate | 15.9% |
Matches | 22 816- |
Shaco matchups
Shaco counter tips
Overall Average
Renata Glasc
Laning Against Shaco
At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes W around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there.
If Shaco has been picked first, avoid playing somebody who needs to hard engage as it will be very difficult for you to engage without dying. Pick someone who is ranged and can poke instead.
When playing as a ranged champion, try and use your range advantage to poke and harass him as much as possible.
Strategy VS Shaco
If your team is grouped and you have no vision on Shaco, make sure you have a Sweeping Lens and vision surrounding you, so you will be alerted if Shaco tries to jump in and assassinate a carry.
Do not chase Shaco as he may be baiting you into running into his Boxes W or towards his team. Remember, Shaco Support is all about being a nuisance to the enemy.
If you’re playing as a hard engage champion, ask yourself where Shaco has recently been. If he’s been near the target you wish to collapse on, he may have previously placed a few Boxes W behind the target.
Shaco Power Spikes
Shaco’s early game is particularly strong if you’re playing as a champion who needs to all-in in the early game. Melee Supports are very weak against Shaco in the early game due to his W.
Once Shaco is level 6, it can be difficult for you to kill him in lane as his survivability, damage and sneakiness increases dramatically.
Shaco can assassinate targets during the mid-game. Make sure you stay as a team so he is unable to take anyone down.