Kha'Zix·Jungle Counters
![Unseen Threat](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/Khazix_P.png?v2)
![Taste Their Fear](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/KhazixQ.png?v2)
![Void Spike](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/KhazixW.png?v2)
![Void Assault](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/KhazixR.png?v2)
Win rate | 49.9% |
Pick rate | 5.0% |
Ban rate | 4.0% |
Matches | 55 991- |
Kha'Zix matchups
Kha'Zix counter tips
Overall Average
![Nunu & Willump](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/icons/nunu.png?V3)
Nunu & Willump
![Xin Zhao](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/icons/xinzhao.png?V3)
Xin Zhao
![Champion counters video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/twxGxjs5jT0/0.jpg)
Laning Against Kha'Zix
Kha’Zix will be looking to gank a lot in the early game to get ahead. Try to equal his kill pressure early on by counter ganking if you’re nearby.
He can solo objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald with ease thanks to his Q. Make sure you keep these objectives warded so you can spot him if he tries to take them.
When fighting Kha’Zix, unless you have the lead, avoid fighting him when there are no minions or jungle camps nearby. Thanks to his Passive, he will deal more damage to you if you’re isolated with no-one around.
Strategy VS Kha'Zix
Kha’Zix will try and assassinate targets that are alone during the mid-game. Avoid walking through the river alone if you’re unsure where Kha’Zix is.
Crowd control is a necessity when playing against Kha’Zix as it reduces his assassination and jump E potential. Try to lock Kha’Zix down as soon as he jumps
E in to prevent him from getting in and out.
Grouping closely together will make it harder for Kha’Zix to deal tons of damage as he will not get bonus damage from his Passive when targets are grouped.
Kha'Zix Power Spikes
Once Kha’Zix gets level 6, he can upgrade any one of his abilities thanks to his Ultimate R. He will be much more potent and better at skirmishing once he has an empowered ability.
As Kha’Zix is an assassin, he is really good in the later stages of the early game and in the mid-game. At this time, he will try and take over the map and snowball.
One Kha’Zix completes his first item, he will be looking to fight more often and go for more ganks/invades.