Talon·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 50.4% |
Pick rate | 3.3% |
Ban rate | 3.7% |
Matches | 25 461- |

Talon matchups
Talon counter tips
Overall Average















Xin Zhao

Laning Against Talon
Place vision over walls and around his jungle entrances to spot Talon before he is able to jump over a wall with his E and gank a lane.
Talon has good invade potential and can 1v1 most Junglers. Ensure your team has good vision of him at all times. If he invades you, back away unless you have a clear advantage.
Talon doesn’t have amazing Dragon or Rift Herald control in the early game. If you can, try to take these objectives before he is able to get help from a nearby lane.
Strategy VS Talon
When teams are grouping, make sure you ward your flanks to spot Talon before he is able to jump over the wall and assassinate your team.
As soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to burst him down before he is able to disengage and deal lots of damage.
As Talon is an assassin, expect him to look for picks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk in unwarded areas of the map if you know Talon is nearby.
Talon Power Spikes
The more gold Talon gets, the stronger he will be. Even with one kill, he can easily snowball his lead. Avoid giving him kills when possible.
Once he has completed his first item and when he’s unlocked his Ultimate R, Talon’s power increases dramatically and his skirmishing strength will be unstoppable. Avoid fighting 1v1 unless you have an advantage.
Talon has the same power spikes in the jungle as he does in the mid lane.