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Shaco·Jungle Guide

Jack In The BoxW
Two-Shiv PoisonE
Win rate50.2%
Pick rate4.1%
Ban rate18.6%
Matches62 223-
Shaco Jungle has a 50.2% win rate and 4.1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Shaco Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Shaco Jungle guide!
Shaco Top
Shaco Jungle
Shaco Mid
Shaco Bot
Shaco Support
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Shaco Strengths & Weaknesses

He isn’t only a threat on a physical level, but the mental warfare he instills upon the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make multiple plays which other Champions can’t make. He can leave the lane and roam quite easily to get a cheese gank off (even if he is laning).

His Jack In The BoxW can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily. This also acts as a counter to carries who have dashes and rely on kiting to win fights.

His DeceiveQ allows him to get out of sticky situations with ease. When combined with his Ultimate HallucinateR, his enemy can be baited to attack the clone and CC the enemy team/champion that attacked it.


Falls off like a truck if the game goes on for too long. During the late game, champions start building defensive items which don’t allow Shaco to immediately assassinate someone.

He is quite squishy, and is quite prone to getting killed if CC’d when his Ultimate HallucinateR is down. He will need to play around this ability in order to succeed.

Not a good pick against tanks as it would involve him changing his build and going up close and personal to those tanks. This is not very ideal, especially against experienced players.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Shaco is Strong

You are really good at securing objectives in the early game. Look to secure objectives whenever they’re up.

Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank.

Look to repeatedly gank lanes that are over extended or Flashless. Your champion is very good at repeatedly ganking lanes over and over again.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Shaco is Average

Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!

As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game.

Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.

Late game
25+ min
Shaco is Average

After going in with your Ultimate HallucinateR, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights.

Look for picks in the later stages of the game. If you can pick someone off, you should be able to rotate to the Baron or Elder Dragon.

Keep a constant eye on which major objective is spawning next. Do not split push or go on the opposite side of the map when a major objective is up or about to spawn.

Jungle pathing
Early Game
Early Game
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

His early ganks are extremely strong, mainly due to his Summoner Spell choices. The enemy will have to invest in tracking him, else they are in for a world of pain.

Level 6 is an excellent spike as he can now bamboozle enemies with his clone. It will be challenging for the enemy team to be grouped up now.

The damage dealt to enemies will form a pivotal spike for Shaco. The first item component will help him with his dueling potential and clear speed.

Mid game15 - 25 min

The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This ability will now hit like a truck, and he can quickly assassinate enemies if they are low.

Shaco is pretty decent during team fights. This is mainly because his clone can cause all-around mayhem for the enemy team. His ability to sneak behind the enemy team is phenomenal.

Team fights will become better for Shaco. Another point in his Ultimate HallucinateR will let him use the ability frequently and increase the clone burst damage.

Late game25+ min

A maxed-out Ultimate HallucinateR will confer the benefits of a lower cooldown and more significant burst damage of the Shaco clone. It will let Shaco one-shot enemies if they destroy it while it is in their vicinity.

He will be dealing a lot of damage to the enemy team now, especially the squishy targets. He has the potential to one-shot low health, immobile, and squishy targets quickly now.

Shaco is pretty decent in team fights due to his clones and the short cooldowns on his abilities. He can quickly get rid of critical carries due to his DeceiveQ and set traps for the enemy team using his Ultimate HallucinateR and Jack In The BoxW.

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