Nautilus·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 40.3% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 13.8% |
Matches | 5 334- |
He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2. Don’t be afraid to go for a level 2 gank in one of your lanes.
Your Ultimate R is an insane tool that can help you get kills. Gank as soon as your Ultimate R is off cooldown as it will usually result in easy kills.
Nautilus has the most CC of any champion in League of Legends.
Unfortunately, Nautilus doesn’t have the fastest clear in the game, but it is somewhat healthy.
He also doesn’t have great objective control, so you will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald.
Can be hard to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy.
0 - 15 min
Focus on getting level 3 quickly in this matchup and make sure that you ask for a hard leash early on. It will allow you to gank enemies quickly after that.
Look to all-in overextended enemies as much as you can since your Q and E will both facilitate CC'ing the enemy.
Bypassing vision is really important so make sure that you actively keep warding and dewarding the enemy Jungle. This should help you gank enemies with ease.
15 - 25 min
Always try to all-in and pick off the enemy Jungler every chance you get. Doing so will allow you to take neutral objectives easily.
Peeling for your carries during fights is going to be really important in this matchup. Always stay by your carries and ensure that no one can get to them.
Your Ultimate R will allow you to lock down and kill carries with ease. Doing so in chokepoints will easily win you the game.
25+ min
Stay grouped with your team. Do not leave the side of your carries otherwise, the enemy will capitalize on the fact and leave them helpless.
Peel for your carries in team fights. After using your Q, fall back and protect your allies and focus on the nearest champion.
Look for picks with your Ultimate R. If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganized, you’ll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterward.
Nautilus can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. As he has the most CC off any champion in the game, he can easily gank early.
His level 6 power spike is incredibly strong. A good Nautilus will keep ganking whenever his Ultimate R is up.
When Nautilus has completed his Mythic item, his trading power and ability to 1v1 the enemy Jungler will be very high.
2 points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability quite frequently. It will be very lethal if he manages to use it from the fog of war.
Once Nautilus gets multiple items, he will soak up a lot of damage while simultaneously helping his team avoid damage. He can even tower dive reliably during this stage of the game.
His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. He will be able to Q quite frequently and make the death brush strategy viable for his team.
On getting 3 points in his Ultimate R, he will use the ability quite often. Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on.
His ability to make the team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase. All he needs to do is Ultimate R his enemy from out of vision.
His tankiness will know no bounds during this phase of the game. He will soak up both tower shots and enemy damage simultaneously and make it very easy for his allies to follow up on his engagement.