Master Yi·Mid Counters

Win rate | 51.7% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 14.0% |
Matches | 1 244- |

Master Yi matchups
Master Yi counter tips
Overall Average













Laning Against Master Yi
Throughout the laning phase, try and keep the wave closer to your side of the map. If you push, he could zone you away from the farm and kill you when you walk up to CS.
Master Yi is weak early, but will be stronger once he hits level 6. Take care and avoid staying in lane if you’re low so you don’t get killed by him.
Avoid giving him kills early. Master Yi is a snowball heavy champion and can easily take over the map if you let him get ahead.
Strategy VS Master Yi
Disengage is Master Yi’s worse nightmare. As soon as he activates his Ultimate R and runs towards your team, disengage so he cannot take over the fight.
When low, make sure you back away even if Master Yi isn’t there. If he picks up free and easy kills, he will snowball heavy and take over the next team fight.
Try and wait for Master Yi to use his Q before locking him down with CC. As he can use his
Q to dodge skill shots and CC if timed correctly, it’s best to wait for him to use this ability before trying to kill him.
Master Yi Power Spikes
Master Yi is strong in the late game as he can one-shot enemy carries. Reduce his usefulness early to make him weaker later on.
His first major power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate R.
Master Yi will become stronger and stronger with gold. Denying him gold, XP and resources will make him less effective.