Kayle·Top Guide

Win rate | 51.7% |
Pick rate | 3.7% |
Ban rate | 1.8% |
Matches | 54 821- |
A late-game monster due to how her Passive works. If she can pull through the laning phase and can acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily take over the game later on.
Her Ultimate R can allow her to save a teammate as well as herself depending on the situation. If she is behind, she can easily use it on an assassin in her team so that she can keep the enemy distracted from her presence.
The Q and
W allows her to catch up to fleeing targets with ease and get rid of them once she is powerful enough. It also acts as a source of poke and waveclear in the lane, especially before she is level six.
A very weak early game causes her to have no form of lane presence. She is an easy gank target at this point, and shutting her down at this point of the game is very easy.
She is quite prone to CC abilities, especially when her Ultimate R is down to buy her some time for the CC to wear out. Even in fights, she will need to be careful, else she will get chain CC’d and deleted.
As far as her playstyle is concerned, she will be focused on catching the side waves and not accompanying her team most of the time. This gives the enemy team a huge advantage over her team in terms of numbers and sustenance.
0 - 15 min

Play safe in the early game. You need time to come online and if you fall behind, you will struggle to lane and you will delay your first major power spike.
Focus on power farming and minimizing trading until you’re level 6. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you can start to be more aggressive.
Once you’re level 6, you can look to play more aggressive as you can use your Ultimate R as a trading tool and something to fall back on.
15 - 25 min

Stay away from your team and look to farm and gain as much XP as possible. You need to hit your level spikes as fast as possible and one way you can do this is by staying in a side lane.
Focus on farming and avoid fighting in the mid-game. If you die or have to burn your Flash, you’re going to be incredibly vulnerable.
Split push and stay away from your team unless they need you. You will be stronger if you avoid fighting and grouping unless you have to.
25+ min

Group with your team in the late game. You will be needed in late game team fights.
Peel for your carries in team fights. It’s important that you focus the nearest enemy champion and focus who your allies are focusing.
Unless your ADC is behind, you could use your Ultimate R on them to keep them alive while they dish out damage. If you’re ahead, save your Ultimate
R for yourself.
Kayle is weak early on; hence she will have to depend on her Q for most of her poke and farming in the lane. This is the phase that needs to be played very carefully by Kayle.
Her level six is a massive power spike due to her ranged auto-attacks. This will allow her to play more liberally and let her play the lane more safely.
Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for her and will help her scale up quickly from now on.
Getting 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her another significant power spike. This will empower her and will allow her to dish out a lot of damage.
Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will allow her to poke her enemies with ease and will let her clear waves quickly.
Her 2nd empowerment is where the real power spike kicks in. She will get added effects, and consecutively auto-attacking will allow her to melt through enemies.
Another point in her Ultimate R will see her be the most powerful she can be in the game. She can now slice through the enemy team with proper positioning.
Her late-game damage is very high, and she will need to be taken out beforehand if the enemy team has any chance of winning the game.
Her 3rd empowerment is essential and will make Kayle very powerful. Her auto-attacks being permanently empowered will do a number on the enemy team.