Hecarim·Top Guide
Win rate | 34.4% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 3.4% |
Matches | 282- |
His movement speed increase on his E can allow him to run enemies down with ease. This is especially applicable to immobile carries who rely on their team to live.
The Q allows him to deal consistent damage while also reducing his cooldown on the ability. This allows him to take extended trades while laning.
His Ultimate R can be a game-changer in a team fight where the enemy is grouped together. The CC allows him to separate key targets from their team and kill them quickly with his damage.
He can easily be killed if he goes in without his Ultimate R and gets CC’d by the enemy team. This will allow the enemy ranged carries to kite and kill him while the enemy tanks keep him away from their carries.
The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim goes in. This will prevent Hecarim from fearing the entire team and will allow the enemy team to retaliate.
Hecarim won’t be able to flank the enemy freely if the enemy team sets proper vision around the lane they are fighting. This will force Hecarim to engage upon the enemy team in a direct fashion, which will allow the enemy team to react accordingly.
0 - 15 min
You will want to go for extended trades against your laner to ensure that your rune can proc and you can heal up some of the damage which has been dealt to you. Do this consistently to win the game.
Your W and E will be instrumental to your success. Use your lane brushes carefully and try to catch enemies off-guard. All'in'ing them should be really easy once they have pushed up the wave.
Unlocking your Ultimate R will give a massive boost to your overall dueling potential. This will also let you prevent enemies from escaping away with their Flash.
15 - 25 min
Focus on roaming around and getting your team ahead as well. Your Jungler would be pretty pleased if you were to help him invade or take the Rift Herald once you have shoved your wave in.
Your ability to secure picks is really high during this phase of the game. Ensure that you keep an eye on the side lanes as you can easily find isolated enemies in those lanes, and catching them becomes really easy.
During team fights, ensure that you can use your Q consistently and on multiple enemies. This will allow you to do a ton of damage, and you will be able to survive for quite some time.
25+ min
Rely on picking off enemies during this phase of the game and then immediately forcing a team fight due to a numbers advantage on your end. Don't let the enemy team have a fair team fight.
You may be able to death brushes in the enemy Jungle with your Ultimate R . Also, keep an eye on the side lanes and see if you can go and kill an enemy who is carelessly pushed up in such a lane.
A defensive item should help you a lot when diving into an enemy team. If you are behind in the game, shift your focus to peeling for your team rather than making aggressive plays.
Level 3 is a significant powerspike for Hecarim. He can look for easy all-ins on the enemy laner with his abilities. Going for short burst trades while using the lane brushes to drop vision on the enemy would be the best course of action.
Once Hecarim hits level 6, he can terrorize enemies with his flanking potential. It will allow Hecarim to completely isolate a target from their team and burst them down with the help of his team. His sustain will be pretty high as well (due to runes and life steal).
The first component will allow Hecarim to duel more reliably in this lane. His damage output will increase, and he can also take part in river fights and reach major fights before his laner.
Hecarim's Q will be maxed out once he hits level 9, which will allow him to dish out a lot of consistent damage when he is in the middle of the enemy team. It will also let him sustain himself due to his items and runes. As the top laner, he will be way tankier and can also peel for his team.
Hecarim's Ultimate R will be more robust now because it has two points at level 11. This means that he can use it frequently, which translates into more dead enemy carries.
Mid-game is when everyone is lane swapping and warding around. This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy. Since he is the top laner, he will want to work with his Jungler and get the Rift Heralds.
Hecarim's ability to deal damage will skyrocket during this phase of the game. He will also be quite tanky due to his items and stats, which means that he will be a powerhouse of consistent DPS.
Once he gets 3 points in his Ultimate R, no enemy backline will be safe anymore. So Hecarim should use the fog of war and sit on the top side of the enemy Jungle and wait to kill any wandering enemy champion.
Once his Q and W get maxed out, he will be almost unkillable as long as he is mobile and manages to stick to his target. CC is his worst enemy, so some tenacity will help him a lot.