Ambessa·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 43.2% |
Pick rate | 1.1% |
Ban rate | 49.5% |
Matches | 13 195- |
Ambessa matchups
Ambessa counter tips
Overall Average
Master Yi
Xin Zhao
Laning Against Ambessa
Your goal in the early game is to match her ganking pressure by ganking as frequently as you can. She isn’t the strongest ganker early, so you can capitalize on this to get an early lead.
If you find her early and want to 1v1 her, make sure you have the burst. You cannot go for an extended trade with her as she tends to win those.
When playing as a tank champion, you should probably avoid fighting her as she is strong in 1v1 settings and can be good against tank champions.
Strategy VS Ambessa
Make sure you’re securing those early objectives so she is unable to give her team the objective advantage. Taking early drags and scuttles will help.
She likes to split, push, and apply pressure. If she is ahead, you must ensure someone on your team matches her so she cannot take Towers for free.
However, grouping against her is also really important. If she is grouping with her team, make sure everyone groups too, as her Ultimate is a strong team fighting tool that can isolate and take down squishy and vulnerable champions.
Ambessa Power Spikes
Her first power spike is around level 4. She will usually start ganking once she hits this level.
At level 6, Ambessa really comes online and her ultimate allows her to close the gap and help her allies.
When she gets her first item, her 1v1 potential increases dramatically. If you’re past the 6 minute mark, look at what items she has before committing to a fight.