Zenless Zone ZeroGuides

Qingyi ZZZ – Guide, Skills, Builds, Teams & More

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Qingyi ZZZ Overview

Welcome to our Zenless Zone Zero Qingyi guide. We’ll cover everything you need to know about her skills, builds, teams, and more.

Qingyi Portrait S


Zenless Zone Zero CISRT Logo


S Rank Zenless Zone Zero

S Rank

zzz electric


Zenless Zone Zero Stun Fighting Style


Qingyi is the first Limited S-Rank Stun Agent, releasing with the launch of Version 1.1. While it’s only been a few hours since release, Qingyi is already showing signs of being far above her competition. (Lycaon/Koleda/Anby)

Without a doubt, Qingyi will go right into the top tier on our ZZZ Tier List, and you can pair her with either Ellen or Zhu Yuan to great effect.

ZZZ Qingyi Release Date

Qingyi is featured on a Limited time Banner which started on August 14th, 2024 (Server Time). She will be featured along with Billy and Piper, and a matching W-Engine banner will accompany her.

ZZZ Qingyi Banner News

ZZZ Qingyi Skills

Kit Breakdown

If you don’t want to read through all of the skills, here’s a brief summary.

When it comes to Dodge/Assist/EX Special/Chain Attack moves, Qingyi isn’t much different from other Stun Agents. Her defining features are her Basic Attack chain, Core Passive, and Additional Ability.

Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms is her enhanced Hold Basic Attack Chain, which becomes available once you build up her special resource meter (Flash Connect).

You charge this meter by dealing Electric DMG through her Basic Attack 3 (which you can spam continuously), EX Special, Dodge Counter, Chain Attack, etc.

If you manage to apply 20 stacks up Subjugation, the enemy will have an additional 80% Stun DMG Multiplier (at max level). For reference, Lycaon has a similar effect but only 35%.

You can get the full 20 stacks every combo. You get 5 from the finishing strike, and an additional 5 from each rush attack during Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms. The last 10 stacks you achieve by timing the finishing strike with a perfect dodge. (The finishing strike itself will Perfect Dodge when timed correctly)

Doing all of these things will inflict massive Daze on the enemy, and grant a massive 80% additional multiplier. This already makes Qingyi a very powerful Stun Agent.

Lastly, her Additional Ability works with ANY Attack Agent/NEPS and increases her Attack based on her Impact. This gives her better personal damage than the other Stun Agents as well.

Core Skills Zenless Zone Zero Core Passive 

Core Passive: Eternal Seasons (Max Level)

When Qingyi lands a Finishing Strike on an enemy with her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, it applies 5 stacks of Subjugation to the enemy, stacking up to 20 times.

Each stack of Subjugation increases the target’s Stun DMG Multiplier by 4%. 

For each rush attack during Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, the finishing strike will apply an extra stack of Subjugation.

If Perfect Dodge is triggered when using finishing strike, it directly applies 10 stacks of Subjugation.

When applying Subjugation to normal or elite enemies, the applied stacks are doubled. When the target recovers from being Stunned, the corresponding stacks of Subjugation are reset.

Additional Ability: Three Verses of Farewell at Yang Pass

When there is at least 1 Attack-type character or a character from the same faction in your squad:
Basic Attacks deal 20% increased Daze. If Qingyi’s Impact is greater than 120, each point over increases her Attack by 6, up to a maximum of 600.

Like Zhu Yuan, Qingyi’s AA is not limited to same Attribute/Faction teams. Instead, her AA activates when she is paired with ANY Attack Agent.

This potentially makes her more “futureproof” as she will be able to pair with future Attack Agents, not just the current ones available.

Lastly, this AA only makes Qingyi even more valuable. Her Core Passive already makes her arguably the best Stun Agent. This AA now also gives her the best personal damage of the Stun Agents.

Every Stun Agent will want to build Impact stats to empower their role as a Stunner. With this Ability, Qingyi will also gain bonus Attack, giving her better damage than the current available Stun Agents.

Basic Attack Zenless Zone Zero Basic Attack Button

Basic Attack: Penultimate

Press Basic Attack to activate: Launch up to four attacks forward, dealing Physical and Electric DMG.

During the 3rd-hit, repeatedly press Basic Attack to continue the attack, continuously striking the enemy. Using Dodge during this period will not interrupt Qingyi’s Basic Attack combo count.

During the 3rd hit, stop pressing Basic Attack to interrupt the continuous attack, transitioning automatically to the 4th hit. If the continuous attack lasts for a certain time, the 4th hit will be enhanced.

Anti-Interrupt Level is increased and DMG received is reduced by 40% during the 3rd and 4th hit.

Basic Attack: Flash Connect

When Qingyi deals Electric DMG with a skill, she accumulates Flash Connect Voltage. When Flash Connect Voltage reaches 75%, she will enter the Flash Connect state.

When using her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, Qingyi will consume all Flash Connect Voltage and exit the Flash Connect state. For every 1% of Flash Connect Voltage consumed over 75%, her Damage and Daze inflicted by this skill will be increased by 1%/0.5%. Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms itself does not accumulate Flash Connect Voltage.

Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms

During the Flash Connect state, hold Basic Attack to activate:

Launch five consecutive forward rush attacks, then execute a Finishing Move that inflicts massive Electric DMG. Release Basic Attack during the move to trigger the Finishing Move early. Activate the Finishing Move just before the character is attacked to trigger Perfect Dodge.

Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the rush attack and DMG received is reduced by 40%. Qingyi is invulnerable during the Finishing Move.

Dodge Zenless Zone Zero Dodge

Dodge: Swan Song

Press Dodge to activate. A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Breach

Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: Dash forward and then launch an upward slash, dealing Physical DMG.

Dodge Counter: Lingering Sentiments

Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Leap into the air and then perform a downward strike, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Assist

Quick Assist: Wind Through the Pines

When the on-field character is launched, press Assist to activate:  Leap into the air and perform a downward strike, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Defensive Assist: Graceful Embellishment

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate: Parries the enemy’s attack, inflicting massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Song of the Clear River

Press Basic Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate: Dash forward quickly and inject electrical energy into the ground, then pull back to trigger an explosion, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Special Attack Zenless Zone Zero EX Special Attack

Special Attack: Sunlit Glory

Press Special Attack to activate. Quickly strikes upward, followed by a downward smash, dealing Electric DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Moonlit Begonia

When Qingyi has enough energy, press Special Attack to activate: Quickly strikes upward and leaps into the air, turning around to launch a series of strikes, then follows up with a powerful downward smash, dealing massive Electric DMG.

Hold Special Attack to consume additional energy to increase the combo hits of the series of strikes. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After executing the move, you can directly follow up with the 3rd-hit of a Basic Attack.

Chain Attack Zenless Zone Zero Ultimate

Chain Attack: Tranquil Serenade

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select Qingyi to activate:
Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, dealing massive Electric DMG. When this attack hits an enemy, the skills DMG increases by 3% for every stack of Subjugation in Core Passive: Eternal Seasons the target has. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Eight Sounds of Ganzhou

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate: Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, followed by a finishing move, dealing massive Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Qingyi ZZZ Mindscape Cinema

Qingyi Mindscape Cinema 6 Art

M1 Insulation Breakdown: When Qingyi enters combat, Flash Connect Voltage is instantly restored to its maximum, and the accumulation rate is increased by 30%. When using her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, if Flash Connect Voltage is at its maximum, the attack will reduce the defense of the enemy it hits by 15%, and Qingyi’s CRIT Rate against that enemy will increase by 20% for 15s.
M2 Minimal Effort, Maximum Impact: The Stun DMG Multiplier increase provided by each stack of Subjugation in Core Passive: Eternal Seasons increases to 135% of its original value. When Qingyi’s attack hits an enemy and the stacks of Subjugation she applies reaches its maximum stacks, her Daze dealt to the target increases by 15%.
M3 Drink Hot Water: Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 Stable Arc Barrier: Upon entering or exiting Flash Connect state, gain a shield equal to 10% of Qingyi’s max HP. If a previous shield is still active when the shield effect refreshes, Qingyi generates 5 Energy. This Energy generation effect can be triggered once every 10s.
M5 Youthful Spirit: Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M6 Eight Meridians: The Interrupt Level of Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms is greatly increased, and the CRIT DMG is increased by an additional 100%. When Qingyi hits an enemy with her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, the target’s Resistance to all Attribute DMG is reduced by 20% for 15s.

ZZZ Qingyi Build Guide Overview

Zenless Zone Zero Qingyi Build Banner

As a Stun Agent, Qingyi’s build is fairly straight forward and matches the other Stun Agents.

Luckily for Qingyi, there are a lot of viable W-Engines available to players, but her signature is quite impressive.


  • Ice-Jade Teapot
  • The Restrained/Hellfire Gears
  • Steam Oven R5
  • Demara Battery Mark II

Drive Disc

  • Shockstar Disco (4)
    Swing Jazz (2)
  • Shockstar Disco (4)
    Thunder Metal (2)

Main Stats

  • (4) Crit Rate/Crit DMG
  • (5) Electric DMG%
  • (6) Impact%


  • Crit Rate/Crit DMG
  • ATK%
  • PEN/Flat ATK

ZZZ Qingyi W-Engines

zzz Ice-Jade Teapot

Ice-Jade Teapot

ATK: 48/714 | Impact: 7.2%/18%
When a Basic Attack hits an enemy, gain 1 stack of Tea-riffic. Each stack of Tea-riffic increases the user’s Impact by 0.7/0.88/1.05/1.22/1.4%, stacking up to 30 times, and lasting for 8s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately. Upon acquiring Tea-riffic, if the equipper possesses stacks of Tea-riffic greater than or equal to 15, all squad members’ DMG is increased by 20/23/26/29/32% for 10s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

This W-Engine is a mouthful, but is very easily the best option for Qingyi in terms of Stun capability. The Impact buff is “in-combat” meaning it scales off Qingyi’s total Impact, not just her base Impact.

The Tea-riffic buff is also very easy to stack as Qingyi constantly hits enemies with Basic Attacks. Finally, once you gain 15 stacks (which Qingyi builds up extremely quickly), the entire team gets a DMG buff for 10s.

This W-Engine provides a ton of value compared to other options. Qingyi is also the only Agent able to fully utilize this Engine. Lycaon, Koleda, and Anby aren’t able to get stacks of Tea-riffic fast enough with their basic attacks compared to Qingyi.


The Restrained

ATK: 53/684 | Impact: 7.2%/18%
When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

The Restrained is Lycaon’s signature, and is very applicable to Qingyi. This will buff both the DMG and Daze from her basics, while having a solid 18% Impact.

It won’t be as good as the Teapot, but it’s still a strong option if you have it.


Hellfire Gears

ATK: 53/684 | Impact: 7.2%/18%
When off-field, the equipper’s Energy Regen increases by 0.6 per second. When using an EX Special Attack, the equipper’s Impact is increased by 10% for 10s, stacking up to 2 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Hellfire Gears is another solid option for Qingyi. It has good base stats and a solid passive. However, if you use Qingyi along with Zhu Yuan, Qingyi won’t have that much off-field time, and her Energy cost is quite high.

The passive isn’t super applicable to Qingyi, but it’s still something.


Steam Oven R5

ATK: 46/594 | Energy Regen: 20%/50%
For every 10 Energy accumulated, the equipper’s Impact is increased by 3.2%, stacking up to 8 times. After Energy is consumed, this bonus remains for 8 more seconds. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Steam Oven is the craftable Stun Engine, and it’s extremely good for being free. At max dupes, it grants a massive in-combat Impact buff and has a giant Energy Regen base stat.

Qingyi’s EX Special can be cast at 60 or 80 Energy, and 80 Energy is the max bonus for Steam Oven.

This will result in a whopping 25.6% Impact, which is just insane. While you won’t have this buff up all the time, once your EX Special is ready, you’ll be Dazing enemies extremely quickly.


Demara Battery Mark II

ATK: 48/624 | Impact: 6%/15%
Increases Electric DMG by 15/17.5/20/22/22%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 18/20.5/23/25/27.5% for 8s.

Lastly, we have Anby’s Signature W-Engine. Every player gets one copy for free by playing through the early game.

This Engine is a solid option, and a good option for increasing Qingyi’s personal damage due to the Electric DMG buff. However, it’s lacking in other aspects that the other Engines provide.

Steam Oven is a craftable option that provides more Energy and Impact%. If you have the resources, I recommend skipping this Engine and working on crafting Steam Oven or using one of the S-Rank Engines if you have them.

ZZZ Qingyi Drive Discs

Disk Drive Shockstar Disco S

Shockstar Disco

  • (2): Increases Impact by 6%.
  • (4): Basic Attacks, Dash Attacks, Dodge Counter, Special Attacks, and EX Special Attacks inflict 15% more Daze upon the main target.

Disk Drive Swing Jazz S

Swing Jazz

  • (2): Energy Regen increases by 20%.
  • (4): Launching a Chain Attack or Ultimate increases all squad members’ DMG by 15% for 12s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

Disk Drive Thunder Metal S

Thunder Metal

  • (2): Increases Electric DMG by 10%.
  • (4): As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equippers ATK is increased by 27%.

As with most Stun Agents, having Shockstar Disco (4) is crucial for increasing your Impact/Daze. You want to Daze/Stun as efficiently as possible and then swap into your main DPS.

For the 2-piece, you can go with either Swing Jazz for Energy Regen or Thunder Metal for Electric DMG%. Swing Jazz is the default option since Energy Regen will result in faster EX Specials, leading to faster Stuns.

However, Thunder Metal is still a solid option if you want to increase Qingyi’s personal damage. Thunder Metal is also farmed in the same stage as Shockstar Disco, so you can farm for both sets in one stage.

(If you have been farming for the Ether Set for Zhu Yuan, you’ll also farm Swing Jazz pieces, so both options are efficient to farm)

Qingyi Drive Disc Stats

When it comes to stats, Stun Agents don’t need too much. You want Partition VI to be Impact Main Stat. Outside of that, all the other Main Stats/Substats are simply extra personal damage.

If you want to be efficient with your resources, leveling up Partition VI with Impact Main Stat is your only priority. After you have extra resources, you can further optimize the other stats for more personal damage.

Main Stats

  • (4) Crit Rate/Crit DMG
  • (5) Electric DMG%
  • (6) Impact%


  • Crit Rate/Crit DMG
  • ATK%
  • PEN/Flat ATK

Qingyi Skill Priority

Core Skills > Basic Attack > EX Special ≈ Assist ≈ Dodge > Chain Attack

Almost every Agent looks to level up their Core Skill first. This increases their base stats and upgrades their Core Passive.

Basic Attack will be the majority of Qingyi’s contribution, so that is the main priority to level up after Core Skills.

EX Specials, Assists, and Dodge all contribute to damage and Daze, so those are nice to level up. We’ll need time to know which of the three are the most important, as it varies a lot depending on the enemy stun bar, rotations, etc.

Lastly, Chain Attack is there to increase Qingyi’s damage a bit. However, we’ve seen players omit Chain Attacks to give their Attack Agent more time on-field, so it might not even be worth leveling at all.

ZZZ Qingyi Teams

If it wasn’t clear already, Qingyi is instantly going into the Best ZZZ Teams. The current meta revolves around Ellen and Zhu Yuan as strong Attack Agents, and Qingyi slots right in as an upgrade to any Stunner.

Zhu Yuan Qingyi Team

ZZZ Zhu Yuan Qingyi Nicole Team

[ZZZ Zhu Yuan Guide] [ZZZ Nicole Guide]

When Qingyi releases, this team will likely be the strongest team in the game. Zhu Yuan teams are already performing very well with Anby, and Qingyi is essentially a straight upgrade.

Zhu Yuan is more of a Burst DPS, meaning you don’t want to spend too much time on her and want to constantly Stun enemies with Qingyi. This means that Qingyi’s strong personal damage will shine as she spends more time on the field.

Nicole is a great Support for Zhu Yuan, and that’s already known. With this team, you likely will breeze through Shiyu Defense once everyone is leveled up and has good gear investment.

However, you should decide if this upgrade is worth it for your account or not. If your Zhu Yuan team is already clearing well with Anby, maybe you should save your pulls to upgrade your second team.

Lastly, this team can also use Rina instead of Nicole since Qingyi’s Electric Attribute will pair with Rina’s Additional Ability. (But we recommend Nicole anyway)

Ellen Qingyi Team

ZZZ Ellen Qingyi Soukaku Team

[ZZZ Ellen Guide] [ZZZ Soukaku Guide]

If you have Ellen but not Zhu Yuan, fear not, as Qingyi is also a great teammate. Since her AA activates with any Attack Agent, Qingyi can pair very well with Ellen.

The only caveat is that to activate Ellen’s AA, you’ll need to run Soukaku for the Ice Attribute synergy. Every account gets Soukaku for free anyway, so this shouldn’t be much of an issue.

This team will also be very strong, but if you already have Lycaon, you can decide whether the pulls are worth it for you. Qingyi stuns crazy fast and also has a higher stun dmg multiplier than Lycaon, but Lycaon also has an Ice RES shred for Ellen.

If you don’t own Lycaon, Qingyi will provide a lot of value for your Ellen team. But if you already own Lycaon, you can decide what’s best for you. If you have both Ellen and Zhu Yuan, then Qingyi will be a huge improvement to either team.

Anton Shock Team

ZZZ Anton Grace Qingyi Team

[ZZZ Grace Guide] [ZZZ Anton Guide]

Lastly, we have a Mono Electric team that uses Anton as the Attack Agent. Since Anton is an A-Rank his performance definitely will lack compared to Ellen/Zhu Yuan. Even still, this team can be quite competitive, especially if you are fighting Machine enemies (weak to Electric).

For the last slot, you can use Rina or Grace as ways to provide Shock utility for Anton. Anton deals more damage against Shocked enemies, and Qingyi is also Electric, which is great for keeping up Shock uptime.

However, if you do already own Grace, I would recommend waiting for Jane Doe, as she is a new Anomaly Agent that will synergize a lot with Grace. This team is mainly for those who like/want to use Anton and don’t have Ellen/Zhu Yuan.

In Conclusion

ZZZ Qingyi MV Thumbnail

This wraps up our initial Zenless Zone Zero Qingyi guide.

Qingyi has been out for less than a day at the time of updating this article, but she’s already shown to be the best Stunner by a wide margin.

She stuns the fastest, has the best personal damage, and the best team buffing utility.

Since her Additional Ability works with any Attack Agent, she also has a lot of future potential. However, you still will need to activate your Attack Agent’s AA with your third slot. (For example Ellen/Soukaku)

If you’re missing a strong Stun Agent like Koleda/Lycaon, Qingyi will provide a ton of value for your account. (Assuming you are using Attack Agent teams)

Thanks for Reading! For more resources, check out our other Zenless Zone Zero Guides.