Welcome to our series, Mobalytics User Stories! Our primary goal at Mobalytics is to help competitive gamers improve and climb. Whether you’re new to League of Legends or a long-time player that has been stuck at a rank, we believe that we can get you through. This series will tell the stories of how Mobalytics has helped different players climb to achieve their goals and break their plateaus.At 16 years old, Poder is our youngest Mobalytics User Storyteller thus far. He’s got the magical League of Legends gene that seems to run in the veins of gamers from Denmark. In his story, we’ll understand his quick climb from Silver IV to Platinum V as he’s excelled on Summoner’s Rift as an Aurelion Sol main. Enjoy!
All right! First off, could you tell me about yourself? Where are you from? What do you study (if you’re a student) or do for a living?
I’m from Denmark and I’m 16 years old, studying physics and mathematics as my main subjects.
Nice! Could you tell me about yourself as a gamer? What are some of your all-time favorite games?
I used to play a lot of Pokemon and Xbox when I was younger but wasn’t really a PC gamer until some of my friends started playing League.
How was the transition from playing handheld for Pokemon and controller for Xbox to mouse and keyboard on the PC?
Not that hard. I had always been working on computer for school and I learned how to use it for gaming pretty quickly. I also had a lot of friends teach me the basics.Mobalytics:
Gotcha, did you play any other PC games before League or did you just jump right into that as your first?
My first PC games were Flash browser games on Y8 and other sites like that.
What season or year it was when you first started playing League?
It was the Preseason of S8 or end of S7. I played a little bit of the old runes and masteries if I recall.
What was your first impression of the MOBA genre and League itself? In our last user story, Rogue said he didn’t like starting at level 1 every game at first but he grew to like it over time.
It was fun! I liked the mix of like strategy, mind games, and skills.
Could you go into more detail on those aspects?
I used to play chess so I really like the strategy aspect regarding where to move on the map, where to pressure lane matchups objectives rotations, and stuff like that.
The mind game part, for me, is really in lane where I like analyzing my enemy how he moves his last hits. If I’m playing a skillshot champ like Xerath or Vel’koz, does my opponent juke backward, forwards or to the sides? All that stuff.
And the fact that every lane is different and difficult in a different way really combines all three aspects. You can’t use your skills to full use if you don’t know the strategy and you can’t use a strategy if you don’t see how the opponent is playing and reacting to how you are playing.
Love it! Thanks for expanding. Our resident Challenger Coach Moriarty played a lot of chess as well when he was younger and Vizicsacsi is a pro who’s known as an avid chess player – there might be a common thread there. I think he’s still the reigning best chess player at Mobalytics. Do you still play chess or has League taken up that strategic niche for you?
I don’t really play it anymore. I just play League since it’s more fun and way different each game where chess can get repetitive in my opinion.
Got it, totally get that. Could you talk about your journey to settling on your main role and building your champion pool?
I started playing Zed because when people start, they want to play the edgy cool champs like Zed, Yasuo, and Riven, but I quickly moved on to Azir because I really liked his mage kite and his lore. I have always been attracted to old mythology (mostly Greek and Egyptian). I kind of lost interest in Azir at some point, maybe because his nerfs (my old name on League was “BetterNerfAzirXD”).
I played a lot of Taliyah when she was a Mid laner and I really liked the playstyle of a bursty, fragile mage that roamed and could hard carry teamfights with a good ult or W.
They eventually changed her to a Jungler and while she is still my favorite Jungler, I like Mid lane way more. So while I was looking for a new main with the same playstyle and I picked up Aurelion. I really enjoyed him and played him every game for some time while I was learning him.
I want to ask you as a rare Aurelion Sol main – he’s always been quite strong for a long time. Why do you think he’s so…unpopular? I personally like his unique play style.
I think it’s because he’s a weird champ. He’s not like any other champion.
But there are other weird champs, like Bard or who have been quite popular. Heimerdinger has risen recently!
Yeah…I think people don’t realize how much damage he deals. When I played in Gold with an 80% win rate in like 50 games, I got flamed by a Yi main playing Cho’gath Jungle who thought that I didn’t deal damage.
Another thing is that I think people who play him have a hard time dealing damage with him but the champ is not all about damage. When I hit Platinum I had a 9.3/2.01/12.5 KDA, or something along those lines. With Sol, you win lane by roaming, getting your lanes ahead, and then you deal good damage cause you are up in gold.
Aurelion feels really bad from behind since you need to get kinda close and you just die if you are behind. You also kind of auto-lose if you hit 20-25 min without getting ahead from roaming since mages like Orianna or Lux scale better if you’re just sitting in lane.
Why do you think you’re such a natural at the game? For being so new, your win rates are crazy. Would you say you’re a fast learner? Or do you study a lot of videos/streamers?
I’d say I’m a quick learner but I’ve watched a lot of streams and a guy I’ve really learned Aurelion Sol from is Quantum Fizzics (AKA Sweaty ASOL), a Challenger player. If you ever do a quick guide on Asol hit him up, he is insane and has at least 2 accounts in Challenger.
Okay, good call I’ll let Exil know! Did you dive right into ranked from when you started playing League? What are some current challenges you’re facing now at Plat? Well, maybe not “current” since it’s Preseason, but you get what I mean.
I started playing ranked in July, like 4-5 months before the season ended because I was tired of being called bad because I was a casual Silver player and I really got hooked on it. As far as challenges go, I didn’t play much ranked after I hit Platinum. I mostly played games with friends and I had a lot of exams towards the end of the season.
Okay got it, so the reason you stopped climbing was more due to external factors rather than in-game factors.
I had internet problems for like 3 weeks before the season ended so I wouldn’t connect to every game and even if I connected, I would disconnect like 5 times every game or play on 500 ping.
Yikes. That’s definitely not ideal. What are your goals for next season?
I’m aiming for Diamond solo. If we have time, I’m looking to get Masters by duoing with a good friend of mine. We played like 15 games together with Aurelion and Shaco around high-Plat to low-Diamond since my MMR was insane got 30 LP per win and lost 12. We had a 90% win rate or something.
Aurelion plus Shaco sounds like a nasty combo! Well, I have no doubt you guys can hit Diamond next year at the rate you were going this past year.
It is. I just played ASol like a second Jungle. One of us got fed every game and hard carried.
Is your friend Danish as well?
No, he is Serbian actually.
Oh nice, that’s cool, so not an IRL friend but an online friend. I ask because I wanted to talk about there are so many successful professional Danish players in League of Legends and other games. From Bjergsen, to Jensen, and Caps, and so on.
Caps is my daddy!
What do you think it is about Denmark that yields these high-level players? Culturally, does the mainstream public embrace these players and esports? What do the older generations think of it all?
I don’t know, we have a lot of guys that really spend a lot of time on games. I feel like most gamers in Denmark are casual gamers who like FIFA and Fortnite. Playing a game as “nerdy” as League isn’t as accepted. It’s not widely accepted and older people don’t understand it.
I tried to explain to my parents how Imaqtpie is a millionaire – they didn’t understand how sitting in a living room would make money until I explained how much Twitch ads and subs donators give these people.
Did you tell them about players like Caps and Bjerg who get paid huge salaries, live in amazing houses, and get big-time sponsorships?
I did, and I tried to explain how they were like football players like Messi or Ronaldo but they still don’t understand why people watch it.
That’s interesting…I thought that since it was a smaller country it would be more like South Korea in that the culture accepted it. Do you ever hear about it on the news?
Yeah, they sometimes cover CS:GO since we have a really good Danish team I think, but I’ve never heard them talk about Bjerg, Caps, or Froggen. Overall, there are really die hardcore fans of League that are just vocal.
Ah man…I’m kind of bummed to hear that. Would your parents be accepting if you ever considered trying to go pro?
If I became good enough and the game wouldn’t die…maybe. I just don’t have enough time right now to really play it for real. My parents would accept it. They would accept anything I do as long I’m happy. Mobalytics:
That’s awesome, really happy to hear that. I think League will be around for a good amount of time. LEC just franchised so I think it has at least another 5 years minimum for EU specifically. How did you hear about Mobalytics and when did you join our Discord?
I watched brickyorchid8 when he played League and he did a sponsorship. I downloaded the beta and subscribed to your channel. You plugged your Discord there and thought I could get help to become better there and stuff like that.
Okay, awesome. Would you say that it helped you in your climb?
Totally! I have recommended it to a lot of my friends that play the game as well and they enjoy it and use it as well.
Thanks so much, we really do appreciate it. What would you say is your favorite feature?
The GPI. I really like to see where I can improve and where I can make my stats better.Mobalytics:
Were there any scores in particular that you’ve seen a lot of improvement in?
CS (Farming), warding (Vision), and less dying (Survivability).
What are some things that you do now in those areas that you didn’t do before?
I used to have a lose a lot CS around 5-10 min and then had like 8-10 CS other parts of the game so I really just focused on that for like 15 games and I saw improvement.
I haven’t used in a while since I’m playing norms and learning new champs and fun builds like “Cho Cho Train”.
That’s what the offseason is for! Are there any features you’d like to see added in the future?
As a guy that plays mostly roaming mids (Asol, Taliyah, Twisted Fate, Talon), if you could make a successful roam counter or something to help improve your roams. Remember to do a roam counter for Support as well since I played lot of Alistar where I just perma-roamed.Mobalytics:
Nice! I think we may have some things in the works that may go under those but I’ll definitely let our RnD team know. Sorry one thing I forgot to ask earlier – what was your activity like when you were climbing? In terms of how many games per day/week on average.
When I really started playing ranked, I played one game at most on weekdays because I played Normals so I could turn my brain off after school, but on weekends I could play like 4-5 games a day. I had around 180 ranked games in Season 8 so not that many games, to be honest. Mobalytics:
That’s really impressive. High win rates across the board and you’ve consistently climbed with a low number of games played. What would your advice be to players that are below you to help them climb
Find a champion or that playstyle you really like. It could be anything from assassin to control mage and just play. Another thing is to relax. It’s not the end of the world if you lose a ranked game or tilt. Just breathe and take a break. Focus on little things and get better at one thing like CS’ing and when you have learned that, move on to something new.
Awesome, thanks so much Poder. Is there anything else you’d like to say?
I’d like to say, to @Dada, KappaPride. Also, I’ve got a friend that I haven’t talked to in a while because he is a year abroad so I’d like to add love you Zega <3. I’m planning to start streaming soon, you can catch my Twitch channel here!
Thanks for reading! We hope you find this helpful in your own climbs. If you’d like your story to be told, just message Agilio3 #8828 on our Discord server.
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