In this Marvel Rivals Invisible Woman guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of her abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.
Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Invisible Woman Character Guide
Invisible Woman Overview
Sue Storm appears and disappears on the battlefield as seamlessly as she moves her forcefield from one ally to another.
A true backliner, she wants to keep her teammates in front of her where her Orb projection can pierce as many targets as possible before returning to her.
Through her combination of healing, shielding and crowd control she protects everyone and enables her allies to perform at their best.
Find out where Invisible Woman ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.
- Your heals have a shorter range than other supports so you'll need to be closer to your frontline. Use your double jump, Shift, and E to keep yourself protected.
- Use your shield to simultaneously protect and heal teammates at low health. Your shield is especially good for enabling allies who are taking off angles.
- Force Physics easily pulls enemies into your team where they are easier to eliminate. Look for enemies who are trying to retreat, and pull them back.
- She doesn’t have self heal unless she is invisible. When invisible she can’t use any abilities. Focus on her early in fights to force her to go invis, and stop healing her team.
- Her shields have 300 HP, always break them to stop its AoE healing.
- If you're a hero with a strong offensive ultimate like Star-lord, wait until she uses her ult before engaging as she can easily counter yours.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Movable Shield
Sue can quickly replace her Guardian Shield over and over, moving it between whichever ally needs it most at a moment’s notice. Did an enemy see one target shielded and try to go for someone else? Boom, the shield now appears in front of their new target!
Best in Class Crowd Control
While a few Strategists have a stun ability, no other hero has as many crowd control tools as the Invisible Woman. Move around enemies at will and keep them in a constant bombardment of cc so intense, it’s sure to lead to frustration and mistakes for the enemy team.
AoE Abilities
Her kit centers around AoE abilities which excel at dealing with groups of allies and enemies. While her single target healing and damage is pretty good, where she really makes her presence seen is the many AoE healing and damage attacks.
Poor Self Healing
The main way the Invisible Woman can heal herself is being invisible. Whilst invisible, however, she cannot attack or use any other abilities which is a major hindrance in the middle of a fight. She can also herself by standing within range of her shield, but she can’t cast that on herself and has to be right on top an ally to actually use this reactively.
Difficulty Damaging High Mobility Enemies
While having a multi-piercing primary fire which damages upon fire and retrieval can be a great strength against stationary targets, moving targets are a whole other issue. When battling a high mobility flanker like Spider-Man or Black Panther, don’t expect to be landing the double hits, and rely on the rest of her kit to try and survive the attack.
Ability Tips
Primary Fire: Orb Projection
DESCRIPTION | Launch a force field orbs that can pierce heroes, flying to maximum distance before returning to Invisible Woman; damaging enemies and healing teammates |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile with delayed impact. |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Orbs can pierce heroes and return to Invisible Woman after reaching their maximum distance. They damage enemies and heal teammates |
DAMAGE | 20 per hit |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | No falloff |
HEALING AMOUNT | 40 per hit |
FIRE RATE | 0.5s per hit |
Tips for Orb Projection
Focus on trying to line up as many allies and enemies when using primary fire.
- The number of targets the orbs pierce is unlimited.
- Use movement and strafing to maintain straight lines between herself and her multiple targets.
[Shift]: Psionic Vortex
DESCRIPTION | Gather psionic energy and then cast it, upon hitting a target, scene, or pressing the Ability key again, it erupts into a psionic vortex, continuously drawing in enemies and causing damage |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field |
SPELL FIELD RANGE | 5m radius |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Applies a slow effect to enemies within the spell field; the closer they are to the center of the field, the greater the slow effect |
SLOW RATE | Center 50%, Edge 0 |
Tips for Psionic Vortex
When you know your team has AoE ultimates such as Moon Knight’s, save the vortex to combo with their ult and pull enemies into the damage radius and prevent them from escaping!
[E] Force Physics
DESCRIPTION | Manipulate psionic energy to push or pull enemies in front of her |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Cylindrical Spell Field |
RANGE | 1.5m radius, 30m length |
DAMAGE | 55 |
PUSH RANGE | 12m |
Tips for Force Physics
Against teams with melee heroes, always save Force Physics to boop melee enemies away from you when targeted.
- Do not waste this ability on random displacements just to use it, as you’ll be leaving yourself defenseless.
- Save for when you see an enemy overextended. In those moments of vulnerability, pull them out towards your team to allow for an easy elimination.
[Secondary Fire] Guardian Shield
DESCRIPTION | Generate a force shield in front of a selected ally. The shield can block damage and provide Healing Over Time to nearby allies. Enemies that pass through the shield are slowed |
KEY | Right Click |
CASTING | Targeted |
RANGE | 3m radius |
SLOW RATE | 30% |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Before the shield is destroyed, Invisible Woman can choose to reproject the shield onto a selected teammate at any time. After the shield has been damaged, Invisible Woman can press the F key to reclaim the shield and restore its value |
Tips for Guardian Shield
The cooldown of Guardian Shield only begins after the shield has been broken or recalled.
- Shield HP instantly begins recovering when manually recalled.
- Manually recalling shield recovers 50hp per second, and can be redeployed once it is at full health.
- Try to never let the shield fully break in order to maximize uptime and healing output.
- AoE healing works for herself and all allies in range, not just the one for whom the shield was activated.
- When needing self-healing, Sue can leave her shield in one place and play around it rather than using it for damage mitigation.
[SPACE]: Veiled Step
DESCRIPTION | Generate a force field at your feet, stepping on it propels her into the Invisible state |
KEY | Space |
Tips for Veiled Step
- Always save Veiled Step for defensive maneuvering. Whenever Sue finds herself with low health she can jump into invisibility and begin self-healing while dodging enemy attacks.
- Use its height to avoid ground slams, dashes, and AoE attacks.
Passive: Covert Advance
DESCRIPTION | Enter Invisible state some time after disengaging from combat and grant yourself Healing Over Time |
KEY | Passive |
Tips for Covert Advance
Very similar to Sombra from Overwatch, this will reward Invisible Woman players who can position well with sustain and safety in moving around the map.
Ultimate Ability: Invisible Boundary
DESCRIPTION | Manifest an unseen force field within a chosen area, rendering allies inside undetectable by enemies and provide Healing Over Time. Enemies that pass through the field are slowed |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Targeted, generates a cylindrical spell field |
HEALING AMOUNT | 165/sec |
RANGE | 10m radius, 40m height |
ENERGY COST | 4300 |
Tips for Invisible Boundary
- This is an amazing teamfighting ult that will help you take over points and win games.
- It’s particularly good against melee comps but can still be susceptible to big AoE ultimate that can provide massive splash damage to mitigate not seeing your team.
Team-up: Fantasti-Force
DESCRIPTION | The Invisible Woman taps into her powers, channeling Psionic Might to fortify Mr.Fantastic. This formidable force bolsters Mr.Fantastic, granting damage resistance. Once activated, they can continually generate Bonus Health, making up for lost Health |
KEY | Passive |
TEAM-UP BONUS | 15% Healing Boost |
Tips for Fantasti-Force
- Duels and teamfights can be decided by a few points of HP, so having continually Bonus Health is a pretty solid passive Team-Up.
- Although The Thing and Human Torch have yet to be added but they’ll be affected by this as well alongside Mister Fantastic.
Team Comp Synergies
Team comps built around Invisible Woman play grouped up and in close to medium ranges. Due to her lack of range for both healing and damage, she doesn’t fit well with dive comps or teams that spread out.
Frontline heavy brawl comps greatly benefit from having a Sue Storm right behind them. Her CC and AoE abilities also pair best with these similarly ranged heroes. Between Guardian Shield and Force Physics, she’s really good at protecting her allies from enemy attacks so get her allies to play more aggro!
Team Comp Example
- Vanguards: Peni Parker, Doctor Strange
- Duelists: Mister Fantastic, The Punisher
- Strategists: Luna Snow, Invisible Woman
Hero Synergies
Vanguards: Peni Parker
Speaking of needing a team to stay grouped up and close, no other Vanguard makes that happen better than Peni Parker. Controlling an area with her mines and Cyber-Webs help Invisible Woman to be seen as her team's carry pick. Watch for Peni’s mines and use Force Physics to pull enemies into them to a massive explosion of damage and some easy elims. Sue can also use Psionic Vortex to prevent enemies from escaping during Peni’s ultimate.
Duelist: Mister Fantastic
One of the best Team-ups in Rivals, Wedded Harmony combined with the rest of his HP stacking and damage mitigating kit makes Mister Fantastic feel truly unkillable. Their entire kits match perfectly together. The married duo each has rather low burst damage on their own, but combining their AoE and CC abilities together make them a lethal duo.
Strategist: Luna Snow
Luna Snow makes up for both of Sue’s weaknesses. First off, Luna can heal allies outside of Sue’s range. More importantly, Luna has a great stun which can be used to save Sue from flankers and melee heroes.
Table of Contents
Base Stats
Role | Strategist |
Difficulty | 4/5 Stars |
Health | 275 |
Movement Speed | 6 m/s |