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Marvel Rivals Guide

The Best Marvel Rivals Team-Ups Ranked

Updated on Mar 7, 2025
Mar 7, 2025


Marvel Rivals' Team-Up Abilities in Season 1.5 vary greatly in strength, from game-changing to barely noticeable.

This Team-Up Ability Tier List ranks every ability from most to least impactful and breaks down the value it adds to your hero.

Understanding which Team-Ups are the best will help guide your decision making when forming team comps at the beginning of every match. Let's take a look at how each Team-Up stacks up against one another, starting with the #1 spot: Chiling Charisma.

Quick Rankings

High Impact

Chilling Charisma, Ammo Overload, Metallic Chaos, Guardian Revival, Symbiote Bond (Spider-Man), Gamma Charge (Dr. Strange), Ragnarok Rebirth, Storming Ignition

Medium Impact

Voltaic Union, Atlas Bond, Fantastic Four, Dimensional Shortcut, Allied Agents, Lunar Force, Gamma Charge (Iron Man)

Low Impact

ESU Alumnus, Symbiote Bond (Peni), Fastball Special, Planet X Pals

High Impact: Chilling Charisma (Luna Snow + Jeff / Namor)

"Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Namor and Jeff the Land Shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will."

The addition of Chilling Charisma increases the power level of Namor and Jeff more than any other Team-Up Ability. Namor and Luna are frequently banned in competitive play because of the Team-Up's oppressive power. Also, Jeff main's become deadly flankers when they have Ice Spitball.

Luna Snow

High Impact: Ammo Overload (Rocket Raccoon + Winter Soldier / The Punisher)

"Rocket Raccoon throws an Ammo Overload device in the target direction. Upon entering the device's range, the Punisher and Winter Soldier receive the buffs of Infinite Ammo and Faster Firing."

Across all ranks Ammo Overload is one of the best tools a team can possess. Especially when a team runs both Bucky and Punisher, throwing out Rocket's Z is like giving your team an extra ultimate every 40 seconds.

Rocket Raccoon
Winter Soldier
The Punisher

High Impact: Metallic Chaos (Scarlet Witch + Magneto)

"Scarlet Witch can infuse Chaos Energy into Magneto to enchant his greatsword. Upon receiving the Chaos Energy, Magneto can unleash its full force, striking down enemies with his enchanted greatsword."

With a mere 20 seconds of effective downtime, Magneto's Chaos sword deletes 275HP heroes at any range with a single 3-round burst. Magneto is also the best Vanguard to run with Scarlet Witch as his shield, ally bubble, and ultimate can all be used to enable Wanda's ultimate.

Scarlet Witch

High Impact: Guardian Revival (Adam Warlock + Star-Lord / Mantis)

"Adam Warlock enhances the rebirth power of Star-Lord and Mantis, granting them the power of cocooned revival."

Having up to three heroes on one team with the ability to resurrect themselves is extremely powerful. Each of these Guardian's playstyles pairs well together when the team is going for aggressive offense. The enemy team can dump multiple ultimates into getting eliminations just to have these heroes completely negate the fight win by rezing themselves.

Adam Warlock

High Impact: Symbiote Bond (Venom + Spider-Man)

"Venom shares a part of his symbiote with Spider-Man, activating his symbiote abilities. Spider-Man can convert the symbiotes into explosive spikes that inflict harm on nearby enemies and relentlessly drive them back."

Spider-Man gains a near insta-kill combo when he's paired with Venom. The Team-Up Ability makes securing KOs on Strategists and fliers extremely consistent and easy. Venom and Spidery also work together as one of the best dive duos available.


High Impact: Gamma Charge (Hulk + Doctor Strange)

"Hulk charges Doctor Strange with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes Gamma Maelstrom."

Gamma Maelstrom gives Strange extra damage and range on his best ability. Moreover, most Team-Up Abilities have long cooldowns but Strange gets this empowered attack every 8 seconds. The extra range and damage also allows him to get solo team wipes much easier with his ultimate.

Dr. Strange

High Impact: Ragnarok Rebirth (Hela + Thor / Loki)

"When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them Bonus Health if they are still alive."

Hela's long-range hitscan weapon excels at getting final hits from any range. Being given a 10 second window to resurrect one of her allies may seem like a tight window, but the impact of instantly bringing Loki and Thor back into the fight cannot be overstated.


High Impact: Storming Ignition (Human Torch + Storm)

"When the Human Torch activates Supernova, Storm can summon an Omega Fire by selecting a Flame Tornado with Omega Hurricane. Likewise, when Storm unleashes Omega Hurricane, the Human Torch can transform it into a Burning Hurricane with Supernova. Any Flame Tornado caught in a Burning Hurricane will grow in size and damage."

A standard ult from Storm lasts 5 seconds and is one of the best Duelist ultimates in Marvel Rivals. The Team-Up Burning Hurricane ult more than doubles its duration and the damage of these two ultimates kills through every defensive ult. The only element holding down its placement is the high cost of requiring two ultimates to be used simultaneously.

Human Torch

Medium Impact: Voltaic Union (Thor + Storm / Captain America)

"Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, granting them an electrifying enhancement. With an electrifying enhancement, Storm can unleash a lightning barrage. With an electrifying enhancement, Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies."

Both Cap and Storm's extra chain-lightning attack gives them a strong extra ability to clutch wins. Cap even gets a permanent speed boost to help him chase down the enemy's backline.

Captain America

Medium Impact: Atlas Bond (Luna + Iron Fist)

"Iron Fist channels the Chi of Shou-Lao into Luna Snow, transforming her ice power into a Chi-infused frosty ring that radiates from her. This ring can knock back enemies with chilling damage and applies a slowing effect, while simultaneously healing her allies."

Luna already has decent survivability on her own, but give her a knockback ability with AoE healing and damage and she feels unstoppable.

Iron Fist
Luna Snow

Medium Impact: Fantastic Four (Invisible Woman + The Thing / Mister Fantastic / Human Torch)

"The Invisible Woman taps into her powers, channeling Psionic Might to fortify Mr.Fantastic. This formidable force bolsters Mr.Fantastic, granting damage resistance. Once activated, they can continually generate Bonus Health, making up for lost Health."

Every member of the Fantastic Four positions forwardsurvivability near the enemy, and sometimes gets cut off from their team's resources. Giving any of them a self-healing ability raises their survivabilty in crucial moments.

Invisible Woman
Mr. Fantastic
The Thing
Human Torch

Medium Impact: Dimensional Shortcut (Magik + Black Panther / Psylocke)

"When Magik is on the field, Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through Limbo, Black Panther and Psylocke will gain Bonus Health based on missing health."

Magik with either of these Duelists makes for a lethal dive duo. The ability to rewind time and gain temporary Bonus Health is great for getting out of the fight alive.

Black Panther

Medium Impact: [Allied Agents] (Hawkeye + Black Widow)

"Hawkeye can share his Hunter's Sight with Black Widow, enabling her to catch sight of and damage afterimages of enemies."

While their pairing leaves their team with notable weaknesses, The Afterimage Team-Up turns Widow's ult into a potential one-shot against most of the cast.

Black Widow

Medium Impact: [Lunar Force] ( Cloak & Dagger + Moon Knight)

"Cloak & Dagger can inject light and dark energy into Moon Knight to create a Light & Dark Realm where Moon Knight can become Invisible and heal himself."

Healing and invisibility help to enable Moon Knight's off angle playstyle. He's normally quite vulnerable to dive, but Luna Force helps to give him a better chance in these matchups.

Cloak & Dagger
Moon Knight

Medium Impact: [Gamma Charge] (Hulk + Iron Man)

"Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes excess gamma energy. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade."

The Season 1.5 update brought the Gamma and base forms of Iron Man so close in damage that Hulk is no longer a requirement for Iron Man. The extra damage is still good to have though.

Iron Man

Low Impact: [ESU Alumnus] (Spider-Man + Squirrel Girl)

"Spider-Man gives Squirrel Girl a web bomb. She can slingshot it to unleash an explosion upon contact with the environment or an enemy, briefly ensnaring and damaging enemies caught in the blast."

Decent AoE stun to add to Squirel Girl's CD cycle, but it lasts only a single second and essentially performs the same function as her regular Squirel stun.

Squirrel Girl

Low Impact: [Symbiote Bond] (Venom + Peni Parker)

"Venom shares a part of his symbiote with Peni Parker, activating her symbiote abilities. Peni Parker can convert the symbiotes into explosive spikes that inflict harm on nearby enemies and relentlessly drive them back."

Peni doesn't often need the extra sustain from Symbiote Bond, and she also doesn't want to be booping enemies away from her and her mines. Occasionally, the invincibility can come in clutch to survive an enemy attack.

Peni Parker

Low Impact: [Fastball Special] (Wolverine + Hulk / The Thing)

"Wolverine and The Thing or Hulk can interact with each other. Once both parties confirm, The Thing and Hulk can lift Wolverine and press the key to hurl him forward."

The throw trajectory is inconsistent and taking too long to aim often leads to Wolverine dying in their giant arms. Don't expect to be Snatching your target.

The Thing

Low Impact: [Planet X Pals] (Groot + Jeff / Rocket)

"Jeff the Land Shark and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot's shoulders, receiving Damage Reduction."

Jeff and Rocket already have best-in-class survivability and rarely benefit from jumping on Groot's shoulders as neither want to be positioned next to him.

Rocket Raccoon
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