Every Major Item Change Coming in Season 14 of League of Legends
In season 14, there are many different changes, including major map changes, objective changes and the removal and insertion of more items into the game. Season 14 is coming very soon, and in this Mobalytics article, we will discuss all the major item changes that are coming in Season 14.
To make this guide easier to digest, we’ve made an infographic that breaks everything down! But we will also break everything down in a more manageable way. Make sure you click on the table of contents to move around the article quickly! For more articles like this, head over to the Mobalytics Blog!
P.S. We’ve also made a guide on the current map and objectives changes. You can find it here.
Removed Items
Riot will remove many items this season, but don’t worry. There will be a lot of new items to replace them. A wide mixture of items is leaving, and there are many reasons why Riot may have wanted to remove an item. I will now suggest 3 reasons why some items may have been removed.
- Items are not being purchased much, or few champions can utilise the item.
- They are replacing it with a similar item.
- The item is hard to balance and has recently received multiple buffs or nerfs.
Here’s a complete list of the items that are being removed.
Reworked Items
With Riot removing a bunch of items, they’re also reworking quite a few. At the time of writing this article, they haven’t finalised any of the item changes yet, so we will avoid listening to any potential changes right now. But, here’s a list of all the items that are getting reworked.
What do you think about these items getting changed? Are you happy, or is your favourite item getting changed?
New Items
There are a ton of new items being added into the game this season to replace and compensate for the items they have removed. However, Riot hasn’t really confirmed when they will rock up on the live servers yet.
To simplify this section, I will list the new items by role, including what they do and who they will be good on. However, it is still early days for these items, so they might change, and the champions suggested may no longer pick them up.
New Assassin Items
- It is a stacking AD item.
- Humbris is good on Draven and Kha’Zix.
- Opportunity provides additional movement speed.
- Opportunity is good on Qiyana and Talon.
Profane Hydra
- Increased damage vs lower health enemies.
- Profane Hydra is good on Qiyana and Zed.
Voltaic Cyclosword
- This item empowers your champions’ auto-attacks.
- Voltaic Cyclosword is good on Akshan and Quinn.
- It is a movement speed item.
- Zoomies is good on Qiyana and Talon.
New Mage Items
Caster’s Companion
- Deals additional damage when the item is charged.
- Caster’s Companion is good on Orianna and Syndra.
- Gain a heal after killing a champion.
- Cyrptbloom is good on Brand and Zyra.
Haunting Guise
- Deals additional damage in long trades.
- Haunting Guise is good on Anivia and Singed.
- Your Ultimate will burn the enemy champion(s).
- Malignance is good on Anivia and Rumble.
- Provides mobility after burst.
- Stormsurge is good on Orianna and Ryze.
New Marksman Items
Experimental Hexplate
- This item reduces the cooldown of your Ultimate.
- Experimental Hexplate is good on Ashe and Miss Fortune.
- Synergises well on on-hit champions.
- Terminus is good on Kog’Maw and Varus.
New Fighter Items
Nitro Hexaegis
- After using your Ultimate, you will gain additional stats.
- Nitro Hexaegis is good on Fiora and Jax.
Sundered Sky
- It empowers your basic attacks.
- Sundered Sky is good on Fiora and Jax.
New Tank Items
Hollow Radiance
- Provides magic resistance and is good against AP teams.
- Hollow Radiance is good on Amumu and Zac.
Kaenic Rookern
- Provides magic resistance and is good against AP teams.
- Kaenic Rookern is good on Malphite and Sion.
- Trailblazer provides movement speed, which will help you engage.
- Trailblazer is good on Alistar and Nautilus.
Unending Despair
- Gain additional sustain and a lot of health.
- Unending Despair is good on Alistar and Dr Mundo.
New Utility Item
- As this is a utility item, Dawncore enhances a champion’s sustain.
- Dawncore is good on Janna and Soraka.
New Warding Items
There are new starting Support items this season. They act like before: you need to earn 500 gold to get the wards, and they upgrade over time.
Celestial Opposition
- Is a tanky item that is great for champions with CC.
- It is good on Nautilus and Leona.
Solstice Sleigh
- It works well on champions with slows and utility.
- It is good on Lulu and Janna.
- Bloodsong is an item for damage dealers that are AD.
- It is good on Senna and Pyke.
Dream Maker
- Dream Maker a utility item that works really well for healing champions.
- It is good on Soraka and Sona.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
- Zaz’Zaks will be the go-to item for damage dealers.
- It is good on Zyra and Brand.
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of changes coming in Season 14. What do you think of the new items that are coming, and what do you think about the ones that have left?
You can find more articles like this on the Mobalytics Blog!
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