All Of New LoL Champion Renata Glasc’s Abilities
Renata Glasc, the The Baroness of Chemistry, will be the second new League champion for Season 12.
Season 12 appears to have a theme so far as both new champions (the first being Zeri), are from Zaun.
She’ll be making her PBE debut during Patch 12.3 and going live with Patch 12.4.
Her intended role will be Support, but we’ll have to see how players experiment with her in other roles.
Stick around to learn about Renata Glasc’s Passive, Q, W, E, and ultimate.
Renata Glasc’s Ability Names:
- Passive – Leverage
- Q – Handshake
- W – Bailout
- E – Loyalty Program
- R – Hostile Takeover
Renata Glasc’s Reveal Video
The Official Riot Renata Glasc Champion Reveal Trailer
Mobalytics Renata Glasc Ability Reveals
Passive – Leverage
Renata Glasc’s basic attacks mark her enemies and deal bonus damage. Damge from Renata’s allies consumes the mark, dealing additional damage.
Q – Handshake
Renata Glasc sends out a missile from her robotic arm that roots the first enemy hit. She can reactivate the ability to throw the enemy in a target direction, damaging enemies hit and stunning them if the thrown champion is a champion.
W – Bailout
Remata Glasc grants an allied champion or herself ramping attack speed and move speed toward enemies. If the ally gets a takedown on an enemy champion, the buff duration resets. If the ally would die while Bailout is still active, their health is set back to full but they begin burning to death over 3 seconds. The ally can stop the burn by getting a champion takedown before they die.
E – Loyalty Program
Renata Glasc sends out chemtech rockets that shield allies and damage and slow enemies that pass through. The rockets also apply their effects around her on cast and in an explosion at max range.
R – Hostile Takeover
Renata Glasc sends out a cloud of chemicals that cause enemies to go berserk, increasing their attack speed and forcing them to basic attack anything around them. Berserk enemies prioritize attacking their own allies, then neutral units, then Renata Glasc’s team, then Renata Glasc herself.
To stay up to date with the latest new champion news, make sure to follow our New LoL Champion Tracker.
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