A Beginners Guide to Hwei Mid
Hwei is the newest champion coming to League of Legends, and he will be released in the final major patch of the year, just in time for Christmas and the new season. He is an AP champion who is quite immobile but can deal a lot of damage.
If you know nothing about Hwei so far, we will break some things down to make understanding him easier and give you the first steps to help you play him. Before we get into this guide, we’ve also made a Hwei Champion Page where you can find up-to-date builds and more tips to help you play him.
The season is ending very soon, and many changes are coming, so it is key that you understand what has changed. Lucky for you, we’ve made a separate article on all the major changes coming in Season 14.
Ability Breakdown
Here’s the breakdown of Hwei’s abilities in LoL!
Passive: Signature of the Visionary
- Hwei labels enemy champions by damaging them with his abilities. Two hits with damaging spells leaves his mark, detonating after a delay to damage nearby enemies. His passive urges mixing abilities for maximum damage, making his explosive signature move a pivotal part of his damage strategy.
Subject: Disaster (Q)
- Hwei paints visions of disaster that deals a large amount of damage to enemies.
Devastating Fire (QQ)
- Hwei paints a blazing fireball that flies out in the target direction. It explodes on the first enemy hit or at maximum range, dealing magic damage plus percent max health magic damage to all enemies in an area.
Severing Bolt (QW)
- Hwei paints a long-range, devastating bolt at the target location. After a delay, the bolt strikes, dealing magic damage. Immobilized or isolated enemies take increased damage based on missing health.
Molten Fissure (QE)
- Hwei paints a field of exploding volcanic eruptions, creating lingering lava in its path. Every eruption deals magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies in the lava area are dealt magic damage per second and are slowed.
Subject: Serenity (W)
- Hwei paints visions of serenity that provides utility for himself and allied champions.
Fleeting Current (WQ)
- Hwei paints a current of swift waters in a line for a few seconds that grants movement speed to himself and allies.
Pool of Reflection (WW)
- Hwei forms a protective pool at the target location that lasts for a few seconds. Allied champions inside the area gain an immediate shield, increasing in value over a few seconds while in the area.
Stirring Lights (WE)
- Hwei paints three swirling lights that circle him for several seconds. Hwei’s next 3 attacks or spells deal bonus magic damage and grant mana on hit.
Subject: Torment (E)
- Hwei paints visions of torment that control enemies.
Grim Visage (EQ)
- Hwei launches a terrifying face that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage and causing them to flee for a brief duration.
Gaze of the Abyss (EW)
- Hwei paints an abyssal eye at the target location that grants vision and locks onto the nearest visible enemy champion. After a short delay, the eye fires at the locked-on champion, rooting the first enemy in its path for a few seconds and dealing magic damage to them.
Crushing Maw (EE)
- Hwei paints crushing jaws that deal magic damage to enemies hit and pulls them toward the center, slowing them by a set amount that quickly decays.
- Crushing Maw summons a maw that, you guessed it, crushes Hwei’s opponent(s), squishing them all together for some devastating AoE damage.
Spiraling Despair (R)
- Hwei casts a vision of despair onto an enemy champion, expanding to overwhelm nearby enemies with ongoing magic damage. Those within suffer Despair stacks, gradually slowing them. When the vision ends, it shatters, dealing additional magic damage.
This is the most popular and best build for Hwei in the Mid-lane right now! Use the Mobalytics App to get it imported directly into your client for free!
How to Roam
One of the good benefits of any mid-laner is to look for roaming opportunities, and you should do the same with Hwei. However, roaming on him can be a little challenging due to his low mobility and lack of armour/protection.
But there are ways you can combat this:
- Roam with your Jungler to gank your side lanes. This will increase the chances of winning fights.
- Purchase boots first before roaming. The extra speed will help with your mobility issues.
- Avoid roaming when your laner is alive. They can take your tower while you’re gone, so only roam if they’re not there.
If you’re looking for more roaming opportunities or help to master the best way to roam in LoL, make sure you read our in-depth roaming guide!
As you can tell by now, Hwei has around a million different combos and unique ways he can use his abilities. Thankfully, Riot has already created a basic combos toolguide to help you master the basics, and help you understand what combos do what. So, we recommend that you save this image Riot created to help you understand the combos.
Of course, these combos are really basic, but if you want more advanced combos, hang tight as we get them added to Hwei’s Champion Page.
Team Fights
Now let’s talk about team fighting as Hwei. Team fighting as Hwei is actually quite simple. His Ultimate and several other abilities are extremely potent in team fights, making him a great team fighting champion!
Hwei has a lot of AOE abilities, which is great in team fights as he can damage multiple champions at once. Furthermore, he also has a CC tool, allowing him to get picks too. Let’s not forget that he also has good follow-up damage, which is good in fights, too!
With this in mind, good areas of the map to fight are in the jungle, around major objectives and in tight areas of the map, basically, anywhere in the map where it forces the enemy to tunnel vision in and group extremely close together.
Our advice is to stick with your team as much as possible in the mid and late game so you can use your high damage output and AOE abilities to deal considerable damage in fights.
Final Thoughts
And that about sums up our guide on how to play Hwei in League of Legends. Please remember that this is supposed to be a basic beginner’s guide and is not in any way meant to be in-depth. What did you think of our guide? Have you played Hwei yet- what do you think?
Looking for more tips and tricks? Head over to Mobalytics!
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