How to Get Better at League of Legends
Get better at League of legends is actually quite easy if you’re a new player or somebody who is a low rank.
When you start to get higher in the ranked system, things can get a lot harder. However, that’s not to be said that you will get stuck once you start to climb!
In this guide, we will break down 5 tips and tricks to help you get better at League of Legends.
Using everything I talk about in this article will definitely climb and see a considerable increase in ranking before the season ends!
These tips in this guide are not aimed at any particular role or player so that they will work for everyone regardless of your role!
5 Tips to Help You Get Better at League of Legends
- Focus on one role
- Solidify your champion pool
- Place better wards
- Understand wave management
- Master Mobalytics
1. Focus on one role
To increase your chances of winning games and improve overall at League of Legends, you need to stick to one main role and only play that role in Ranked. If you play every role or put fill as your preferred role, you’re severely decreasing your chances of winning games.
Picture this; you’ve been filled and been given Jungle. You don’t know how to play Jungle that well, but you play the game out. You check your Mobalytics App and see that the enemy Jungler is a Jungle OTP. You’re going to have a hard time playing against them because they know and play the role better than you do.
By sticking to 1 role, you will have more experience and be able to perform well. The more you do something, the better you will be at it. Spending a lot of time playing your main role will make you understand more about how the role is played, how matchups go and what you can and can’t do in certain matchups.
However, it is good to play a secondary role that is similar to the lane you main. For instance, Support and ADC, or Mid and Top. They overlap to some extent, and you can easily transition information and things you learn from one role to another.
Unsure which role is for you? Check out our guide on how to choose your main role!
2. Solidify your champion pool
Similarly to maining a role, you need to choose only a handful of champions to play in ranked. There are 156 champions in League of Legends, and if you were to play all of them, you will not be good enough on all of those champions to win games. If you repeatedly play 2 to 5 champions, your chances of winning games are heavily increased because you are used to playing those champions.
If you are versus somebody who one-tricks a champion and you only have a handful of games playing the champion you’ve picked, it is obvious that they will win the match up even if it statistically favours you.
I would recommend having one main champion, followed by 2 to 4 champions that you can pick as backups just in case your main champion gets banned or countered. If you are struggling to find which champions are good right now or which ones you should play, I recommend checking out the Mobalytics tier list. Pick some champions that are currently S-tier.
It is a good idea also to pick champions that can be flexed or played in multiple roles. For instance, Lissandra (while not a great champion right now) can be flexed into the Mid and Top lane. You can play Lucian in Top, Mid and ADC too.
Find out more tips and tricks to help you build and solidify your champion pool here.
3. Place better wards
Warding in League of Legends is still one of the most underrated and underutilised tools in the game. Warding provides you and your team with so much information that can help you win the game.
Because it is so impactful, you must learn when, where and how to ward effectively in League of Legends.
If you want to learn where to ward, I would highly recommend you check out our in-depth warding guide, which shows all the best warding locations in League of Legends. It breaks down each role and lane to make it even easier!

Learn how to perfect this ward by checking out our Warding Infographic!
Throughout the game, you should buy Control Wards and place them around the map. You don’t need to buy 1 on every back, but one every so often and replace them every time your previous one dies and as the game develops. Make sure you invest in Control Wards and place them frequently.
4. Understand wave management
Wave management and learning when to push and when not to is a strategy that high ELO players abuse. It is hard to master, but the concept is pretty simple to understand. When I look at lower ELO players and how they lane, I see a common mistake: how they manage the minion waves.
Avoid constantly pushing the minion wave during the laning phase. If you are constantly pushing the minion wave, you open yourself up to ganks from the enemy Jungler, which results in you dying and falling behind.
Furthermore, pushing the enemy into their tower could allow them to zone you away from minions or all-in you when you walk up to secure last hits on enemy minions. On the flip side, you may find it hard to fight the enemy or get kills as their tower protects them.

“If you do not want the minion wave to push against you and you don’t want to push it, all you need to do is make sure that the minion wave stays in the yellow zone. For this to happen, there need to be no additional extra minions left alive in the lane (on either team.) If you have 3 minions alive, you want the enemy also to have 3.”
Learning to freeze is simple. If you want the minion wave to stay in the middle of the lane, make sure there are equal enemy minions to allied minions. If you want the wave closer to your side of the lane, you need to make sure there are more enemy minions than allied minions.
Freezing is a great strategy. It can allow you to zone the enemy away from the farm and gain a CS and XP lead. It can often lead to solo kills or kills for your Jungler as a Jungler can easily gank an allied frozen lane.
Need to learn how to wave manage properly? Check out our wave management guide.
5. Master Mobalytics
For our final tip, learn how to master the Mobalytics companion app.
On the Mobalytics site, you can find tons of information to help you play your favourite champions, including builds, runes, combos, and much, much more.
One way of improving at League of Legends is by taking the best possible setups to help you win. If you take the wrong runes or build the wrong items, you’re going to do more harm than good.
On the flip side, the Mobalytics App can auto-import the best runes and items, so you don’t need to stay up to date with them from patch to patch.
The Mobalytics App will also provide you with handy tips throughout your game, including showing the enemies power spikes, general matchup tips, telling you when objectives are spawning, and much more. Use it as an aid tool to help you climb.
To learn more, check out our Ultimate Mobalytics guide.
You do not have to be constantly playing League of Legends to improve at the game. Learning basic concepts and then applying them in the game will help you climb and make you a better player as a whole.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, check out PicklePants’s stream.
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