League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best Mid Laners For Season 13 Patch 13.20

This article is now outdated. Click here for Patch 13.21 recommendations.

5 OP Mid Laners for Patch 13.20

The Mid lane is one of the most versatile lanes in League of Legends. It has a ton of variety when it comes to what champions are strong in the role. The good thing about the Mid Lane is that you will always find a fun champion to play there!

In this Mobalytics guide for Patch 13.20, we will discuss 5 of the best meta picks to help you climb and win games in this patch! As always in Ranked, it is key that you pick champions that are strong in the current meta.

If you’re looking for extra tips to play any of these champions on our list, make sure you head over to their Mobalytics’ Champion Page.

Best Mid Laners For Season 13 Patch 13.20

  1. Lux
  2. Sylas
  3. Naafiri
  4. Pantheon
  5. Orianna

You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.20. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, worldwide and is all Rank data.


Lux is the first champion on our list. She is one of the most popular champions in the game, clocking in at nearly 2 million games this patch.

Lux is a very consistent laner. She has many good matchups, can play safer and counter hard matchups, and has tools to empower her allies and keep them alive. In the later parts of the mid-game, she can also start one-shotting enemy champions.

Lux had a 50.6% win rate in 1,888,000 games in Patch 13.19.


Sylas is the next recommended pick this patch. He has a very high play rate, making him one of the more popular champions this patch.

One of Sylas’ major strengths is his Ultimate. He can steal a strong enemy Ultimate, like Malphite, and basically one-shot the enemy carries. While he may be one of the harder champions on our list, putting the time and effort into him will help you climb significant ranks this patch!

During Patch 13.19, Sylas had a win rate of 50.7% win rate in 1,295,000 games.


The third champion on our list is Naafiri. While she may be one of the latest champions to hit Summoners Rift, mastering and putting time into learning her will help you climb fast this patch.

Naafiri is an assassin, which is one of the most popular champion types in League of Legends. The good thing about Naafiri is that she has a lot of kill pressure and can make plays and get kills. To climb in LoL, you need to have someone who can get kills alone, and Naafiri can achieve that.

Naafiri had an impressive 52.6% win rate in 382,000 games.


While Pantheon may not be the first champion that comes to mind when we talk about S-tier picks, have you ever played versus him and got absolutely smashed? That’s because he’s a kind of hidden OP!

Let’s talk about his dominant laning phase. Pantheon is extremely strong in the early levels and can easily jump on any champion who over-extends. While Pantheon may not have the best 1v1 Ultimate like many other Mid laners in League, he has a lot of roaming potential and can help his allies with his Ultimate.

Pantheon’s win rate in Patch 13.19 was 51.4% in 405,000 games.


Orianna is the final champion on our list. Orianna is a new comer to the S-tier listing this week. Her effective laning phase and good team fighting make her a great champion this patch!

Orianna’s got a pretty consistent laning phase, even if the worse of matchups thanks to her good wave clear with her Q and W. She can farm from afar and position safely so she doesn’t die, and then once she gets her Ultimate, she can easily set her Jungler up to get kill after kill.

And finally, Orianna’s win rate in Patch 13.19 was 50.8% in 830,000 games.

Final Thoughts

There are a ton of good champions you can use and abuse in the Mid Lane in League of Legends, which is great if you don’t like any of the champions on today’s list. Remember that you should always pick a champion you enjoy over playing someone just because they’re strong!

You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.