This article is now outdated. Here’s the updated list of best Mid Laners to climb with in Patch 14.6.
5 OP Mid Laners for Patch 14.5
It can be hard to know what the best Mid laners to play in Patch 14.5 in League of Legends are due to how many unique champions can be played in the role. Right now, the Mid lane is the most diverse role with a lot of different champions being played there.
In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss 5 of the best picks you can abuse this Patch in League of Legends. If you wish to master any of these champions or learn to play anyone else in LoL, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page for more!
Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.5.
1. Twisted Fate
Naturally, our first champion will be Twisted Fate, as Twisted Fate has been an incredibly versatile and dominant champion since his recent changes. If you’re not abusing Twisted Fate in his current state- what are you doing?!
Twisted Fate is not the strongest early game champion, but he has good gank set up with his W. This can help him and his Jungler get kills. Post 6, you need to be abusing your Ultimate and look for plays around the map and gank your allies when the enemy is over-extended. Get kills and help your team by doing this whenever your Ultimate is up.
Twisted Fate Mid-Patch Stats:
- He is getting some nerfs this patch, but I do believe he is still going to be relatively strong.
- TF’s win rate in patch 14.4 was 52.1% in the Mid Lane ONLY. He has seen a lot of play in multiple different lanes this patch.
- He had a 6.6% Pick Rate.
- As we said, he has been played in a lot of different roles. So this has contributed to his 49.4% Ban Rate this patch.
- In Emerald+, TF was played 169,000 times (nice).
2, Sylas
The second champion on our list is Sylas. Sylas has a strong laning phase with his all-in potential and his ability to steal enemies’ Ultimates. What makes him really good is his kill pressure after he gets levels and items under his belt.
Sylas is not a strong early-game champion and he can get bullied a lot by ranged opponents. But as long as you don’t fall too far behind early or die over and over again, you can come online if you’re given some time to come online. Don’t be afraid to limit test so you know when you’re weak and vulnerable.
Sylas Mid-Patch Stats:
- Sylas isn’t getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- His win rate in patch 14.4 was 50.8%.
- Sylas can be played in 3 lanes, but in the Mid Lane, he had a 7.2% Pick Rate.
- Sylas had a 7.4% ban rate.
- In Emerald+, he was played 184,000 times.
3. Kassadin
As games tend to last a bit longer nowadays, champions who can scale into the late game are quite good. Kassadin is one of those champions as he is a late game monster. When he hits level 16, his all-in potential and ability to get kills is quite high.
Just like Sylas and Twisted Fate, Kassadin is not strong early, and you need to play safe and just focus on farming and picking up what farm you can. Focus on surviving the early game and then when you hit level 6, you can start looking to play more aggressive and roam and help your allies.
Kassadin Mid-Patch Stats:
- Kassa isn’t getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- His win rate in patch 14.4 was 52.3%.
- Kassadin had a 4.7% Pick Rate.
- Kassadin had a 7% ban rate on patch 14.4.
- In Emerald+, Kasswin was played 120,000 times.
4. Ahri
After Ahri’s recent changes, her win rate and overall power during the game has significantly improved. Ahri is in a much better spot, and is one of the strongest Mid-laners you can play in LoL. I would highly recommend you learn her, as she is one of the more fun champions who is good in the current meta.
Ahri has good wave clear and poke with her Q. She also has good all-in potential with her E which she can sue to either all-in the enemy or set up her Jungler. Ahri also has good roaming potential post 6 with her Ultimate, which she can use to positively impact her side lanes. Outside the laning phase, she can use her Ultimate and E to catch out enemies walking around the map alone.
Ahri Mid-Patch Stats:
- She isn’t getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Ahri’s win rate in patch 14.4 was 52.5%.
- Her Pick Rate has increased due to her recent buffs. She had a 11% Pick Rate.
- Ahri had a 3.4% ban rate. There is no point banning Ahri right now.
- In Emerald+, she was played 283,000 times.
5. Talon
The final champion on our list is everyone’s favourite champion they hate to lane against! And that is Talon of course. Playing Talon this Season has been extremely rewarding for anyone up for the challenge. His dominating playstyle is not only fun, but you can also tilt the enemy simultaneously.
Unlike every other champion on the list, Talon’s early game is actually really strong, so you need to abuse this by looking to constantly fight. Get to level 2 and 3 first, and then look for aggressive plays to gain an early lead. If you can, try to keep the wave a bit closer early on so you can all-in the enemy when they walk up to last-hit minions.
Talon Mid-Patch Stats:
- Talon isn’t getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- His win rate in patch 14.4 was 51.2%.
- Talon only had a 2.7% Pick Rate.
- His had a 1.2% ban rate.
- In Emerald+, Talon was played 69,000 times.
Final Thoughts
That about sums up our guide on 5 of the best Mid Laners for Patch 14.5. What do you think of the Mid-lane meta right now? Let us know below. Personally, I think it’s pretty good as there are so many unique champions good there.
Want to see what other champions will dominate this patch? Head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.5.
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