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5 S-Tier Top Laners to Climb With in Patch 13.21
In Season 13, Patch 13.21, you need to be playing champions that are strong and have a higher chance of winning the game. Right now, there are a lot of good champions you can play to climb the rank leaderboard.
In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the best Top Laners you can play in Patch 13.21. These S-tier picks will increase your chances of gaining ELO and carrying your team mates to victory. If you want to learn more tips on how to play as any of these champions, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page.
You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.21. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, worldwide and is all Rank data.
The first champion on our list is Darius who is an extremely lane-dominant champion. All the champions on today’s list are extremely lane-dominant and have good kill potential throughout the game.
The good thing about playing Darius is his Passive, which often makes or breaks a fight. By auto-attacking the enemy, you’ll damage them more, which is highly favourable in trades and skirmishes.
Darius’ win rate on Patch 13.21 was 49.6% in 1,079,000 games.
Fiora is the second pick you should be playing this patch, thanks to her insane kill pressure and snowball potential throughout all stages of the game.
She can easily all-in champions who over-extend by freezing the minion wave effectively near your tower. You can press Q, and keep auto-attacking them until they’re dead. As the Top Lane is the long lane, you can also run them down or freeze them away from the farm.
In Patch 13.21, Fiora achieved a win rate of 51.6% in 596,000 games.
Garen has been a good champion for quite some time now, but with his increase in popularity and him being picked at Worlds last week, it is nice to see more players picking him up and carrying with him in Solo Queue.
His simplicity is one of the best things about his kit. Anyone and everyone can master Garen, as he is really basic and doesn’t have any skill shots. He is literally spin to win in most matchups as he just presses Q, runs at the enemy, silences them and then uses his Ultimate to finish them off.
On Patch 13.21, Garen had a 52.8% win rate in 1,355,000 games.
The fourth champion on the list today is Olaf, another dominant champion throughout all stages of the game. One early kill or a blown enemy Flash can enable Olaf to completely take over the game and snowball his way to victory.
Olaf’s play style is similar to Fiora’s, except he is stronger at levels 1 and 2. His laning phase is to poke as much with his Q and then all-in them when they’re overextended and on low health.
Olaf’s win rate on Patch 13.21 was 51.6% in 265,000 games.
Ornn is a tank, but don’t let that discourage you from picking him. His versatility and damage output is rather surprising, thanks to his Passive and the items he purchases. If you’re looking for a tank that’s a bit safer compared to the other picks on our list, then Ornn might be for you!
He is very versatile as he is a tank. He can buy items that counter not only his lane opponent but also the whole enemy team. He can stack MR versus AP team comps, armor vs AD teams and basically become unstoppable throughout the game.
And finally, Ornn’s win rate on Patch 13.21 was 52.8% in 401,000 games.
Final Thoughts
That about sums up our recommended picks in the next patch. We hope you enjoyed our guide, and that you take our advice to pick these champion in Patch 13.21. As always, you should be playing champions you enjoy and are good at, regardless of how strong they’re in the patch.
You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.
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