League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best Top Laners For Season 13 Patch 13.22

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5 S-Tier Top Laners to Climb With in Patch 13.22

The Top Lane meta has been stale for quite some time, with the same champions dominating the Top Lane repeatedly. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though, as if you’ve picked up one of these champions before, you can continue to dominate Solo Queue with them.

In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss 5 of the better Top Laners you can pick up and learn in Patch 13.22. If you play any of these champions, you’ll climb quickly in Patch 13.22.

You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.22. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, worldwide and is all Rank data.


The first champion on our list is Darius who has been a great champion in Solo Queue for Low ELO for quite some time.

His biggest strength is his laning phase, where he out-damages most champions in 1v1 fights with his basic attacks. His Passive is really strong and will deal a lot of damage over time. The more auto-attacks he hits on the enemy champion, the more damage they will take.

Darius’ win rate on Patch 13.22 was 49.6% in 1,200,000 games.


Fiora is another strong duelist. While she deals less damage than Darius, her ability to chase down enemies in the lane with her Q is extremely scary!

She is also quite simple to play, you just need to be aggressive and know when to trade and when not to. If you master farming and wave management, you will do really well on Fiora as you can zone the enemy down and then all-in them when they overextend.

In Patch 13.22, Fiora achieved a win rate of 50.9% in 725,000 games.


If you’re into playing tanks that deal damage, then Poppy may be the champion for you! Poppy can deal a considerable amount of damage with her basic attacks, her empowered auto and her abilities throughout all stages of the game.

She scales extremely well, too! In the late game, she will be extremely tanky and can soak much damage for her teammates. She can also protect them with her Ultimate, which she can use to knock enemies away from her team. Let’s not forget her E, which she can use to pin enemies against the wall.

On Patch 13.22, Poppy had a 50.1% win rate in 330,000 games.


Olaf is an obnoxious champion to lane against. His level 1 and 2 is extremely strong thanks to his Q poke and strong all-in potential. When he hits level 6, he is really difficult to play against (especially if you’re behind) as he can all-in strength increases. He can all-in you, and having CC will not protect you.

If you’re into playing champions that are annoying to deal with and can basically run anyone down, then I would definitely recommend you try out Olaf as he is really dominant and can run anyone down. One kill early can result in your carrying later on.

Olaf’s win rate on Patch 13.22 was 51.7% in 350,000 games.


Ornn is the last champion on our list, and if you don’t know how strong he is, then you definitely need to give him ago. The thing that makes Ornn so powerful is that he is tanky but also deals a lot of damage at the same time.

His Passive is quite a good tool too, as it can enable him to get items without leaving the lane. This can be quite beneficial, especially in the early game. In the late game, he will be really tanky, but he can also empower and make many different team items even stronger. Not only does he get strong, but he makes his allies stronger!

And finally, Ornn’s win rate on Patch 13.22 was 52.3% in 525,000 games.

Final Thoughts

And that sums up our article on the best Top Laners you can play this patch. Let us know what you think, and do you agree with our list?

You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.

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