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5 Strongest ADCS to Carry With in Patch 13.21
In light of a recent “discovered” build, there are a lot of good ADCs you can pick heading into Patch 13.21. The ADC meta has been rather stale for some time, and it continues to be in the upcoming patch.
In today’s Mobalytics article, let’s explore 5 of the best ADCs you can pick in Patch 13.21. Patch 13.20 was a rough one for ADCs, with Caitlyn being a dominating force after her new lethality build gained popularity, but nevertheless, let’s discuss what’s hot for Patch 13.21
If you want to learn more tips on how to play as any of these champions, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page.
There are some other strong S-tier picks this patch. You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.21. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, all servers and all ranks.
The first champion is Ziggs. Ziggs is a strong AP Mage and one of the few good AP champions that can be played in this role right now. Ziggs’ playstyle is pretty basic but if you love to play mages in the mid lane, you will love him in the bottom lane.
Ziggs’ play style is pretty unique compared to many other ADCs because he just wants to poke and harass the enemy from afar. He doesn’t really want to fight early, whereas many ADCs want to fight often. When playing versus these matchups, you need to play safe early but tend to stomp later on.
Ziggs’ win rate on Patch 13.21 was 51.7% in 341,000 games.
Ashe is the second champion on our list. As an ADC player, you will know how difficult it can be to lane against Ashe as you always have to watch your positioning so she doesn’t bully you, and you’re usually forced to take Cleanse.
Ashe’s poke in the laning phase and damage in extended trades are quite high. She can poke the enemy down with her W and then all-in them with her Q. Post 6, she can get kills and set up her Jungler with her Ultimate.
In Patch 13.21, Ashe achieved a win rate of 51% in 1,191,000 games.
One of the most popular champions in the game is Ezreal. He has been popular and strong for quite a long time now, so he is definitely a recommended pick for this patch!
Ezreal has a good laning phase thanks to the poke from his W and his Q. He also has strong all-in with his E, which he can use to close the gap between him and his enemies. After Ezreal’s first back, his damage output intensifies, and he becomes much stronger!
On Patch 13.21, Ezreal had 50.3% in 2,550,000 games.
Arguably the hardest champion on our list, Vayne is one of the best ADCs to play in the upcoming patch! Her damage output, mixed with the high outplay potential, make her a versatile yet dominant champion.
Vayne is really strong in extended trades thanks to her W, which deals increased damage after hitting the same target. She also has a dodge tool that can aid in dodging abilities, but it can also be used to chase down targets and all-in them.
Vayne’s win rate on Patch 13.21 was 52.2% in 1,131,000 games.
Jhin is the last champion on our list. I could’ve put him fourth, but I just wanted to be annoying, as this list isn’t in any order. Jhin has been a good ADC for some time, and I would recommend you pick him up if you’ve not tried him already.
He is a good ADC, thanks to his damage output throughout the game. After some items, he can deal considerable damage to squishy targets and then finish them off with his fourth shot. Let’s not forget about his W! Jhin’s W is a great tool to layer CC on the enemy. When he is paired with an aggressive all-in Support, he can extend the duration of their CC with his W.
And finally, Jhin’s win rate on Patch 13.21 was 51.3% in 1,650,000 games.
To Conclude
It is pretty important to play the meta ADCs, as you’re going to find it hard to beat the enemy when they pick someone who is strong in the current meta. Pick one of these 5 champions in Patch 13.21 for an easier time to climb in LoL.
You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.
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