Diablo IVTier List

Diablo 4 Vampiric Power Tier List

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The Best Vampiric Powers for Leveling and End Game

Welcome to our Diablo 4 Vampiric Power Tier List where we’ll break down the best powers for leveling and the end game.

Vampiric Powers are one of the core mechanics of Season 2 and allow you to further enable, or compensate your build’s shortcomings.

You can unlock those powers during your Seasonal Journey and each one requires different combinations of Pacts (Ferocity, Divinity, and/or Eternity).

diablo 4 season 2 nightmare dungeon tier list infographic

The Best Vampiric Powers for Leveling

Tier Vampiric Powers Leveling Rankings

Hemomancy, Ravenous


Undying, Accursed Touch, Hectic, Moonrise, Flowing Veins, Prey on the Weak, Coven´s Fangs


Sanguine Brace, Anticipation, Metamorphosis


Feed the Coven, Jagged Spikes, Resilience


Infection, Rampart, Terror, Bathe in Blood, Call Familiar, Blood Boil

S Tier

  • Hemomancy
  • Ravenous
Hemomancy (3 Eternity)


  • Your attacks deal 80% of your Maximum Life as Physical damage to nearby enemies. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. You heal for 1% of your Maximum Life for each enemy damaged this way.

This Vampiric Power is incredibly strong for leveling because it can effortlessly clear the entire screen. Also, the healing it provides is very impactful while leveling because you can’t fully make use of Undying yet due to lack of Attack Speed.

Ravenous (3 Ferocity)


  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to increase your Attack Speed by 40% of your Total Movement Speed for 6 seconds.

When it comes to leveling, this is arguably the second strongest Vampiric Power after Hemomancy. As soon as it is unlocked through the Seasonal Quest, it should be activated immediately because not only does the Attack Speed it provides increase your damage, but it also increases your animation speed, which means faster movement.

A Tier

  • Undying
  • Accursed Touch
  • Hectic, Moonrise
  • Flowing Veins
  • Prey on the Weak
  • Coven´s Fangs
Undying (1 Eternity)


  • Casting Skills heals you for 3% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.

When it comes to leveling, this Vampiric Power is very strong, especially after unlocking Ravenous, but outshined by Hemomancy. Since most builds don’t require two Vampiric Powers dedicated to healing, we place this in A tier.

Accursed Touch (6 Divinity)

accursed touch

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 44% chance to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies with the Vampiric Curse have a 15% chance to spread it to other surrounding enemies. Accursed Souls deal 200% increased damage.

This Vampiric Power is a very strong Prey on the Weak and Flowing Veins enabler. While leveling, the damage Accursed Touch Souls do is very noticeable and can actually clear packs of enemies.

Hectic (3 Divinity)


  • For every 5 Basic Skills you cast, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by 2 seconds.

Hectic has a strong effect but many builds already provide ways to reset cooldowns so it can be somewhat redundant.

Moonrise (6 Ferocity)


  • Hitting an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 160% Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.

When it comes to leveling, although it is build-defining, some of those builds require specific Uniques to be viable. Even though it’s not easy to extract the full power of this Vampiric Power while leveling, it still provides a hefty 15% Movement Speed and 20% Attack Speed buff for all builds, which is worthy of an A tier placement.

Flowing Veins (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)

flowing veins

  • You deal 60% increased Damage Over Time to enemies that are moving or affected by a Vampiric Curse.

While leveling, this Vampiric Power is very strong for DoT builds for obvious reasons, especially because Accursed Touch is even better for leveling than it is in the endgame.

Prey on the Weak (2 Ferocity)

prey on the weak

  • You deal 16% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Enemies are Vulnerable while affected by a Vampiric Curse from your other Vampiric Powers.

While leveling, this Vampiric Power is very strong for DoT builds for obvious reasons, especially because Accursed Touch is even better for leveling than it is in the endgame.

Coven’s Fangs (2 Divinity)

coven's fangs

  • Your Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar attacks deal 52% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar have up to a 30% chance to inflict Vampiric Curse when hitting enemies.

This Vampiric Power is very strong for Minion Necromancers. That build is already stronger for leveling than it is for the endgame which makes this a very strong addition to it.

B Tier

  • Sanguine Brace
  • Anticipation
  • Metamorphosis
Sanguine Brace (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)

sanguine brace

  • When you kill an enemy, Fortify for 6% of your Base Life. While you have more Fortify than half of your Maximum Life, you gain 8% Critical Strike Chance.

This Vampiric Power is incredibly good while leveling for Druids, Barbarians, and Necromancers but useless for the other classes.

Anticipation (1 Divinity)


  • Your Ultimate Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction. Your Ultimate Skills gain 12% increased damage for each nearby enemy affected by your Damage Over Time effects.

This Vampiric Power is good for leveling for builds that rely on their Ultimate, which is not many builds. Many of those builds require specific Unique items to function, which is why this strong Vampiric Power is placed in B tier.

Metamorphosis (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)


  • When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 4 seconds. Enemies along your path take 160% Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse.

On builds that lack easy access to Unstoppable and also lack mobility, which is the case for most Necromancer builds, this Vampiric Power is incredibly strong for leveling. For the rest of the classes this is just good, but nothing special.

C Tier

  • Feed the Coven
  • Jagged Spikes
  • Resilience
Resilience (2 Eternity)


  • You gain 1% Damage Reduction for each 2% Life you are missing.

More Damage Reduction is usually not a priority while leveling and this Vampiric Power is only strong for Low Life builds which are purely Endgame builds due to their heavy item requirements.

Feed the Coven (1 Eternity)

feed the coven

  • Lucky Hit: Conjuration, Companion, Minion and Bat Familiar attacks have up to a 60% chance to restore 10 Primary Resource to you and increase your Damage by 10% for 4 seconds.

This Vampiric Power is strong for Minion Necromancers while leveling, decent for Druids and unusable for the rest.

Jagged Spikes (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity)

jagged spikes

  • Thorns have a 10% chance to deal 300% increased damage and Chill enemies for 8%.

This Vampiric Power can be useful while leveling with a Thorns Barbarian.

Blood Boil (6 Eternity)

blood boil

  • When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing 60% Physical damage around you. Every 20 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.

This Vampiric Power can be useful for leveling on builds such as Pulverize Druid that greatly suffer from low single target damage.

D Tier

  • Infection
  • Rampart
  • Terror
  • Bathe in Blood
  • Call Familiar
  • Blood Boil
Infection (1 Ferocity)


  • Hitting enemies with direct damage infects them with Pox. Inflicting Pox 8 times on an enemy expunges their infection, dealing 70% Poison damage.

The damage on this is way too low to ever be worth using.

Rampart (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)


  • After not moving for 3 seconds, you gain a Barrier for 40% of your Maximum Life for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds.

Sitting still is not a winning strategy for leveling quickly.

Terror (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)


  • When struck, you have a 14% chance to Fear nearby enemies and Slow them by 80% for 2 seconds. You are guaranteed to Critically Strike enemies who are Feared.

Fearing enemies away will make you kill things slower, not faster.

Bathe in Blood (3 Divinity, 3 Eternity)

bathe in blood

  • While Channeling a Skill, you form a pool of blood beneath you. While channeling a skill in a pool, your Channeled Skills deal 40% increased damage and you gain 30% Damage Reduction. A pool can only form once every 8 seconds.

Even though this can be decent for a Whirlwind Barbarian you generally won’t be standing still while leveling.

Call Familiar (3 Ferocity, 3 Divinity)

call familiar

  • Casting a Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Macabre, Wrath, or Imbuement Skill calls a bat ally to attack nearby enemies, dealing 80% Physical damage with a 30% chance to Stun.

This Vampiric Power is incredibly bad. The Bat is not easy to summon and only attacks once before disappearing.

The Best Vampiric Powers for Endgame

Tier Vampiric Powers Endgame Rankings

Ravenous, Undying, Moonrise, Flowing Veins, Metamorphosis


Prey on the Weak, Hemomancy, Anticipation, Hectic, Accursed Touch


Coven’s Fangs, Domination, Resilience, Sanguine Brace


Feed the Coven, Jagged Spikes, Blood Boil


Infection, Rampart, Terror, Bathe in Blood, Call Familiar

S Tier

  • Ravenous
  • Undying
  • Moonrise
  • Flowing Veins
  • Metamorphosis
Ravenous (3 Ferocity)


  • Lucky Hit Up to a 20% chance to increase your Attack Speed by 40% of your Total Movement Speed for 6 seconds.

Ravenous is a Vampiric Power that scales with your Movement Speed. It provides 40% Attack Speed at the base Movement Speed of 100% and up to 80% Attack Speed when you reach the Movement Speed cap of 200%. Given that Accelerating Aspect offers a 25% Attack Speed buff and is used in an incredible amount of builds, it’s very easy to see why Ravenous is universally the first Vampiric Power included in builds.

Undying (1 Eternity)


  • Casting Skills heals you for 3% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.

Undying is a Vampiric Power that is very simple and straightforward, but strong nonetheless. Although healing 3% of your Life per cast might sound inconspicuous and not deserving of an S tier placement, because we have access to such high Attack Speed this season, courtesy of Ravenous, we can heal outrageous amounts. On top of that, when we face a dangerous situation and drop under 50% Life the amount of healing is doubled.

Moonrise (6 Ferocity)


  • Hitting an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 160% Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.

Moonrise is a build-defining Vampiric Power that makes Basic Skill builds, such as Stormclaw Druid, absolutely devastating. It provides 15% Movement Speed, 20% Attack Speed and [x]160% damage to your Basic Skills, which is just an incredible offensive boost.

Flowing Veins (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)

flowing veins

  • You deal 60% increased Damage Over Time to enemies that are moving or affected by a Vampiric Curse.

Flowing Veins is another build-defining Vampiric Power that grants [x]60% DoT damage against Cursed enemies. This greatly elevates any DoT build when combined with Accursed Touch, which allows you to quickly Curse enemies.

Metamorphosis (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity)


  • When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 4 seconds. Enemies along your path take 160% Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse.

This Vampiric Power is a single-stop solution for any build that struggles to get and desperately needs Unstoppable. It also provides some mobility. The only downside it has is that it’s quite clunky to use it to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies, except for Bosses.

A Tier

  • Prey on the Weak
  • Hemomancy
  • Anticipation
  • Hectic
  • Accursed Touch
Prey on the Weak (2 Ferocity)

prey on the weak

  • You deal 16% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Enemies are Vulnerable while affected by a Vampiric Curse from your other Vampiric Powers.

Prey on the Weak is simply just a strong Vampiric Power. It makes Cursed enemies Vulnerable and provides [x]16% damage against them. This is already a decent boost in damage if you had a way of applying Vulnerable but the real strength of the Vampiric Power comes when you don’t; when you combine this with another Vampiric Power that applies Vampiric Curse on enemies, such as Accursed Touch, you get the [x]20% increase of Vulnerable on top of the [x]16% increase for a total of almost [x]40%.

Hemomancy (3 Eternity)


  • Your attacks deal 80% of your Maximum Life as Physical damage to nearby enemies. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. You heal for 1% of your Maximum Life for each enemy damaged this way.

Hemomancy is a great overall Vampiric Power because the damage it does is screen-wide. It might not sound like much damage, but for Barbarians, which can scale it quite easily, it can do over 400k damage. The healing it provides also is fantastic with high mob density, which you will generally find in endgame activities, but pales in comparison to Undying in the endgame.

For leveling this glyph is even more insane because you do not need to scale the damage for it to clear your screen consistently. Also, the healing it provides is more impactful while leveling because you can’t fully make use of Undying yet due to lack of Attack Speed.

Anticipation (1 Divinity)


  • Your Ultimate Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction. Your Ultimate Skills gain 12% increased damage for each nearby enemy affected by your Damage Over Time effects.

Anticipation is an obvious inclusion in any build that focuses on casting Ultimate Skills. It could belong in S tier if the builds that used it were stronger this season, but sadly that’s not the case.

Hectic (3 Divinity)


  • For every 5 Basic Skills you cast, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by 2 seconds.

Hectic is a straightforward Vampiric Power, whenever you cast 5 Basic Skills you randomly reduce one of your cooldowns by 2 seconds. This is a very strong effect but the random nature of it and the reality that many builds include ways to already reset cooldowns leads to its placement in A instead of S tier.

For leveling this is about equally as strong, maybe slightly stronger, because you don’t have all the tools to manipulate cooldowns that make it less effective.

Accursed Touch (6 Divinity)

accursed touch

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 44% chance to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies with the Vampiric Curse have a 15% chance to spread it to other surrounding enemies. Accursed Souls deal 200% increased damage.

This Vampiric Power is the most consistent way to apply Vampiric Curse for a lot of builds, while also providing some extra AoE damage. Prey on the Weak and Flowing Veins are two very powerful Vampiric Powers that require a Vampiric Curse to work, because of that Accursed Touch ends up in A tier.

Blood Boil (6 Eternity)

blood boil

  • When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing 60% Physical damage around you. Every 20 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.

This is very strong in Overpower builds which happen to have gotten massive buffs in Season 2.

B Tier

  • Coven’s Fangs
  • Domination
  • Resilience
  • Sanguine Brace
Coven’s Fangs (2 Divinity)

coven's fangs

  • Your Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar attacks deal 52% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar have up to a 30% chance to inflict Vampiric Curse when hitting enemies.

This Vampiric Power is very good for any Minion/Companion-based build. It could be placed higher up in the tier list if those builds were in a stronger state.

Domination (1 Ferocity)


  • You deal 24% increased damage to enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, Frozen, or Feared. If they’re also Injured and not an Elite, they’re instantly killed.

This Vampiric Power is a decent damage buff but suffers from the fact that the conditions necessary for it to be active are too restrictive to justify using. Also, the injured component is not useful.

Sanguine Brace (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)

sanguine brace

  • When you kill an enemy, Fortify for 6% of your Base Life. While you have more Fortify than half of your Maximum Life, you gain 8% Critical Strike Chance.

This Vampiric Power is strong for Barbarians, Druids, and Necromancers for providing better Fortify uptime and Critical Chance. It’s mostly useless for everyone else.

C Tier

  • Feed the Coven
  • Jagged Spikes
  • Blood Boil
Resilience (2 Eternity)


  • You gain 1% Damage Reduction for each 2% Life you are missing.

This Vampiric Power is only worth using on Low Life builds that protect their Life with Barriers. In those types of builds it’s extremely strong given that it can provide up to 49% Damage Reduction.

Feed the Coven (1 Eternity)

feed the coven

  • Lucky Hit: Conjuration, Companion, Minion and Bat Familiar attacks have up to a 60% chance to restore 10 Primary Resource to you and increase your Damage by 10% for 4 seconds.

This Vampiric Power is good for Minion/Companion-based build. It could be placed higher up in the tier list if those builds were in a stronger state.

Jagged Spikes (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity)

jagged spikes

  • Thorns have a 10% chance to deal 300% increased damage and Chill enemies for 8%.

This Vampiric Power is very strong only for Thorns Barbarians and to a certain extent for Minion Necromancers.

Bathe in Blood (3 Divinity, 3 Eternity)

bathe in blood

  • While Channeling a Skill, you form a pool of blood beneath you. While channeling a skill in a pool, your Channeled Skills deal 40% increased damage and you gain 30% Damage Reduction. A pool can only form once every 8 seconds.

This Vampiric Power is decent for Whirlwind Barbarian builds.

D Tier

  • Infection
  • Rampart
  • Terror
  • Bathe in Blood
  • Call Familiar
Infection (1 Ferocity)


  • Hitting enemies with direct damage infects them with Pox. Inflicting Pox 8 times on an enemy expunges their infection, dealing 70% Poison damage.

This Vampiric Power doesn’t do enough damage to be useful.

Rampart (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)


  • After not moving for 3 seconds, you gain a Barrier for 40% of your Maximum Life for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds.

Standing still is simply not a viable strategy.

Terror (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity, 1 Eternity)


  • When struck, you have a 14% chance to Fear nearby enemies and Slow them by 80% for 2 seconds. You are guaranteed to Critically Strike enemies who are Feared.

Fearing enemies away from you is generally something negative.

Call Familiar (3 Ferocity, 3 Divinity)

call familiar

  • Casting a Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Macabre, Wrath, or Imbuement Skill calls a bat ally to attack nearby enemies, dealing 80% Physical damage with a 30% chance to Stun.

This Vampiric Power seems like a joke, it’s hard to get it to activate and the Bat summoned attacks once then disappears.

Tier Explanations

  • S-tier
    • Vampiric Powers that are build-defining
  • A-tier
    • Vampiric Powers that are generally strong or situationally very strong
  • B-tier
    • Vampiric powers that are generally decent or situationally strong.
  • C-tier
    • Vampiric Powers that are situationally decent
  • D-tier
    • Vampiric Powers that aren’t worth using

In Conclusion

Thanks for reading our Diablo 4 Vampiric Power Tier List! Be sure to check back throughout Season 2 for rank changes, especially if there are balance changes.

To explore Season 2 builds that include Vampiric Powers, head to our Meta Builds or Community Builds.

Unveiling the Spiritborn class in Diablo 4’s upcoming Vessel of Hatred expansion. Explore our Spiritborn Overview for more insights.