Arkveld is a tactical, acrobatic monster that uses its chains to strike from long range but can also close the distance very quickly to hit in melee range.
Once empowered, Arkveld’s moves hit harder, deal more elemental damage, and cover a much larger area.
The first thing to keep in mind when fighting Arkveld is playing around the tendrils and trying to break them. If it is difficult to find openings on the tendrils, instead aim for the head and tail breaks.
Using Focus Mode attacks on wounds helps to break parts quicker which will reduce their offensive effectiveness for the remainder of the fight. Arkveld may be very nimble and quick for its size, but some moves allow for very large damaging windows.
Most of the large slams will leave Arkveld sitting in a very vulnerable position with its tendrils extended on the ground to be damaged with Focus Mode attack if you can avoid the initial hit.
Another huge opening for damage is when Arkveld is charging and unleashing its Nuclear Wyvern Strike. Running behind its arms for the duration and aftermath of the attack will leave hunters unscathed and in a prime position to wail on the monster.
Here are some known moves to watch out for:
Ground Scrape
Arkveld will shift to the side and lift one of its wings, burying it into the ground and sharply pulling backward. This attack appears to happen more often if you are attacking the head in melee range. Dodging out at the height of the wing lift should be the best way to avoid this attack.
Tendril Strikes And Their Variations
Arkveld’s tendril strikes take a multitude of forms depending on its empowerment state. In normal form it will slam the ground with a single tendril or both tendrils, leaving a crucial opening for hunters to strike back if they can avoid the attack. The tendril attacks do have a wind-up cue when Arkveld pulls its arm(s) back to strike.
Tendril Strike
Double Tendril Slam
There are other types of tendril strikes to be wary of, however, like backward spins and backhand strikes. Arkveld will use these maneuvers as repositioning tools to often follow up with more tendril strikes from range, a charge, or a leap attack.
Tendril Backhand
Backwards Spin Attack
While empowered, the tendrils will become imbued by Dragon Element and potentially another Element presumably depending on the locale on the hunt. They also split from 2 to 4, creating a different strike moveset. Some of the tendril attacks will come in quick succession and splay out in a wider area of effect. The Dragon attack while empowered lays a Dragon Element explosion effect on the ground, while another empowered attack does a ground sweep.
Empowered Double Tendril Slam
Two Empowered Tendril Strikes (Delayed)
Element Specific Moves
Note that these may change based on the locale.
Tendril Ground Explosion
Thunder Tendril Sweep
Lunging Charge
Arkveld will sometimes cover its head with one of its wings and charge the hunter, dealing a large amount of damage while barreling through. If you see this one coming be sure to block if you can or get out of the way.
Leap Attack
Another common way Arkveld will close the distance is to leap and strike with its arms. A good way to see this attack coming is to look for any sudden or jerky movements while Arkveld is slowly prowling with its eyes on a hunter. This attack will deal Dragon Element damage while empowered. Look out for the red lightning cloud building up underneath Arkveld’s wings before the strike.
Empowered Leap Attack
Upward Sweeping Twist
Arkveld will jump backward and then forward while twisting and striking with its body in an upward sweeping motion. This attack will also be infused with Dragon Element when empowered. Dodging to the opposite side of where its head is facing during the forward movement seems to have the most success.
Empowered Upward Swinging Twist
Tail Attacks
Although relatively uncommon, Arkveld does have a tail attack if you stay near its rear too long. It can also strike you with a 360-spin attack with its tail. Cutting off the tail appears to stop these attacks from occurring.
360 Tail Attack
Potential One-Shot Moves
Dual Claw Slam
This attack is both deceptive and deadly. Arkveld will signal that it is attacking with one arm, almost akin to a regular tendril strike, but instead slams both arms straight into the ground. The slam deals massive damage in a large area in the frontal arc and will blow most hunters away. A good tell for this attack over a regular tendril strike is that Arkveld’s head will tilt upward before both arms come down.
Nuclear Wyvern Strike
The most powerful move in Arkvelds arsenal. Arkveld will roar and glow vibrantly, signaling that it is charging up. It will then strike the ground, creating a chain of 3 explosions that will grow in size and annihilate anyone in the area. Be sure to steer clear of its frontal arc once the charge-up begins. If you can get behind Arkveld during this attack, you will be immensely rewarded with a large opening to deal damage uncontested.