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Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Star-Lord Character Guide

In this Marvel Rivals Star-Lord guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.

Star-Lord Overview

The leader of the Guadian of the Galaxy uses his rocket boots to swiftly outmaneuver his enemies. Great mobility, decent ranged damage, invulnerability, and lightning fast DPS up close make Peter Quill an extremely versatile Duelist. Using his space outlaw skills to sneak around for flank attacks, Star-Lord harasses backlines with the best of them.

Getting the most out of his Element Guns requires being highly skilled at aim tracking. Once his ult comes online, however, the flying aimbot makes even the worst aimers look like a top level pro. Snipers and anti-flanker enemies give him some trouble, but dedicated Star-Lord mains can always find ways to outplay their counters.

Find out where Star-Lord ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.



  • Practice your movement.  If you can memorize exactly how your cross-hair gets repositioned when using his movement abilities, your accuracy will increase considerably.
  • Always save at least one Stellar Shift to dodge stuns like Mantis’ sleep.
  • Don’t attack from the same angle as your teammates. If your team is walking straight, take the extra time to go around the side where the enemy won’t see you coming.


  • If you don’t have an invulnerable escape ability, position near walls or rooms that you can hide behind for when he uses his ultimate.
  • Out-range him. Star-Lord’s damage from medium to long distances is very weak. If you can attack him before he gets close, you’ll shut him down.
  • Stay near your allies. Star-Lord wants to take 1v1s but struggles to eliminate multiple targets at once. Your team’s presence is the best Star-Lord deterrent.

Strengths and Weaknesses


Highly Mobile

  • Between jet boots and Stellar Shift, you’re going to have some of the best movement possible available to you when playing as Star-Lord. His mobility allows him to path on the perimeter of the objective where he can set up surprise attacks and backline assassinations.

Counters Melee Heroes

  • When melee enemies are giving you trouble, Star-Lord rises up as the perfect answer. Stellar Shift’s invulnerable dash dodges crucial melee attacks. Dodging Black Panther’s Vibranium spears or Magik’s Stepping Disc Attacks prevent them from gaining shields and marking you. Same goes for any other melee hero that relies on landing their cooldowns to continue their attack.

Flying Aimbot Ultimate

  • At every level of play, having an aimbot ultimate is so overpowered it feels like cheating. If the enemy team doesn’t have a healing Strategist ultimate available to counter, Star-Lord is all but guaranteed to secure multiple elims with Galactic Legend.


Mechanically Demanding

  • To be proficient with Star-Lord, players must train their muscle memory to know exactly where their body and aim will jump to with each use of Stellar Shift. Moreover, having lock-on tracking makes the difference between tickling your target or melting them.

Weak Against Long Range

  • Sniper heroes shut down Star-Lord before he can even get into position. When Hela is hard meta, Quill’s viability drops considerably. Heroes like Namor also give him a lot of trouble because of his combination of long ranged primary fire and turrets to protect against flanks.

Too Many Ways to Counter his Ultimate

  • Although his ult can get you easy fight wins, there are so many abilities you’ll have to track in order to ensure success. The damage is not high enough to burn through shields or barriers or kill through any healing ultimates. Additionally, the flying movement makes him pretty easy to shoot out of the air or hit with a stun. Any abilities that make enemies untrackable also negate the aimbot.

Ability Tips

Primary Fire: Element Guns


Shoot enemies with dual Element Guns


Left Click


Rapid-fire shots with spread.


6.5 damage per round


Falloff begins at 10m, decreasing to 60% at 25m


After 2 consecutive shots, the spread increases to 0.15m; after 5 consecutive shots, the spread expands to 0.24m


40 rounds per second





Tips for Element Guns

  • Get up Close and Personal
    • Rapid fire spread and falloff damage significantly decrease the damage output of primary fire.
    • The closer you can get to your target, the more damage you can output with each clip.
  • Burst at Range
    • Leaving a brief pause every third of the clip resets the spread and will have you landing more bullets.
      • Especially important at ranges beyond 20m and against smaller body targets.
  • Trigger Discipline
    • Moving around at high speed makes aiming difficult. Developing trigger discipline with Star-Lord is even more important than usual.
    • High rate of fire burns through his entire 40 rounds in just one second.
      • If your crosshair goes off your target, stop shooting until you realign your crosshair.
  • One Clip
    • A single clip deals 260 dmg from just body shots as long as every bullet hits.
      • If you can sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy, deleting them in a single second becomes much more realistic.

Secondary Fire: Stellar Shift


Dodge in the direction of movement and swiftly reload


Right Click






5s per charge

Tips for Stellar Shift

  • Use to Dodge Key Abilites
    • Make sure you are maximizing Stellar Shifts value by purposely using its invincibility frames to dodge abilities like stuns and ultimate.
    • Timed correctly a Stellar Shift allows Star-Lord to take no damage from instakill ultimates like Namor, Iron Man, Scarlett Witch, etc.
  • Learn Your Match ups
    • Use of Stellar Shift greatly depends on the specific heroes the enemy team is running.
      • Example: The enemy team has a Spider-Man. He’s going to be looking to land a Spider Tracer and Get Over Here combo.
        • Always save at least one charge of Stellar Shift to dodge the Get Over Here pull.
  • Don’t Use for Random Reloading
    • Secure final hits
      • The instant reload’s best use is to finish off targets that barely survive your previous clip.
    • Using Stellar Shift to reload just because you are out of bullets is a waste of your best ability. It’s tempting because you have two charges and a short cooldown, but the most important tip is to have a specific purpose for each use.

[SHIFT]: Rocket Propulsion


Consume energy to gain a Movement Boost and soar forward











Tips for Rocket Propulsion

  • Quickly Activate and Cancel
    • Quill maintains movement momentum from Rocket Propulsion even if it was only activated for an instant.
      • More fuel efficient to transverse large areas compared to holding Rocket Propulsion.
      • Good for dodging and outmaneuvering opponents without having to use Stellar Shift.
        • Try boosting over enemies in duels to make it difficult for them to track you.
  • Resource Management
    • Never run out of Rocket Propulsion if you also are out of Stellar Shift charges
      • You are a sitting duck, begging to be eliminated when both your movement abilities are on cooldown.

[E]: Blaster Barrage


Fire a frenzy of shots, causing damage to enemies within range.




Spherical Spell Field




8m spherical radius


0.1 per hit


8 damage per hit



Tips for Blaster Barrage

  • Multiple targets
    • The best use of Blaster Barrage is to finish off multiple targets who are already at low heatlh.
      • A great example is Star-Lord boosting into an Adam Warlock resurrection and rewiping everyone who just came back to life.
  • Use for Evade
    • Blaster Barrage erratically moves your hurtbox around which can help you evade some attacks.
      • Not effective against auto-tracking abilities or attacks with large hitboxes.
  • Finish off 1v1 Duel
    • Anyone in the 8m AoE automatically gets hit. When 1v1 dueling an enemy, Blaster Barrage is a great way to simultaneously evade and secure the elim without having to worry about missing your shots.

Ultimate: Galactic Legend


Engage in free-flight and lock onto enemies in sight




Rapid-fire projectile.


6.5 damage per round


Falloff begins at 25m, decreasing to 60% at 40m


40 rounds per second
















During this period, Star-Lord's Reload Speed increases significantly

Tips for Galactic Legend

  • Track Enemy Ultimates
    • Example: Luna Snow's ultimate heals faster than Galactic Legend damages and has a four second longer duration. If you didn't see the enemy Luna Snow use Fate of Both Worlds within the last minute, hold onto your ult until after you see their defensive ult used.
      • Same rule applies to all enemies with defensive ultimates.
  • Save Stellar Shift to Survive During Ult
    • Shouting, "LEGENDARY!" and flying into the air is the signal for the enemy team to focus you. When they inevitably use their attacks on you, use Stellar Shift to reactively dodge and keep blasting.
  • Fast Hands
    • During your ult you have extra fast reload, so you don't need to use Stellar Shift to reload.

Team-Up: Leader’s Soul


Adam Warlock enhances the rebirth power of Star-Lord and Mantis, granting them the power of cocooned revival






During this period, Star-Lord enters a Free-flight state.


Adam Warlock

Tips for Leader’s Soul

  • Reposition to Saftey
    • When using the cocooned revival, make sure you reposition to a location where the enemy won't be able to immediately target you.
  • Take High Ground
    • Since you can fly during the revival, take the high ground, or rez above a building to get an advantageous position.
  • Cancel if Your Team is Dead
    • Just because you can cacoon, doesn't mean you should. If your team is already dead and the fight is lost, don't waste this 2-minute cooldown. Hit "CANCEL" and save for later.
  • Cancel if Multiple Enemies Have Followed You
    • If you see more than one enemy following your soul around, don't ego rez yourself and try to win a 2v1. Again a 2-minute cooldown must be used wisely.


Team Comp Synergies

Team comps built around Star-Lord want to take different paths and positions than him. Without any sustain or overhealth abilities, Star-Lord dies easily when multiple enemies are looking in his direction. Quill wants his allies to attack from the front, or the opposite side of where he is set up.

The more attention that can be pulled away from him, the more lethal he becomes. Just as important is having the ability to heal him while airborne. As aforementioned, he announces himself as the person to kill when he activates Galactic Legend. If he can't be quickly healed by his Strategist while airborne, his ult becomes very risky to use.

Team Comp Example

  • Vanguards: Venom, Groot
  • Duelists: Star-Lord, Psylocke
  • Strategists: Mantis, Adam Warlock

Hero Synergies

Vanguards: Venom

Venom paired with Star-Lord serves a dual purpose. Quickly diving into the backline serves as the primary reason to pair with Venom. His Venom Swing allows him to swing across the entire battlefield and put pressure on the backline.

Star-Lord follows up on this pressure and can get easy burst elims by focusing on those who have been knocked into the air by Frenzied Arrival.

The second reason you'll want Venom is for his ability to counter long-ranged enemies who give Star-Lord a hard time. Venom can initiate an engagement by forcing enemy hitscans to retreat and reposition which then allows Quill to advance while free from their threat.

Duelists: Psylocke

Even though Star-Lord can flank and be effective all on his own, assassinating backlines is much easier when you have a friend. Psylocke positions and plays in an extremely similar manner to Peter Quill. Many times you'll find yourself trying to eliminate one Strategist while the other one heals them.

Coordinating a flank attack with Psylocke can split two Strategists into two separate 1v1s where you and Psylocke are both at an advantage. Otherwise, you can each attack the same Strategist and KO faster than the other can heal.

Strategists: Adam Warlock

The only hero more legendary than Star-Lord is two Star-Lords! Having Warlock on your team makes the enemy have to eliminate Quill twice every few fights. When Leader's Soul is available you can go for extremely aggressive and risky plays where you trade your first life for a kill or two, then revive right back into the fight.

Additionally, Warlock's long ranged poke forces attention to his direction which then makes setting up flanks easier for his fearless leader. Galatic Legend's lethality also greatly increases with Soul Bond and Avatar Life Stream's are attached to the flying aimbot legend.