In this Marvel Rivals Magik guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of their abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.
Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Magik Character Guide
Magik Overview
Whether she’s coming at you as Magik or Dark Child, you never want to face her alone. One of the best flankers, and currently the strongest melee duelist, Magik terrorizes backlines. She has incredible burst damage and is one of just a handful of heroes who can KO 300HP enemies with a single combo. When playing as Magik, players need to sneak around, set up flanks, then surprise attack and escape before dying.
Stepping Discs and Bonus Health generation make her difficult to kill, and even harder to survive against. Spend time learning her abilities and the recommended combos and even in games where no one else on your team is getting kills, you’ll be scoring solo elims left and right.
Find out where Magik ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.
How to Play As
- Sneak around and set up flanks. Never let the enemy know where or when you are going to attack.
- Don’t only use Stepping Discs for their attacks. Make sure to enter the portal to evade enemy abilities.
- Magik doesn’t gain any health from activating her ult. Activate Dark Child behind cover and at full health. She’ll be easy to kill if you don’t and you’ll waste your ultimate.
How to Play Against
- Position where your allies can help you with healing or damage.
- Don’t let her dodge your attacks. Time your abilities for when she exits the Stepping Disc portal.
- The easiest way to counter Magik is by swapping to Namor, Peni Parker, or a flier. Set up turrets or mines near the heroes she’s trying to attack to shut her down.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Bust Damage
Chaining her abilities together gives Magik huge burst damage potential. She has combos that can quickly KO enemies with up to 300 HP.
Invincible Movement
Not many heroes can make themselves completely invincible, and even fewer can do it twice in a row. Stepping Discs can be used to survive any attack, dodge stuns, and help Magik get in the face of her opponents.
1v1 Duels
When she can isolate targets, Magik rarely loses a 1v1. Invincibility, burst damage and bonus health generation give her the advantage in just about every single 1v1 she puts you in.
Has Hard Counters
Limited by her melee-centered kit, the design of multiple heroes hard counter Magik. Namor, Peni Parker, and fliers all get in the way of Magik existing. She’s forced to ignore them and hope her team can deal with them for her.
Poor Mobility for a Melee Hero
Compared to other melee heroes like Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Venom, Magik has very poor mobility tools. Umbral Incursion is her only omnidirectional movement ability but she needs to save it for damage if she wants to be hitting enemies with her burst combos.
Long Staging Phase
Without the ability to quickly traverse the map, Magik has to take long walks to set up flanks. Her staging takes up more time than the rest of the melee heroes, and lying in wait offers no immediate value to her team.
Ability Tips
PASSIVE: Limbo's Might
DESCRIPTION | Convert damage inflicted on enemies into Bonus Health to herself. |
KEY | Passive |
ENERGY COST SPECIAL EFFECT | Convert damage taken into Bonus Health |
Tips for PASSIVE: Limbo's Might
Technically, Magik’s most important ability
- All damage Magik inflicts gets converted into Bonus Health, including damage from regular attacks, projectiles, and the summon demon.
- If you are whiffing attacks, Magik becomes very squishy. You especially need to land your initial attack so you can start fights with over health.
Tip against Loki
- Damaging his clones also generates Bonus Health.
Primary fire: Soulsword
DESCRIPTION | Slash forward with the Soulsword. |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Melee |
DAMAGE | 65 |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | Falloff begins at 4.5m, decreasing to 50% at 6.5m |
ATTACK INTERVAL | 0.83s per hit |
Tips for Primary fire: Soulsword
Animation cancels
- All of Soulsword’s strikes can be animation canceled by activating any of her other abilities including melee.
- Make sure your Soulsword has hit your target before animation canceling or else you’ll stop the attack and deal no damage.
- Alternating between primary fire and melee cancel gives you faster damage than just holding primary fire.
Damage falloff
- Melee attacks don’t typically have fall of damage but Magik’s primary fire does. To maximize your damage, stay in closer range.
SHIFT: Stepping Discs
DESCRIPTION | Jump through a Stepping Disc, teleporting a short distance in the direction of movement. Become Invincible while teleporting. |
CASTING | Dash |
SPECIAL EFFECT 1 | Magik is invincible while moving |
SPECIAL EFFECT 2 | Magik can perform a combo ability within a certain time frame, choosing between Eldritch Whirl or Demon's Rage |
Tips for SHIFT: Stepping Discs
Use for activating the followup abilities, AND for dodging attacks.
- Ultimates like Thor, Namor, and Doctor Strange can easily be evaded with a well-timed Stepping Disc.
Whirl or Demon?
- Demon’s rage is good against Vanguards and deployables.
- Whirl is better against single Duelists and Strategists and for AoE damage.
↳ Primary Elritch Whirl
Whirl + dash
- Magik can dash during her whirl and hit a much larger area of enemies.
- When done properly Magik’s whirls launches forward and still uppercuts at the end. (Inputs: Stepping Disc -> Eldritch Whirl -> Umbral Incursion)
How to time: After using Disc, whirl then immediately dash.
↳ Secondary Demon's Rage
- Deomon’s Rage’s slashes cleave through enemies. When you see enemies lined up, throw a demon on them.
- Great for destroying deployables like Groot walls, Peni nest, Loki Clones, Loki’s rune stones, etc.
- Demon on clones also give Magik Bonus Health and will cleave through multiple clones when left close together.
Good for pressuring payload
- Especially in OT, when you know the enemy can’t leave the payload. Either they keep getting hit by your demon or they walk into your team.
Secondary Fire: Magik Slash
DESCRIPTION | Strike forward an air slash. |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Charged projectile that travels in a straight trajectory |
DAMAGE | 45 - 90 (Maximum damage is achieved after 1.8s of charging) |
Tips for Secondary Fire: Magik Slash
Charge behind cover
- With a maximum charge of two seconds, never stand out in the open while charging up your slash.
Third-person wall peek.
- Especially when the wall is to your left, you can charge up slash, aim at your target, then peek right as you fire.
Combo starter
- Some of Magik’s best combos are started with Magik Slash since you can fire it from a distance before dashing in.
Flex on ‘em
- If you really want to make the enemies feel inferior to your Magik skill, finish off low HP enemies who are running away with a long range Magik Slash.
E: Umbral Incursion
DESCRIPTION | Dash forward and launch up enemies. |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Movement-based damage ability |
Tips for E: Umbral Incursion
Especially important to aim to the right of the enemy.
- Due to Marvel Rivals being a third-person shooter, all of your melee attacks have larger hitboxes to the right of your enemies. Umbral Incursion whiffs often if you are aiming directly at the enemy but has a much higher hit rate if aimed slightly to the right of their body.
Best disengage ability
- While Stepping Discs are Magik’s evade, Umbral Incursion can be used when you need to get out of a fight. Dashing over a wall or to a high ground area where the enemies can’t follow are good ways to get out alive, so you can attack once again as soon as your resources refresh.
Ultimate: Darkchild
(Same abilities but with enhanced properties and reduced cooldowns)
DESCRIPTION | Transform into Darkchild, gaining enhancements to all her abilities. |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Transformation |
DURATION | 12s |
ENERGY COST | 3400 |
SPECIAL EFFECT | When in the Darkchild state, all of Magik's abilities are enhanced |
Tips for Darkchild
Refreshes all CDs
- Use all of Magik’s abilities before transforming into Dark Child since you will automatically get all your cooldowns back upon transformation.
Go for mass AoE damage
- Dark Child’s attacks cover huge areas, so get in the middle of groups of enemies.
Be evasive
- Screaming, “Behold, Darkchild!” alerts the entire enemy team to focus you. Try extra hard to use dash and discs to evade enemy attacks.
Either Force a defensive ult or wait out the defensive ults.
- If you know your team has other ults that can win the fight, go in immediately, target the enemy Strategists, and get their defensive ults out.
- If your’s is the fight winning ult, save it for after the rest of your team gets the enemy's defensive ult out.
Can’t attack but can be killed when transforming from Dark Child back into Magik.
Dark Child Abilities
↳ Soulsword
- Wide swinging, multi hit sword hit good for dealing damage, but much slower than regular Soulsword.
↳ Secondary Fire: Magik Slash
- Good for either starting or finishing a combo
- If you transformed into Dark Child behind cover, stay there and immediately full charge a 180dmg slash to start your attack.
↳ Umbral Incursion
- Travels farther and faster than regular Umbral Incursion, but is used in the same manner.
↳ SHIFT: Stepping Discs
- A bit faster than Magik’s Stepping Disc and the cooldown is only 3 seconds instead of the regular 6.
↳↳ Primary Elritch Whirl
- AoE is twice as wide as Magik’s version.
↳↳ Secondary Demon's Rage
- Don’t summon demons while Dark Child. You are the demon, and the whirl is way way better than the demon during your ult.
Team-Up: Disc Master (Passive)
DESCRIPTION | When Magik is on the field, Black Panther and Psylocke can tap into Limbo to rewind a few seconds back to a previous position; after passing through Limbo, Black Panther and Psylocke will gain Bonus Health based on missing health. |
KEY | Passive |
TEAM-UP BONUS | 15% Damage Boost |
Tips for Team-Up: Disc Master (Passive)
- Psylocke pairs better with Magik than Black Panther does. Psylocke’s projectiles can deal with fliers and other Magik counters while Black Panther’s weaknesses are too similar to Magik’s.
- Decent Team-Up, but not recommended to swap characters just to activate.
- Basic 250HP combo: No Disc or Dash
- Primary→melee→Slash -> primary→Melee
- 250HP
- Whirl→dash -> primary→melee
- 275HP
- Whirl→dash -> primary→Slash
- 300HP
- Whirl→dash -> primary→secondary→primary
- Slash starter 300HP
- Full charge slash -> Dash -> Primary→melee (
- Don’t need full charge against 275 or 250hp
- Dark Child combo: 250HP
- Whril → dash -> melee
- Time dash immediately after hearing whirl hit
Team Comp Synergies
Team comps built around Magik take the attention away from her and inflict a lot of frontal pressure on the enemy team. When the rest of her team can force the enemy Strategists to use their cooldowns to keep their Vanguards alive, Magik becomes way more effective as a backline assassin.
Due to her high amounts of burst damage, she doesn’t need her teammates to help her secure elims through damage. Rather, she needs her team to use up all the enemy's defensive resources.
When the enemy starts counter-picking her with fliers, she appreciates when her team can create a no-fly zone. If she can get some ranged healing in from her Strategists she can perform longer combos and attack for a greater percentage of the match.
Team Comp Example
- Vanguards: Thor, Magneto
- Duelists: Magik, The Punisher
- Strategists: Luna Snow, Rocket Racoon
Hero Synergies
Vanguards: Thor
Speaking of frontline offensive pressure, no other Vanguard brings the same threat level of attacks as the god of Thunder. Thor’s damage forces out defensive abilities.
When he initiates the engagement with his Awakened state, all eyes are on him. Magik then goes in for a combo, scores a quick elim, and immediately gives her team the advantage in a 5v6.
Duelists: The Punisher
A great pairing for one another, Punisher and Magik cover each other's weaknesses and can do everything a pair of Duelists would possibly need to do. A hitscan rifle takes care of fliers and turrets so Magik can actually go in and not get obliterated by the spam damage.
Frank Castle can also have difficulty finding angles on well-positioned blacklines. When they position out of The Punisher’s LoS, however, they make themselves an easy isolated target for Magik to take out.
Strategists: Luna Snow
First off, attach Share the Stage to Magik and you can leave her be. Between the passive healing and her Bonus Health, Magik becomes a very tanky diver. Magik also is great at forcing the enemy’s Luna to use their ult over and over, which leaves her team’s Luna with the resource advantage.
Table of Contents
Base Stats
Role | Duelist |
Difficulty | 3/5 Stars |
Health | 250 |
Movement Speed | 6 m/s |