In this Marvel Rivals Jeff The Land Shark guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.
Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Jeff The Land Shark Character Guide
Jeff the Land Shark Overview
Equal parts adorable and deadly, as your team’s Strategist, Jeff the Land Shark is also equal parts attacker and healer. He should never be doing only one or the other as his kit enables him to seamlessly swap between offense and defense.
Depending on what his needs at a given moment, he can stay behind and line up his allies for high amounts of AoE healing, or take the fight into his own fins and go on aggressive flanks.
In order to succeed with Jeff you’ll need to learn how to balance the two, and when to switch from one to the other. Due to not having a defensive ult, you’ll need to find creative ways of making up for this weakness and win fights via environmental KOs from your ultimate.
Find out where Jeff The Land Shark ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.
How to Play As
- Don’t be a heal bot. The easiest way to increase the value you bring to your team is to add offensive pressure to your team sustain.
- Look for environmental KOs with your ultimate. Before using your ult, plan out if there is a ledge and how you will get there after swallowing the enemies.
- Flank when possible. You can force Strategists to retreat and temporarily take their healing away from their team.
How to Play Against
- If you see his fin, shoot it. Especially when he has your teammates in his mouth, you need to focus all your efforts on shooting his fin.
- Play really aggressive. Since you know he doesn’t have a defensive ultimate you can use your offensive ultimates much more aggressively than usual.
- If you’re fighting an enemy who has Jeff bubbles nearby, don’t overcommit because they can give themselves burst healing as soon as they start to get low.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Jeff can play very selfishly and get away with it. His bubbles and submerged movement make him difficult to eliminate even when isolated from his team. He also has the damage win 1v1 duels.
Speed Boost
Giving your teammates a speed boost empowers them to quickly chase down enemies who are now moving slower than they are. Especially on Vanguards like Groot and Hulk who want to stay close to their enemies, Healing Bubble’s speed boost can be the break point for winning multiple fights.
Fight winning ultimate potential
Although it may not be the most consistent at doing so, It’s Jeff possesses the potential to instantly win team fights. If he swallows multiple enemies and gets environmental KOs, he instantly wins his team the fight in a way no other Strategist can.
Can’t counter enemy ultimates
Imagine your team is under attack by an enemy Star-Lord’s flying aimbot ultimate. Many other Strategist can easily use a defensive ult, save their team and kill the Star-Lord. Jeff can’t swallow the flying enemy, and if he easts his team, he’ll kill them all when he gets quickly bursted down.
Giant head hurtbox
Even with his Oblivioius Cuteness Passive, Jeff still takes a ton of damage due to his giant head taking up all the space facing the enemy. He is easy for the enemy to farm anytime they see him. Also, he can get deleted by things like an Adam Warlock charged right click much more easily than any other hero.
Ultimate can be easily evaded
Anyone with a movement or invaluable ability will easily evade being swallowed when they hear to bell and comp of Jeff’s ultimate. If he misses, not only will he not be getting any KOs, but now he’s deep in enemy territory and has to try and escape with nothing in return.
Ability Tips
Primary Fire: Joyful Splash
DESCRIPTION | Unleash a healing splash. |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Rapid-fire, delayed projectile |
FIRE RATE | 20 rounds per second |
AMMO | 100 |
Tips for Primary Fire: Joyful Splash
Infinite range
- Many players don't realize Jeff’s healing spray has infinite range and no healing falloff. It’s your job to sustain allies positioned far away where your team’s other Strategists may not be able to.
Use after Healing Bubble
- Because your bubbles give both a healing buff and speed boost, you should always be using a bubble on your allies before spraying them with primary fire.
- A full clip of primary fire barely outlasts the buff duration of bubbles so you can bubbles, empty a clip, reload cancel bubbles, empty clip, and so on to maximize healing output.
Pierces allies
- Line up your low health allies to heal everyone in a straight line simultaneously.
Secondary Fire: Aqua Burst
DESCRIPTION | Launch a high-speed water sphere that bursts upon impact, dealing damage to enemies within range. |
KEY | Right Click |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field |
DAMAGE | Projectile Damage: 25 damage per round, Spell Field Damage: 40 damage per cast |
RANGE | 3m spherical radius |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | Falloff begins at 1m, decreasing to 50% at 3m (projectile damage has no falloff) |
FIRE RATE | 1.75 rounds per second |
AMMO | 12 |
Tips for Secondary Fire: Aqua Burst
Direct impact and AoE damage
- You should be trying to go for direct hits, but aiming at their feet helps to still get splash AoE damage even when missing the direct hit.
Use as much as possible, but don’t tunnel on only damage
- The best Jeff players bring a balance of damage assistance and healing to their teams. If all you do is heal, you're missing out on the true value of Jeff’s kit.
Q Ultimate: It's Jeff!
DESCRIPTION | Deep dive into the scene and resurface to swallow both enemies and allies within range, activating Hide and Seek for a brief duration before ejecting the swallowed heroes forward. |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Targeted |
SPECIAL EFFECT | After swallowing allies and enemies, Jeff will deal damage to enemies and heal allies for the duration of the effect, during which they will also benefit from Hide and Seek |
RANGE | 10m radius,5m high cylindrical spell field |
DAMAGE | 25/s |
ENERGY COST | 4000 |
Tips for Q Ultimate: It's Jeff!
Don’t kill yourself
- Instead of swimming to your death, peek over the ledge and spit the enemies down toward the abyss.
Different map areas have different kill floors
- You’ll need to experiment to start memorizing which ledges instantly kill the enemies just a couple meters below the ground, and which have deeper livable areas. Depending on what kind of movement ability the enemy has, they may be able to survive being spat out.
Pay attention to who has been swallowed
- An indicator shows which enemies and which allies are in your mouth. Spit out your teammates with secondary fire before sending the enemies off a ledge.
Heal your swallowed allies
- Even though Jeff’s ult can’t be used as an invincible defensive ult like Cloak & Daggers, it still provides 225 healing per second. That is faster healing than Invisible Woman’s ult. If you swallow a damaged ally, heal them fully before spitting them out.
SHIFT Hide and Seek
DESCRIPTION | Dive into the scene with only his dorsal fin exposed, granting himself a Movement Boost. Jeff can heal while submerged and gains the wall-crawl ability. |
CASTING | Instant Cast |
SPECIAL EFFECT | During the dive, gain Unstoppable, healing over time, and a Movement Boost, while Jeff's hitbox is reduced |
Tips for SHIFT Hide and Seek
Never move in a straight line
- Since his dorsal fin can still be damaged, never travels in a straight line. Even a small amount of wiggling and circling greatly increases how evasive Jeff becomes.
Use Healing Bubble to resurface
- Instead of canceling Hide and Seek by pressing its button again, using a bubble will simultaneously resurface Jeff and spit out a healing bubble
- Aim at the ground to keep the bubble within your usable range.
Climb walls and get flank angles
- High ground is very powerful in Marvel Rivals and Jeff should be using his climb to always be positing and contesting high ground.
- If an enemy is positioned on high ground and is farming your team, surprise them with a wall climb flank and blast them with your primary fire to force their retreat.
Shoot over barriers
- Jeff can use a quick wall climb jump to see over enemy shields and barriers and attack those behind their protection.
- Especially good for finishing off damaged enemies trying to hide for healing.
E Healing Bubble
DESCRIPTION | Spit a bubble that heals the ally who collects it, granting them Healing Boost and Movement Boost while also launching up nearby enemies. |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Summons |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Touching the bubble will immediately activate its effect and will knock back nearby enemies |
DURATION | 180s |
Tips for E Healing Bubble
Healing and speed buffs
- Every ally, (including himself), affected by a Healing Bubble gets both a speed boost and a healing buff. All healing they receive whether it is from Jeff, another Strategist or their self-healing will be boosted by 15%.
Large AoE, so don’t spam unless needing multiple bursts of healing
- When allies are grouped closely together, only one needs to pop the bubble and anyone in range will get the healing plus the buffs.
Knockbacks enemies
- Especially useful against melee enemies.
- Example: When fighting a melee enemy, spit bubbles between the two of you, and every time you grab one you get healing plus knock them out of their melee range.
PASSIVE Oblivious Cuteness
DESCRIPTION | Reduce damage taken from critical hits. |
KEY | Passive |
Tips for Oblivious Cuteness
Don’t have to do anything, Jeff just gets a reduced headshot multiplier to help balance out his gigantic head hurtbox.
- You still tend to take a lot of damage because of how easy it is to land critical hits on Jeff. Don’t interpret this passive as Jeff can face tank because it’s the opposite.
Team-Up: Frozen Spitball
DESCRIPTION | Luna Snow infuses ice energy into Namor and Jeff the Land Shark, who then can tap into the ice energy to power up abilities at will. |
KEY | X |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Aqua Burst will be replaced by Frozen Spitball. When Frozen Spitball hits an enemy or the environment, it will create an area that slows down enemies. Enemies within this area will experience a slowing effect |
DAMAGE | Projectile Damage: 30; Spell Field Damage: 40 |
RANGE | 5m spherical radius |
SLOW RATE | 15% |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | No falloff |
Tips for Team-Up: Frozen Spitball
Slow debuff applies to all inside the icey AoE indicator
- You don’t even need to hit the enemy. Everyone who walks into the icy circles will be inflicted with the slow debuff.
Look to set up a flank attack every time you have Frozen Spitball available
- The slight damage increase combined with the slow makes this a lethal Team-Up ability for Jeff. You destroy enemy Strategists and can outplay most Duelists. Swim to some high ground on an off angle then unleash your icy attacks at the unsuspecting backline.
CD starts immediately
- Only 20 seconds of downtime between uses.
Team-Up: New Friends
DESCRIPTION | Jeff the Land Shark and Rocket Raccoon can ride on Groot's shoulders, receiving Damage Reduction. |
KEY | C |
CASTING | Targeted |
RANGE | Up to 12m |
Tips for Team-Up: New Friends
Not particularly useful
- You don’t want to position where Groot positions so riding his shoulders is generally not a great idea.
Can be used to tank enemy attacks
- In a desperate situation, jumping on Groot’s shoulders can give you enough damage reduction to survive some enemy attacks.
Good when you have Luna Team-Up
- When you have Frozen Spitball as well, slowing an enemy makes it easy for Groot to trap them with his wooden walls and your combined damage melts the trapped enemy.
Team Comp Synergies
Team comps built around Jeff The Land Shark are equipped to benefit from both his direct and indirect support. Anyone can benefit from his direct support when he stands behind them and sprays healing, but stronger pairings have to tools to grab a bubble when needed or coordinate with his flank attacks.
Jeff doesn’t perform great when he has to sit behind his team and heal bot. Instead, he gets more value when he can leave a few bubbles near his team, and position on an off angle.
His speed burst favors a more aggressive playstyle but is wasted by teammates who are going to stand in place anyway. Jeff is well rounded but not the best at any one thing, so he can pair well with other well rounded teammates or allies who specialize in his weakest areas like lacking a defensive counter ultimate.
Team Comp Example
- Vanguards: Groot, Captain America
- Duelists: Namor, Star-Lord
- Strategists: Jeff The Land Shark, Luna Snow
Hero Synergies
Vanguards: Groot
Pair these two ults together and you are guaranteed to win the fight if Groot caught two or more enemies. If he can get the kill, Jeff can take the swallowed enemies to a ledge, or have his team create a kill box area. If he can’t, he can just stall while his team fights with the hero advantage.
When Jeff goes first, he can swallow enemy Strategists, and take away the enemy's defensive ults long enough for Groot to convert strangled enemies into KOs.
Duelists: Namor
Assuming you have Luna, you both get a really strong Team-Up ability that combines to create the ultimate anti-flanker comp. Assume a flanker or melee enemy attacks you. Get a couple of shots in between healing and diving underground while Namor is floating away in his safe water sphere. All the while, the enemy is still getting blasted by turrets.
Additionally, you can leave a bubble near where Namor is set up, to give him on-demand sustain whenever the enemy targets him. Finally, since Namor’s ult prevents enemy movement ability use and knocks down, Jeff can scoop up all surviving enemies and convert each one into an easy elimination.
Strategists: Luna Snow
Luna gives Jeff the only two things he wants in life: Frozen Spitball and a defensive ult. You’re going to have a rough time if your team doesn’t have a defensive ult like Luna’s so you really, really want another Strategist player to have one. As outlined under the tips section, Frozen Spitball raises Jeff’s lethality and the overall value he brings to the team. His offensive flanks become way more effective when he has the Team-Up available.
Table of Contents
Base Stats
Role | Strategist |
Difficulty | 1/5 Stars |
Health | 250 |
Movement Speed | 6 m/s |